Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Marlena Antohi Zarzu

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Psychologist specialized in psychotherapy with adults (individual and couples), children and adolescents. Intervention in: mood problems (depression, anxiety), grief, trauma, difficulties in interpersonal relationships and/or conflicts, identity, sleep problems (insomnia, nightmares, night terrors), dependency, fears (of abandonment, rejection, loneliness, change, disease, etc.), agoraphobia and other phobias, low self-esteem, insecurity, jealousy, envy, hostility, mistreatment/gender and intragender violence, bullying school and work etc. - Tutor Professor Degree in Psychology UNED Associated Center. - Professor in different university and private courses. - Tutor of students Practicum Degree in Psychology. - Researcher; presence in national and international congresses. - Director of the area of ​​Child Attachment and Adult Relations of the Spanish Association for the Promotion and Development of Psychotherapy (AEFDP) - Member of the editorial board of a psychotherapy journal

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The 5 differences between machismo and misogyny

Both machismo and misogyny are phenomena related to sexism and that harm massive numbers of women...

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How to open up more with other people: 6 tips for socializing

How to open up more with other people: 6 tips for socializing

The human being is gregarious in nature, and regardless of our personality characteristics we nee...

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The 10 best Psychologists experts in Eating Disorders in Madrid

With a population of more than 3 million inhabitants, the city of Madrid is currently the most re...

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