Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Mª Belén Cruz Cruz

Degree in Psychology, specialized in Clinical Neuropsychology and Dementia. She has professional vocational experience of more than 15 years as a health psychologist, researcher, teacher, and neuropsychologist specializing in prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (Dementia, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis), and acquired brain damage (Stroke, Cranioencephalic Trauma, tumors). Founder of Neurodemfa more than 7 years ago, as a therapeutic center for Alzheimer's, in which we have managed to be the only center specialized in the diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of Dementia, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis and Stroke, in Malaga capital. She collaborated in the Alzheimer's Days, organized by the Cognitive Impairment Unit of the Neurology Service of the Virgen de la Victoria Hospital (Clinic). She currently participates in several research projects at the European level, in collaboration with FIMABIS. I have participated in numerous investigations, all related to Alzheimer's disease. Which have been published in prestigious international scientific journals.

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Graduated in Psychology, Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, Master in Clinical Neuropsychology and Dementia, specialist in prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (Dementia, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.), and acquired brain damage (Stroke, Head Trauma, tumors, etc.). She specialized in research on

The 10 most used mass manipulation strategies

In 2002, the French writer Sylvain Timsit published a decalogue of the strategies that are most f...

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The greater the use of the Internet, the less religiosity

Religion has been present in the day to day of the human being since several thousand years befor...

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90 phrases and questions to break the ice

There are numerous strange, awkward, or even disconcerting situations that require a way to engag...

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