Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Alfonso A. Alcazar

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My name is Alfonso, I am from Madrid, I am 42 years old, and in addition to other studies (Sociology at the UCM), courses (EMDR – EMDR Spain association, couples therapy - Grazia course Cechini, trauma, therapeutic accompaniment, hypnosis, mindfulness, Expert in Therapeutic Groups - Quipú Institute) and my own studies, I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology (clinical specialty, cognitive-behavioral techniques) and solid training in humanistic therapy (3-year course at the Madrid School of Gestalt Therapy -clinical group- and other courses). I have also gone through years of personal therapy, a necessary condition to deeply know and help oneself and, from that place and knowledge, to be able to understand, accompany and guide the other in their own unique and unrepeatable path. I have always lived with a great curiosity, almost a need, to understand the world that surrounds me and something even more complex: the world that is inside of me, of you, of any person. And, from that knowledge, help myself and the other.

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Psychological therapy - Couples therapy - Personal growth - Psychotherapeutic treatment - Overcoming trauma - Stress - Emotional regulation - Depression - Anxiety - Bad life moments - Self-awareness - Therapeutic Accompaniment - Counseling - Resolution of specific problems - Thérapie en French - EMDR

The objective will be to walk towards a fuller, calmer and more satisfying life, thanks to personal growth (using humanistic psychology, in my case the gestalt), with the long gaze but short step: also solving difficulties and concrete problems in the here and now (using cognitive-behavioral techniques, as well as gaining containment, management and emotional self-regulation capacities) and eliminating those traumas and maladaptive memories of the past (through the techniques of overcoming the trauma of the EMDR).

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