Main stanzas of the Castilian metric

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There is no doubt that the poetry It has been a literary genre that has always enjoyed enormous health in the use of Spanish. In fact, it is still the same today, although poets are not as well known and recognized as they used to be. However, this does not mean that there is no talent left among authors who use Spanish, who manage to ensure that poetic creation and production does not fall into disuse.
Do you need to know what are the main stanzas of the Castilian meter? Take note, because here you will discover all the useful information about it. We start with the lesson!
Remember that the metric is the study of stanzas and verses that make up a poem.
Within this field of studies, various elements must be taken into account, such as the syllabic computation, consisting of the analysis of the number of syllables that make up a verse and from which various types are extracted according to their quantity.
In addition, in the study of the metric it is also necessary to differentiate between traditional or popular poetry and cultured. The first is considered minor art, where the octosyllable. It stands out for its colloquial styles and light themes. Meanwhile, the second uses more complicated verses and deeper themes. Here it is very common to use the hendecasyllable, which comes from the Italian Renaissance.
Finally, we must highlight the rhyme, which implies the repetition of sounds in the last word of each verse, according to the accentuation of the final vowels. Therefore, it is differentiated between rhyme, which repeats vowels and consonants from the last stressed vowel, and the assonance rhyme, which does the same, but only with the repetition of vowels, not consonants, from the last stressed vowel.
In this other lesson we discover you how to measure a poem with tips and examples to help you in your lesson.

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At this point, we already know the main stanzas of the Castilian meter. Remember that stanzas are the sets of two or more verses that make up a poem and whose rhymes are distributed in a fixed way.
Let's see the most important examples we have according to the number of verses and syllables, the rhyme and the metric scheme. You will see that the Castilian metric has a good number of possibilities:
- Semi-detached: consists of two verses, is used in major or minor art, has a consonant rhyme and scheme A, A a, a.
- Third: it has three verses, is of major art (hendecasyllable), consonant rhyme and scheme A, B, A B, C, B.
- Quartet: consists of four verses, is of major art, consonant rhyme and scheme A, B, B, A.
- Round: it has four verses, it is of minor art, that is, based on octosyllables, consonant rhyme and scheme a, b, b, a.
- Serventesio: It has four verses, it is of major art, consonant rhyme and scheme A, B, A, B.
- Quatrain: It has four verses, is of minor art, uses consonant rhyme and has an a, b, a, b scheme.
- Sash: it is of four verses and major art, with consonant rhyme and scheme A, A, A, A.
- Quintet: This type has five verses, is of major art, has a consonant rhyme and has a metric scheme A, B, A, B, A.
- Lira: it has five verses, it is of major and minor art, with consonant rhyme and metric scheme: 7a, 11B, 7a, 7b, 11B.
- Royal Octave: consists of eight verses of major art, has consonant rhyme and scheme A, B, A, B, A, B, C, C.
- Tenth or spinel: it is of ten verses, of minor art, with consonant rhyme and metric scheme a, b, b, a, a, c, c, d, d, c.
- Sonnet: it has a number of verses of fourteen, of major art, with consonant rhyme and scheme A, B, B, A A, B, B, A C, D, C D, C, D.
- Romance: we continue with this metric of unlimited number of verses and minor art with assonance rhyme. Its scheme is -, a, -, a, -, a, -, a, -, a, ...
- Silva and stay: also of unlimited series, of major and minor art with heptasyllable and hendecasyllable verses, consonant rhyme and without a defined metric scheme.
In this other lesson we help you to know how to do the metric analysis of a poem and we give you some examples so that you better understand how to do it.

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