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Psychologist Cristina Santolaria De Castro

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Personal Coach expert in Positive Psychology, CochingxValues ​​and Effective Communication.

I'm Cristina Santolaria. How can I help you? My purpose is to help you manage the stress and anxiety that naturally arise in relationships and in life and motivate you to discover your strengths and a guiding focus. Where we are is the best place to start because everything is in our hands. How can I accompany you? You can count on me to accompany you in difficult moments in which you need a boost to get out of a situation in a loop, make a decision that you postpone, face fears that prevent you from moving forward as you would like, find a goal that focuses you and serves as beacon and, ultimately, achieve a healthy personal balance from a combined methodology between Positive Psychology and Coaching. You will be the protagonist: you will make your own decisions and choose which steps to take to take action and make the changes you need for your life. It gives me immense satisfaction to see how that innate potential of all of us is uncovered and activated, although sometimes hidden... to grow, achieve a goal or solve, dodge or adjust to a difficult situation. In this infinite framework flows my mission in life.

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uqueCoach Personal expert in Positive Psychology, Effective Communication and CoachingxValues: Coach certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF) in the Ontological Coaching modality. Expert in Positive Psychology from the European Institute of Positive Psychology (IEPP). Diploma in Neuroscience Applied to Coaching from the Institute of Neurocoaching. Expert in Educational and Family Coaching from the European School of Leaders (EEL). Specialist in CoachingXValues. International Center for the Development of Values. (Zinquo). Expert in Positive Parenting and in prevention and detection of child abuse (Euroinnova). I also have a degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), with more than 20 years of experience as a journalist in written media, in business communication and in content management and copywriting. Master in Cultural Management. Music, Theater and Dance. Complutense Institute of Musical Sciences (ICCMU), with 15 years of experience in production, creation, consulting and mentoring to entrepreneurs, businessmen and artists in the cultural and cultural industries sector creative.

Empathic listening, the importance of aligning principles, values ​​and goals to achieve personal balance and identification and activation of human strengths are my toolbox to accompany you in your development staff. Another of my favorite tools are questions: they are a way to wake up, observe, get to know oneself, learn, mature... They are, for me, a drive and a source of inspiration. For all this I have chosen Coaching + Positive Psychology to help people improve their lives. "Coaching is curiosity from uncertainty, not from fear." It is a process of creative and stimulating personal development, from effective and productive dialogue, which It will serve to focus, activate strengths, overcome obstacles and face situations that you perceive difficult.

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