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9 Characteristics of PASTORIL Literature

The characteristics of pastoral literature are which were rural-themed novels, with pastoral protagonists, idealized life in the countryside, a sentimental component... We tell you!

He Golden ageIt was one of the moments of greatest flowering for literature, and in this panorama, currents and subgenres that present different characteristics began to develop. From this evolution appears the pastoral novels, which are very popular and grow on a large scale with works created by a large number of authors, not only in Spain, but in many other countries.

In this lesson from a TEACHER, we want to explain in detail what are the characteristics of pastoral literature, so that you understand a little better the way in which the authors of this current wrote.

The pastoral novel is a literary genre that developed in Europe during the Renaissance and which is characterized by its rural theme and for the treatment idealized that they make of peasant life. These types of novels usually present shepherds and peasants as noble and virtuous characters, who function as the protagonists of their stories.

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The pastoral novel is a prose genre that emerged from mid 16th century and it extends until the end of the century although some titles were published in the 17th century.

The pastoral novel is a resource that allows us to understand a little better what life was like after the Middle Ages. Therefore, understanding their characteristics will help us to put ourselves in the context of how those people lived and what were the issues that concerned them. These are the characteristics of pastoral literature.

This is the first of the characteristics of pastoral literature, since it is the one that coincides in all the texts found. Pastoral novels take place in rural settings and the main protagonists are usually the shepherds and peasants who take care of their belongings in a humble way.

During the plot of the work, the author gives much emphasis to the feelings and emotions of each of the characters that appear. It gives each of them the opportunity to expose and give an account of the feelings they experience inside, according to the situations they are experiencing. This reveals the interior of the characters and how the events that happen throughout the plot alter the initial peace and emotional harmony.

Pastoral novels usually present peasant characters as virtuous people and with great honor. In addition, a very idealized vision of work in the field is usually shown, which was not easy at all. An idyllic life is shown, but it is quite far from the reality of the time.

The pastoral novel cannot be classified as comedy or tragedy, but within the same narrative it is possible to identify elements that are within both categories. Duality becomes a fundamental element to distinguish this subgenre.

This type of literature usually has a tono romantic and melancholic. In addition, topics such as courtly love and the desire to have a simple and simple life, together with the loved one, are included. Love is often presented as a powerful force that can inspire and transform characters.

Another characteristic of pastoral literature is the poetic language with which they are written. These texts often use figurative language and include allusions to mythology and classical literature.

Nature in itself it is a very important element in pastoral novels. This can be used in two opposite ways: the first is an idyllic setting where the characters merge with nature. The second, on the other hand, presents nature as a powerful force that affects the characters in a negative way.

Music is another of the main characteristics of pastoral literature. It is an element that is repeated a lot in pastoral novels and, most of the time, it goes accompanied by a song. This artistic expression is used to express the feelings and emotions of the characters.

The protagonists of the pastoral novels are not the nobles of the town or the rich, but the same shepherds. These, in addition, tend to have a very simple and uneventful life.

The following text is a fragment of the work titledThe galatea, written by Miguel de Cervantes. Are you able to recognize all the characteristics of pastoral literature that we have explained to you in the previous section?:

"But oh, how light is this discharge for such a heavy guilt, since I should first die silently so that my honor may live, that, by saying what Now I want to tell you, bury her and end my life!» I was confused by these words of Nisida, and even more so by the shock with which they she said; and, wanting with mine to encourage her to declare herself for her without any fear, it was not necessary to bother her much, for in the end she told me that she not only loved, but that she adored Timbrio, and that that one of hers would always have her covered, if the forced occasion of Timbrio's departure did not force her to do so. discover it.

«Which I was, shepherds, hearing what Nisida said and the loving will to have Timbrio showed, it is not possible to make it more expensive, and it is even good that it lacks the pain that is so expensive stretches; not because I was sorry to see Timbrio loved, but to see myself unable to ever be happy, since it was and is clear that neither I could and cannot live without Nisida, to whom, as I have said on other occasions, seeing her placed in someone else's hands, was to alienate myself from everything. taste."

We hope this lesson has helped you understand the characteristics of pastoral literature. If you want to continue learning more about this subject and have information about all the movements of the literature that have emerged throughout history, do not hesitate to consult our section on the history of literature.

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