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60 examples of words with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU

Words with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU - examples

Words that start or contain the sequence of letters B + R They are very abundant in Spanish. You must remember that this is one of the points that can lead to confusion, since you can doubt whether a word is written with B or with V. Remember that all words that contain the phoneme /b/, followed by a letter R, will always be written with B.

In this lesson from a TEACHER, we are going to give you some examples of words with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU. After these examples you will have no doubts!

You may also like: Examples of words with B and V


  1. Examples of words with BRA
  2. Examples of words with BRE
  3. Examples of words with bri
  4. Examples of words with bro
  5. Examples of words with bru
  6. More examples of sentences with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU
  7. Exercise with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU
  8. Exercise solutions with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU

Examples of words with BRA.

we leave you with some Examples of words that begin with or contain the particle BRA:

  • Arm
  • bra
  • Bravo
  • Roar
  • Bracelet
  • Hug
  • Goat
  • Brazier
  • Female
  • ember

Examples of sentences with BRA

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Now we are going to see how these words work when we put them within its context:

  • My ___ hurts arm
  • I need a hug
  • Cow bellows in the mornings
  • That bracelet it is red
  • In the corral there is a goat
  • After the fire remains the brazier
  • that kitten is female
  • needs to be done ember with firewood
  • that bull is Bravo

In this other lesson we will discover what is the use of B.

Examples of words with BRE.

These are some Examples of words that contain BRE:

  • Pitch
  • Brete
  • Hare
  • Free
  • About
  • Brief
  • Gap
  • Struggle
  • Brevity
  • Poverty

Examples of sentences with BRE

These are some examples of prayers containing the above words with BRE:

  • The pitch it's sticky
  • The Hare jump high
  • That about is for letter
  • the bird is free
  • She talks to the older brevity possible
  • between rich and poor there is a great gap
  • I will be brief with explanation
  • The sailors bregan with nets and fishing
  • It takes a get up for cattle
  • There are countries with a lot poverty
Words with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU - examples - Examples of words with BRE

Examples of words with BRI.

we leave you with some Examples of words that contain the particle BRI:

  • Glow
  • Jump
  • Brigade
  • Toast
  • Hungry
  • Shine
  • Breeze
  • Shelter
  • briceno
  • Intoxicate

Examples of sentences with BRI

Now we are going to see how these words work when we introduce them into a prayer:

  • He glow of the TV is high
  • Tonight there will be a sheltered
  • John likes jump
  • We are going to toast for your birthday
  • I don't like get drunk
  • That star is the one he likes the most shine
  • I like to feel the breeze in the morning
  • My last name is briceno
  • I am going to shelter by the cold
  • He is hungry

Examples of words with BRO.

let's get you some examples of words that are written with bro:

  • Joke
  • Broccoli
  • Brain
  • Row
  • Payment
  • I open
  • Brush
  • Boche
  • Bronzer
  • To sprout

Examples of sentences with BRO

We present you a list of prayers in which you can find the letters BRO joined together:

  • I don't like the jokes
  • I like to eat broccoli
  • We have received the payment of the light
  • I I open the door
  • my pants need brooches
  • children do not use bronzer
  • you will sprouted allergy body
  • He brain It is very delicate
  • Needed brush to paint
  • He doesn't like the fights

Examples of words with BRU.

Finally, we are going to give you a series of Words containing the letters BRU:

  • Bruno
  • Brunca
  • Witch
  • Compass
  • Rough
  • Overwhelmed
  • Brussels
  • Burnish
  • Abruptly
  • Brutal

Examples of sentences with BRU

These are some examples of prayers with BRU:

  • my cousin is called Bruno
  • tonight is from witches
  • I live in Brunca
  • I need a compass to travel
  • He feels overwhelmed
  • that child plays abruptly
  • no child is rough
  • I would like to meet Brussels
  • that ring is fine Burnish
  • she had a fall brutal

More examples of sentences with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU.

we leave you with some extra sentence examples containing the sequence of letters BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU. We have marked the words in bold, so that it is very easy for you to find them:

  • The entrepreneurs exhibition will be in Geneva, Swiss.
  • For this Christmas, I will make a manger ceramic.
  • I'll go sit under a tree, so I'm at the shade.
  • It is pound, so he must have been born in October.
  • After embrace each other a long time, they left the train station.
  • It is the first time that we work with a company of your heading.
  • This year we will go on vacation Brazil, just as we had planned.
  • Thanks to the measures implemented by the Government, the poverty dropped this year.
  • Today copper My first salary, so I'll invite you to dinner.
  • As left over a lot of chicken, tonight I will prepare a special recipe with leftovers.
  • For my brother's birthday, I will dress up as witch

Exercise with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU.

We propose an exercise so that you can verify that the theory of the previous sections has been clear to you. In the following text, you must Mark all the words that are written with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO or BRU:

"In Spanish literature, authors such as Miguel de Cervantes, Garcilaso de la Vega and Federico García Lorca shine. His brave works, from the brief romance to the novel, provide verve and burnish the bronze of the tongue. Spirited is his legacy, passion sprouts and talent overwhelms."

Exercise solutions with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU.

In this section you will find the solutions to the previous exercise. We have marked the words that contain BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU in bold, so you can check if the answer you gave is correct:

"In Spanish literature, shine authors such as Miguel de Cervantes, Garcilaso de la Vega and Federico García Lorca. Their bravas works, from the brief romance to novel, provideverve and burnish he bronze of the tongue. Lively it is his legacy, sprouts the passion and overwhelms the talent."

Now you know many Examples of words with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU, some very common syllables in the Spanish language. If you want to continue learning more about how words are written, do not hesitate to consult our spelling section, where we will give you the best advice so as not to have a mistake in your newsrooms.

If you want to read more articles similar to Words with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU - examples, we recommend that you enter our category of Orthography.

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Words with BRA, BRE, BRI, BRO and BRU - examples

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