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Path to greater Emotional Stability

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In this article we will explore the concept of emotional self-regulation, a fundamental competence in the field of emotional intelligence.. To do this, we will briefly introduce what emotions are and we will expose some benefits and practical strategies to develop emotional self-regulation. Emotional self-regulation refers to the ability to manage our emotions effectively.

In this sense, it allows us to regulate our emotional responses, avoiding impulsive and disproportionate reactions. In addition, this competition will provide us with psychological well-being and alignment to achieve our goals in the different areas of our lives.

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What exactly are emotions?

Before starting with emotional self-regulation, we are going to describe what emotions are. Emotions are subjective and complex responses to stimuli or events that are significant to us and that involve three types of response: cognitive, physiological, and behavioral.

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. For example, when you feel afraid, the fight-or-flight response triggers changes in your heart rate, breathing, and the release of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

These physiological changes are closely related to emotional experience and prepare us to react and respond adaptively to the situations we face. When emotions are excessively intense, people can experience that experience as an unpleasant state.

Emotions play a fundamental role in our lives, since they influence how we perceive, interpret and respond. to the world around us, are universal in humans and come in a wide range of forms and levels of intensity. Common core emotions include joy, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise. These basic emotions can mix and give rise to a wide variety of more complex and subtle emotions.

It is important to keep in mind that emotions are not good or bad in themselves.. They are natural and adaptive responses that provide us with information about ourselves and our environment. However, the way we manage and express our emotions can be healthy or unhealthy. And this is where we can link to the importance of emotional self-regulation.

The importance of emotional self-regulation

Emotional self-regulation is a fundamental component of emotional intelligence. We can define it as the ability to adjust the intensity and duration of our emotional states so that they favor us in reaching our goals and objectives. It involves being aware of our emotions in the present moment and having the ability to regulate our emotional responses and behaviors. so that they are appropriate and adaptive to the situations in which we find ourselves.

The importance of emotional self-regulation lies in the fact that it allows us to have greater control over our emotions, avoiding impulsive and disproportionate behaviors. By developing this ability, we become capable of responding more effectively to life's challenges and difficulties, as well as interactions in social relationships.

Emotional self-regulation entails a series of significant benefits that positively impact our daily lives and our psychological well-being.. Here are some of the main benefits of developing this skill:

  • Greater emotional control: Emotional self-regulation allows us to have greater control over our emotions, avoiding impulsive and uncontrolled reactions. We can more effectively handle stressful situations or challenges by making conscious and thoughtful decisions rather than letting ourselves be carried away by our emotions.

  • stress reduction: The ability to self-regulate our emotions helps us manage stress more effectively. By recognizing and understanding our emotions, we can implement healthy coping strategies, such as coping techniques. relaxation, physical exercise or search for social support, which allows us to reduce stress levels and increase our general well-being.

  • better decision making: When we are able to regulate our emotions, we can make more objective and rational decisions. By separating our emotional responses from our decisions, we avoid making choices based solely on momentary emotional impulses and we consider in a more balanced way the relevant factors for decision-making decisions.

  • healthy interpersonal relationships: Emotional self-regulation plays a fundamental role in our relationships with others. By managing our emotions properly, we avoid excessive or aggressive reactions that can damage relationships. Furthermore, by understanding and regulating our emotions, we can show empathy towards others, which strengthens communication and mutual understanding.

  • Increased resilience: Emotional self-regulation helps us develop greater emotional resilience. We can more effectively face the challenges and difficulties of life, adapting and recovering more quickly from adversity. The ability to regulate our emotions in difficult times allows us to maintain emotional balance, which strengthens our resilience and helps us overcome obstacles.


How to learn to regulate our emotions?

We have been able to see that emotional self-regulation provides us with significant benefits in various areas of our lives. next, We will present some practical strategies that will help us develop emotional self-regulation so that we can take control of our emotions. and consciously choose the response or behavior that we want to give, instead of being dragged by them. Practicing this competence we will be able to help ourselves maintain emotional balance in challenging situations.

  • emotional self-awareness: The first step to emotional self-regulation is to be aware of our emotions. Take some time to identify and label your emotions in different situations. Ask yourself how you feel. This will help you better understand your own emotional responses.

  • Identify emotional triggers: Emotional triggers are situations, people, places, thoughts, etc. that can provoke intense emotional responses. It can help to identify and understand these triggers so you can anticipate them and prepare to respond in a more controlled manner. Look at recurring patterns and reflect on how you can more effectively address them.

  • identify thoughts: Thoughts are key in emotional regulation. The mind is capable of creating frightening and disturbing thoughts that are not rational. In situations in which we feel discomfort, it is important to identify the thoughts that are present and change them to other more appropriate and realistic thoughts that generate well-being.

  • Breath deeply: When you find yourself in a moment of high emotional intensity, breathing is an effective technique to regulate the physiology of emotion in the body. Practice deep breathing taking in air, keeping the air in the abdomen and expelling it while counting to four in each phase, for example. With three or four slow and conscious breaths you will notice that you are calming down.

  • stop before answering: At the moment you feel invaded by some emotion or its intensity, observe yourself, stop and respond consciously. Practicing mindfulness will help you to be aware of your emotions in the present moment and to respond more consciously and thoughtfully instead of automatically reacting on the impulse of your emotions.

  • Develop healthy coping strategies: When dealing with intense emotions, it's important to have several healthy coping strategies to apply in the moment. This can include some practices such as changing the focus of attention, changing activities, talking to someone, doing physical exercise, etc. Find the strategies that work best for you and put them into practice when you need them.


In conclusion, emotional self-regulation is a fundamental competence that allows us to manage our emotions effectively. It is not an innate ability, but can be developed and strengthened with practice and consistency over time. By developing it, we experience significant benefits in our lives, such as increased resilience to stress, personal satisfaction, and the ability to achieve our goals.

This competence gives us greater control over our lives and empowers us to be masters of our emotional responses.. We have presented different practical strategies to develop emotional self-regulation, which when implemented in our daily life, we move towards greater emotional well-being and a better quality of life in general, taking advantage of our emotions for our growth and welfare.

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