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SUMMARY of San Manuel Bueno, martyr and characters

Saint Manuel Bueno, martyr: summary and characters

Saint Manuel Bueno, martyr It is a novel written by the Bilbao author Miguel de Unamuno. The work was published in 1931 in the magazine Today's novel and it was so successful that the writer decided to publish it as an independent book in 1933. In the prologue, Unamuno himself explains that this work is closely linked to his two previous works, with the aim of showing characters who wonder who they are and who they are not.

In this lesson from a TEACHER, we want to help you understand a little better the complex work of Saint Manuel Bueno, martyr and, therefore, we are going to present you a summary of summary of Saint Manuel Bueno, martyr so that you know everything that happens in this novel by Unamuno.

We begin this summary of Saint Manuel Bueno, martyr indicating that it is a short work; However, it is not an easy novel to read and we believe that this summary can help you to understand some important concepts.

The story of Saint Manuel Bueno, martyrIt is explained through the perspective of Ángela Carbanillo, a young woman from the town of Valverde de Lucerna. Start by telling us a little about the

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local priest, named Don Manuel. This religious man professed great faith and was very loved by all the inhabitants of the region. However, the plot begins when Angela suspects that there is some secret that the priest is hiding and that torments him inside. This secret, according to the girl, is what is causing her sadness that she tries to hide, but that is noticeable in the eyes of others.

A few chapters into the novel, Lazarus arrives in the town, Angela's brother. He tries to take her and her mother to the city, but the women flatly refuse because they are both in love with this town and its people.

Lazarus is a boy progressive and anticlerical who does not feel any interest in Don Manuel. However, when he begins to have conversations with the priest, he realizes that he is a much more complex person than he seems and they begin to establish a deep friendship. This friendship reaches the point that The priest confesses his best kept secret: he does not believe in God.

Don Manuel explains to the boy that your faith is a lie which he maintains so that the parishioners of Valverde de Lucerna do not lose theirs. This is the way that the parish priest has found to return to the people the love that they have shown towards him. In this way, the inhabitants of that region can keep holding on to hope that there is something more after death.

The priest's mission completely captures Lázaro and he decides to make it his own as well. Angela's brother abandons his socialist ideas for others and converts to Catholicism to become a follower in the footsteps of Don Manuel.

When the priest dies, he becomes saint for the town parish, without anyone, except for Lázaro and Ángela, knowing the truth.

Over time, Lazarus also dies and Ángela decides to write their story, as if these had been martyrs of Catholicism, completely dedicated to preserving the faith of their people. In her writing, Angela reflects on faith and the reality of belief. In this way she discovers the paradox of Don Manuel and his brother who died without believing that they believed, but somehow believing in something greater than themselves.

And so we conclude this brief summary of Saint Manuel Bueno, martyr, one of the greatest works of Spanish literature.

In unProfesor we discover other great works of Miguel de Unamuno, as well as his Biography.

San Manuel Bueno, martyr: summary and characters - Summary of San Manuel Bueno, martyr

To continue with this summary of Saint Manuel Bueno, martyr It is important to know the main protagonists who carry out the story. The central plot of is centered on the character of Don Manuel, a priest who lives a personal struggle with his faith and the relationship he has with his parishioners. However, in the work there are more characters and the main characteristic that makes Unamuno unique in his novels is the complexity of soul that these present:

Don Manuel

Don Manuel He is the protagonist of the novel, a priest from a small village in Spain. It's about a very complex and contradictory character, since despite being highly respected by the inhabitants of the region, he struggles internally with his faith and his role as a priest. Don Manuel does not believe that there is life after death and feels very distressed by the meaning of his own existence and the mission he has in life.

Despite her doubts, Don Manuel continues to exercise the role of priest she with great dedication, offering comfort, advice and support to her parishioners.


Ángela is a young follower of Don Manuel who looks to him for spiritual guidance. He deeply admires the priest and considers him a true saint. However, when she is faced with the death of her mother and her own terminal illness, Angela's beliefs are tested and that is when she breaks down. He realizes that something is wrong with Don Manuel's faith.


Lazarus is not a believer, but he develops a certain interest in Don Manuel and they become friends. This boy describes Don Manuel as a person who is always willing to help others and very devout in religious matters. This is the character that helps us understand Don Manuel's internal struggles and the importance of his role as a priest in the town.


Blasillo He is a young man who becomes Don Manuel's protégé and who deeply admires the faith and dedication of his teacher. Represents the next generation of believers and the possibility that the faith that Don Manuel has imparted in his parishioners will continue after his death.

We hope that this summary has helped you understand the work of Saint Manuel Bueno, martyr by Miguel de Unamuno. If you want to continue learning more about the books that have marked the history of Spanish literature, do not hesitate to consult our reading section.

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