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11 benefits and properties of sunflower seeds

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Sunflower seeds or sunflower seeds are widely consumed foods.. Although, sometimes, most pipes that come in a bag contain a lot of salt, the edible part is very healthy and nutritious.

The seeds come from the sunflower (helianthus annuus), a herbaceous plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. This plant is native to North and Central America and its main producers are Russia, China, the United States and Argentina. This plant is beautiful and contains hundreds of seeds.

Benefits of sunflower seeds

But, What are the benefits of these seeds? How does eating seeds benefit our health? In the following lines you can find the properties and benefits of this edible food.

1. Improve mood

Sunflower seeds are rich in proteins, which contain amino acids, including tryptophan. Tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that, at low levels, is associated with depression and obsession.

Research seems to indicate that tryptophan may help improve mood symptoms in women with premenstrual syndrome, as well as helping people with depression. Now, it is necessary to consume this product with foods rich in carbohydrates to improve absorption, since other amino acids can compete with tryptophan for transport to the brain.

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However, carbohydrates can divert these amino acids and help increase tryptophan levels in the brain.

2. Improve male fertility

The seeds contain zinc, a mineral that is important for male fertility.. According to research, this mineral can increase the quantity of sperm and their quality. Approximately 100 grams of sunflower seeds contain 5 mg of zinc.

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3. Prevents pregnancy problems

Sunflower seeds are a rich source of folic acid, a B vitamin that is required by our body for cell division and to make genetic material. Likewise, it is very important during pregnancy.

Insufficient levels of this vitamin increase the risk of neural tube defects and spina bifida in the baby and increase the chances of low birth weight or birth premature. Therefore, pregnant women should consume these seeds so that the baby can form well and enjoy good health.

4. They help control weight

Tryptophan, present in these seeds, helps control weight because it regulates appetite. Therefore, it is considered a satiating food.

Pipes also contain chlorogenic acid and some scientific evidence suggests that this component may be useful for weight loss. In addition, this food is rich in healthy fats that are also ideal for losing fat.

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5. Improve hair health

Seeds have biotin, a B vitamin necessary to metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Science claims that biotin can help improve the health of hair, which is made of protein. In fact, animal studies have concluded that introducing sunflower seeds into dogs' diets improved their coat health. Studies suggest that eating sunflower seeds has benefits for people's hair.

6. Fight fungal infections

Fungal infections are quite difficult to treat and can also reappear after treatment.. But sunflower seeds could be a secret weapon against these nasty infections. According to a study, 90.5% of people who applied ozonated sunflower oil twice a day for three months managed to completely eradicate the infection.

Of the entire sample, only 2.8% of people who used this treatment experienced a relapse during the year after their treatment.

7. Improves skin

The skin also benefits from this food, since sunflower seeds prevent it from drying out.. The oil in the seeds improves hydration by forming a protective barrier on the skin and preventing moisture from escaping.

One study found that applying this oil directly to the skin, over a period of four weeks, preserved the integrity of the skin and improved hydration.

8. They help you sleep better

Diet can have a beneficial effect on stress, and the same occurs when it comes to falling asleep. Tryptophan, the amino acid involved in the synthesis of serotonin, is also essential in the synthesis of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.

Now, you must remember that it is necessary to consume sunflower seeds with some carbohydrates to promote the absorption of this amino acid and thus achieve a restful sleep.

9. Prevents Parkinson's disease

The vitamin E present in seeds is a vital nutrient for health. Research concludes that this vitamin may help protect against Parkinson's disease, a disease that affects movement and makes it difficult to carry out everyday actions such as walking, talking, swallowing food. Therefore, vitamin E may have a neuroprotective effect, thereby reducing the risk of Parkinson's disease.

10. Improve cardiovascular health

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Sunflower seeds have nutrients that can help keep your heart healthy, as they are a great source of healthy fats and beneficial phytosterols. Fats help balance blood sugar levels, and together with phytosterols, they reduce bad cholesterol.

11. Improve bone health

This food is rich in calcium and therefore improves bone health. Health professionals recommend the consumption of this food when people suffer from bone decalcification.
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