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Psychological interview for children: 7 key ideas on how it is done

The psychological interview for children is a tool which allows collecting information about the emotional, cognitive or behavioral situation of the children. It is one of the most used tools to carry out psychological evaluations and interventions.

In this sense, it is important to take into consideration some questions about its design and application. We will see below what some of these may be.

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General characteristics of the psychological interview

In general terms, an interview is a method of collecting information. It is a tool that allows you to collect data through a series of questions on a particular topic. As such, it is a technique that can be used for very diverse purposes. Depending on these purposes, the interview is structured and applied in one way or another.

When it comes to a psychological interview, the general objective is to gather information about the set of manifestations that make up a person's psychology. That is, know

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cognitive processes, sensations, perceptions, emotions, attitudes and even behavior.

From this, one of the specific objectives of the psychological interview may be, for example, to know the way in which a person processes or retains information, to then carry out an intervention determined. The interview can also focus on exploring a particular experience, or, on the possible causes of any behavior or discomfort certain.

Generally, the collection of this information is aimed at providing some type of evaluation, determining the characteristics of a particular situation, or it can serve to establish an intervention guide determined.

Types of interview

The psychological interview can be designed in a structured or semi-structured or open manner.

The first case deals with a series of previously established questions whose order and enunciation do not allow to be modified at the time of making it.

In the second case, the interviewer can previously establish a script, although at the time of the interview allows the possibility of introducing new questions or omitting others. This is a more flexible type of interview.

Finally, in the open interview a particular topic is previously established, but without the need to set specific questions, since that at the time of the interview it is expected that the interviewee himself who with greater freedom the specific topics that interest him tackle.

Psychological interview for children: 7 strategies

The psychological interview carried out with a boy or girl can have different objectives, and it is from these that the script, time and application of the interview will be structured. In general terms, this type of interview requires paying attention to the child's psychological resources, his evolutionary development, his interests and hobbies, the sources of family and social support, their perception of the stability of their immediate contexts and their emotional coping strategies, and their ways of adapting to daily life.

That said, we will see below some guidelines that may be important to consider when designing and applying a psychological interview for children.

1. Set the goals

The design of the psychological interview consists of determining its objectives and, from this, the script and structure. In other words, the questions They may be different depending on the purpose of the interview.. For example, the script will not be the same when trying to determine whether there has been an experience of domestic violence, as when it comes to evaluating the minor's cognitive abilities.

2. Consider the evolutionary cycle of the minor and its context

When conducting a psychological interview with children, the questions should be tailored to their zone of proximal development. Depending on how old you are, we can hardly expect him to sit still answering closed questions for a long period of time. In the same sense, it is important to avoid complex and long questions: the vocabulary must be accessible and close to the child.

3. Free techniques

Related to the above, the design of an open or semi-structured interview is recommended. That is to say, resort to free techniques (with questions that are not answered only with “yes” or “no”) and are not very directive. The feeling of being interrogated can be a source of significant stress for the child and hinder the interview process.

4. Prevent the question from influencing the answer

In the same sense, consider that the way in which the interviewer formulates a question often guides or influences the interviewee's response, especially in the case of children. To avoid this, it is important to avoid overly specific questions. as well as tones of voice or forced approaches.

5. The climate of trust

It is important to promote a climate of trust, security and freedom for the child. In this sense, the interview must be carried out in a protected environment, which allows an empathetic climate, and with this, the expression of emotions, thoughts and behaviors.

In the same sense, respect silences and pauses, avoiding pressure to get a response that we probably expect. This means that it is necessary to adapt to the child's emotional situation and respect her own time.

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6. Pay attention to non-verbal language

When applying a psychological interview with children it is very important to take non-verbal language into consideration. This is because, according to the child's stage of development, their cognitive abilities, their emotional situation and even their socioeconomic context, It may be that your linguistic resources are limited.

Pay attention to non-verbal language, looks, silences, pauses, redness, gestures, repetitive movements, smiles, The volume or tone of voice, etc., can facilitate understanding of the situations that are being a source of conflict or satisfaction for the child.

7. Use the game

One of the most used strategies to conduct interviews with children is play. In general, games adapt more easily to the life cycle of children than direct questions. In addition, it is a close and attractive language for them. Especially It is important to use the game at the moment of rapport, since it is the situation that precedes the interview and that allows opening the climate of trust. It is also advisable to use during closure.

Again, the games used depend largely on the information we want to collect, and can range from memos to drawings or simulations of everyday life.

Bibliographic references:

  • Echeburúa, E. and Subijana, I.J. (2008). Guide to good psychological practice in the judicial treatment of sexually abused children. International Journal of Clinical Health Psychology, 8(3) [Online]. Retrieved October 18, 2018. Available in
  • Herjanic, B. and Reich, W. (1997). Development of a Structured Psychiatric Interview for Children: Agreement Between Child and Parent on Individual Symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 25(1): 21-31.

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