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What are COORDINATING conjunctions?

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What are coordinating conjunctions - with examples

The conjunctions They are a type of words known in Spanish grammar, which serve as a link between the propositions of a sentence, the phrases or the words. That is, the conjunctions are responsible for link sentences or parts of sentences, so that the language has cohesion. However, there are several types of conjunctions, since each of them fulfills a slightly different function.

In this lesson from a TEACHER, we are going to explain to you what are coordinating conjunctions and we will give you some examples so that you can understand this concept in a complete way.

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  1. What are coordinating conjunctions: definition
  2. Types of coordinating conjunctions
  3. Examples of coordinating conjunctions
  4. Coordinating conjunction exercises
  5. Solutions to coordinating conjunctions exercises

What are coordinating conjunctions: definition.

The conjunctionsThey are a very common type of words and are present in practically all languages. Its function is essential for

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achieve organized and cohesive texts. This type of grammatical category can be classified into two large groups:

  • The subordinating conjunctions
  • The coordinating conjunctions

The coordinating conjunctions are those that link grammatical units, leaving them at a same level syntactic. These propositions They do not have a hierarchical order, but both have the same importance and can be exchanged.

On the other hand, the subordinating conjunctions They are responsible for linking grammatical units that They have an important relationship between them. They are not interchangeable, since one of the propositions is subordinating and has more hierarchical importance than the other, known as subordinate.

In this way, coordinating conjunctions are those that build sentences or phrases in which the verbal meaning remains unchanged, regardless of which comes before and which comes after. Some of the coordinating conjunctions that we use in our language are and, e, nor, o, u, but, but, instead, this is, that is, that is, both... as..., well... well...

For example:Your parents and My parents have known each other for a long time.

What are coordinating conjunctions - with examples - What are coordinating conjunctions: definition

Types of coordinating conjunctions.

Coordinating conjunctions are classified into several groups, which define much better the specific function that these words fulfill in the sentence:

Copulative coordinating conjunctions

The copulative coordinating conjunctions They are those that indicate a union in which the elements are added, accumulated or subtracted. For example: ni (in the negative sense), y, e (in the positive sense).

Disjunctive coordinating conjunctions

The disjunctive coordinating conjunctionsThey are those that express different ideas or an alternative between both propositions. Here two or more actions are presented, which are opposed in some sense. For example: o, u, or either.

Adversative coordinating conjunctions

The adversative coordinating conjunctions They are those that link ideas that oppose each other. For example: more, but, although, however, but, however, on the contrary, although.

Distributive coordinating conjunctions

The distributive coordinating conjunctions They express contrast between the parts of the sentence and are often expressed in pairs. For example:, good... good, pray... pray.

Explanatory coordinating conjunctions

Lastly, the explanatory coordinating conjunctions They are responsible for clarifying ideas between the different parts of a sentence. For example: that is, that is, that is, this is.

What are coordinating conjunctions - with examples - Types of coordinating conjunctions

Examples of coordinating conjunctions.

Let's put some on you examples of sentences with coordinating conjunctions, so you can see how this grammatical category works:

  • Maria and Iván are the grandchildren of my neighbor Juana.
  • Friendship and love are completely compatible feelings.
  • My cousin doesn't study neither It doesn't work either.
  • Marx and Engels were German.
  • That right has been lost O well has been weakened enough.
  • Gender violence occurs not only against women. either children.
  • The product did not change the content but its packaging.
  • The food was good, although It wasn't the best.
  • Already We have the tickets for the concert, already we take them out.
  • pray in a hurry, pray swimming, pray jumping, they finally reached the city.
  • We need a new manager, that is to say, someone who is qualified for the position.
  • All of us can go to camp, I mean We just have to organize ourselves and find the best place to camp.
  • The thief was imprisoned and He received the punishment he deserved.
  • Were they gorillas or Were the bears that attacked in the movie we saw yesterday at the cinema?
  • Yes ok They had had too many setbacks, they arrived on time.
  • Good you can come with us for a walk or good you can stay here.
  • The teacher answered students' questions for more than an hour, that is to say, I didn't want us to come to the exam with doubts.

Coordinating conjunction exercises.

It's time for you to test your knowledge! One of the best ways to achieve this is through exercises. We propose a series of prayers, so that you point out the coordinating conjunction that is in each of them and tell us which category it belongs to.:

  • I can team up with the girls, that is, if they want to team up with me.
  • They arrived early and they received them.
  • At this time the store may well be open, it may well be closed.
  • Tell me what you've done or I'll tell the teacher.
  • He writes too much, but he does not understand what he writes.

Solutions to coordinating conjunctions exercises.

In this section of the lesson you will be able to check if the answers you had given in the exercise are they correct or, on the contrary, you need to give the theory another review. These are the coordinating conjunctions and their classification:

  • I can team up with the girls, that is to say, if they want to team up with me. - Explanatory coordinating conjunction
  • They arrived early and they received them. - Copulative coordinating conjunction
  • At this time the store good can be open, good may be closed. - Distributive coordinating conjunction
  • Tell me what you have done O well I will tell the teacher. - Disjunctive coordinating conjunction
  • He writes too much, but He doesn't understand what he writes. - Adversative coordinating conjunction

We hope this lesson has helped you better understand what are coordinating conjunctions and what is its classification. If you want to continue learning more about this topic and deepen your knowledge of grammatical categories, do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section.

If you want to read more articles similar to What are coordinating conjunctions - with examples, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Cid, M. M. (2002). The coordinating conjunctions of current Spanish from the functional point of view. Linguistics Bulletin, (18), 49-70.
  • Murga, F. g. (2017). On adversative coordinating conjunctions. Theory: an international journal for theory, history and foundations of science, 32(3), 303-327.
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