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The Trickster of Seville

The Trickster of Seville: summary

Image: DiarioInca

The Trickster of Seville it is a play that is attributed to Tirso de Molina and in which the myth of the don juan character. Today, this is one of the most classic plays in Spanish literature and Don Juan has managed to become a universal character that even generated the creation of a new word in the Spanish lexicon "Donjuanismo".

In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to show you a summary of The Trickster of Seville so that you can better understand the plot of this literary classic and understand the plot in a concrete and concise way. A summary by days or acts that will help you better prepare for your exam or carry out your homework.

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  1. Summary Act I of El Burlador de Sevilla
  2. Act II of El Burlador de Sevilla
  3. Summary Act III of El Burlador de Sevilla
  4. Characters from El Burlador de Sevilla: main and secondary characters

Summary Act I of El Burlador de Sevilla.

We begin this summary of El burlador de Sevilla talking about the First Day or Act I. Here we will know from the first scene the character of

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Don Juan who has sneaked into the castle of the King of Naples because he aims to have sex with the Duchess. To achieve this, he pretends to be Duke Octavio but the queen realizes the deception and calls the guards. At this moment, Don Pedro, Don Juan's uncle, will appear and he, through ties of blood, lets his nephew escape from the castle.

In this first Act we also learned that, in reality, Don Juan is engaged with the daughter of King Alfonso de Castilla, a commitment that the King fully trusts in him and causes him to end up rejecting the many marriage proposals that his daughter receives almost daily.

Next, we find another scene in which we will fully know Don Juan and his seductive attitudes. This character will seduce a fisherwoman and, in order to get her to her bed, he deceives her by telling her that he will marry her because he has fallen madly in love with her with her. This is just some of the tricks that the seducer tries to carry out to get to have sex with women, and he almost always succeeds!

Careful! We must not confuse this work with Don Juan Tenorio by José Zorrilla, another work that was written in Spanish romanticism and that has other characteristics.

The Trickster of Seville: summary - Summary Act I of The Trickster of Seville

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Act II of El Burlador de Sevilla.

Continuing with this summary of The Trickster of SevilleWe will now focus on what happens during Act II of this play. This new Conference begins with a conversation between Diego Tenorio and the king about what happened in Naples with the Duchess because she has received a letter from her brother (Pedro Tenorio, who is Juan Tenorio's uncle) telling her the reality of what happened. Faced with this situation, the king proposes banish Don Juan because of his immoral and indecent attitudes.

Don Juan continues with his seduction intentions and his next "prey" is a very beautiful woman who is engaged to the Marquis de Mota. He tells her that she is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, something that delights Don Juan and that he will end up asking her for an appointment to meet her in person. To satisfy his sexual desires, Don Juan will cheat on his friend Mota of him and will decisively conquer Ana. Don Gonzalo will get in his way and, blinded by desire, Don Juan will end up killing him.

At the end of their courtship, Mota learns what has happened and the disgrace to which Don Juan has brought the beautiful Ana. This situation is again known to the king who decides to impose a serious punishment on the seducer: cut off his head. But Don Juan has fled and no one knows where he is.

At the end of this Act II we will find another scene in which we will see Don Juan in a engagement party and suddenly he sits next to the bride-to-be aiming to to conquer her.

The Trickster of Seville: summary - Act II of The Trickster of Seville

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Summary Act III of El Burlador de Sevilla.

And we finish this summary of El burlador de Sevilla to talk about Act III of this play. Here we will start by getting to know the new "victim" of this seducer: Aminta, Batracio's fiancee whom he is about to marry. Don Juan sits next to the woman with the aim of conquering her and ending up seducing her. To achieve this, he promises that he is going to marry her, something that the girl ends up believing and, therefore, falls into her networks. After dishonoring her, Don Juan escapes from her again leaving Aminta alone, sad and ashamed.

Queen Isabel meets the fisherwoman whom Don Juan had also deceived and makes the determination to talk to the king to avenge the disgrace he has experienced and that many women are living because of Don Juan.

At this moment we find that the protagonist is in Seville since he is going to visit Don Gonzalo, the man he killed when blinded by his desires. He will come across a statue of him that he will end up challenging to meet face to face at the inn. Something that, surprisingly, ends up happening to Don Juan's astonishment. Gonzalo will ask you to meet him at the cemetery the next day for dinner.

Don Juan will appear at the appointment with Catalinón and Gonzalo will have a dinner of vipers and scorpions prepared for him. The protagonist will not regret his actions and will end up enjoying that dinner, something that he will lead you headlong to hell.

The Trickster of Seville: summary - Summary Act III of The Trickster of Seville

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Characters from El Burlador de Sevilla: main and secondary characters.

To end this summary of El burlador de Sevilla, it is important to pause for a moment on the main and secondary characters of this play. In this way, we will better understand his personality and his psychology.

Don Juan Tenorio, the protagonist of El Burlador de Sevilla

He is about a man who comes from a noble family and has a unstoppable sex drive. Due to his aristocratic status, he often manages to circumvent authority but, in the end, his sins will be more serious than his weight on the social scale and he will end up paying for all of them. The highlight of this character is that he is a rogue full-fledged: he takes advantage of all tricks and deceptions to achieve his purposes. In this case, the only thing he is after is having sex with different women, not caring about his feelings at any time.

He is about an anti-moralist, anti-Christian and rebellious character. There is nothing to stop you from carrying out his lies, not even if he speaks the word of God. He does not allow himself to be governed by moral or social rules, he only follows his intimate impulses to the letter and, to satisfy them, he carries out a very well-defined strategy full of evil. Therefore, we find a anti-hero who is proud, arrogant and selfish.

The king of Castile

He is a secondary character in this work but very important since he is the authority in charge of ordering weddings and also ordering executions, exiles, and so on. Due to the friendship that exists between this king and Don Juan's father, the son has often seen himself forgive for his sins. However, during the development of the plot, the king will end up taking measures to prevent Don Juan from continuing to harm all the women of the kingdom.

Don Juan's father

It is about an older man who feels a real shame for the actions of his son. Although at first she professes a little compassion for him, in the end she will end up admitting that they condemn his son for his evil actions that he has ended up committing.


He is the character that accompanies Don Juan at all times of the play. She is his servant and is a noble and honest character who truly appreciates Don Juan. He tries by all means that I love her he does not get into trouble but without getting too much success. In fact, he recommends that you not go to the dinner of his death to avoid the tragic outcome of the protagonist.

Gonzalo de Ulloa

He is the father of Ana, the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. He will end up being killed at the hands of Don Juan when he tries to stop him from seducing her. He is a very relevant character in the play because he will return from the dead to kill Don Juan in the name of God.

The Trickster of Seville: summary - Characters of The Trickster of Seville: main and secondary

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