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Anne Frank's diary: main and minor characters

Anne Frank's diary: main and minor characters

Image: The Holocaust

Published in 1947, Ana Frank's diarycollects the experiences of Anne Frank during the years 1942 and 1944, time that she spent in hiding from the Nazis with her German family of Jewish origin in the city of Amsterdam. It is an autobiographical story, written in her handwriting. In a PROFESSOR it seems to us a great way to know first-hand the events that occurred during the World War II so for you to begin to locate yourself more in this diary we have prepared an article with the main and secondary characters of Ana's diary Frank. Currently, this book has been considered one of the best classics of the 20th century.

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  1. Short biography of Anne Frank
  2. Main characters of The Diary of Anne Frank
  3. Minor Characters in The Diary of Anne Frank

Short biography of Anne Frank.

Daughter of a German family of Jewish originAnne Frank moved to Amsterdam with her parents after Hitler's rise to power in 1933. The

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anti-semitic laws promoted by Hitler made Ana and her family have to look for a place to hide not to be deported to a concentration camp or assassinated. They found, luckily, some rooms located in some old offices in the city and they managed to stay hidden for two years, from 1942 to 1944. Later, they were discovered by the Gestapo.

During the period of confinement, Ana wrote her diary that thanks to the father of the family, the only one who managed to survive after the war, it could be published. This is the compilation of a moving and sad testimony of the time, where you can live the terror that this family experienced, like many others. Ana, the protagonist, she ended up dying of typhus in a concentration camp with only 15 years.

The Diary of Anne Frank: Main and Supporting Characters - Short Biography of Anne Frank

Main characters of The Diary of Anne Frank.

We continue this lesson on the characters of Ana Frank's diary speaking of the protagonists of this narrative. The most prominent characters are the following:

Anna Frank

Protagonist of the book and omniscient narrator, Anne Frank is the one who writes hers own diaries of hers. All the experiences and events that she and her family had to live will be narrated from her own hand. It shows to be a young man with a fighting spirit, intelligent and communicative, with the hope and aspiration of becoming a writer at some point and future in her life. She always tells the truth and is very stubborn, characteristics that will lead him to have the odd fight in the annex where they have to live together.

Mr. Frank (Otto Frank)

Called "Pin", Anne Frank mentions several times that it is her father. Of kind and noble character, he will be the only survivor of the family and the one in charge of later publishing these diaries. He did not attend a Jewish school or teach Hebrew or Jewish religion classes, he was a banker in Frankfurt even losing his job due to war and the economic crisis.

Ms. Frank (Edith Frank)

It's about the Ana's mother. The relationship that she maintains with the protagonist is not like that of her father, she being much less harmonious. Show a quite conservative character that clashes with Ana's ideas and routines. She is a woman refined, calm and serious. She tries to get closer to Ana but she can't quite succeed.


Margot is the sister of Ana. The protagonist describes her as the spoiled of her father in addition to quiet. Also shown compassionate towards her sister. Unlike Ana and Otto, her father, she goes to the synagogue more often with her mother. She would like to be a teacher or a nurse and it is probable, according to Anne Frank, that she also kept a diary but later disappeared.

The Diary of Anne Frank: main and minor characters - Main characters of The Diary of Anne Frank

Image: StoryBoard

Secondary characters in The Diary of Anne Frank.

We finished this lesson on the characters of The Diary of Anne Frank to talk about the characters that, although they are not so important in the work, they are essential to better understand the narration.

Mr. Van Daan

She is one of the characters with whom the family must share a path and a hiding place during those two years that the newspapers narrate. Apart from the constant fights with his wife and the time he spends repairing or doing things for the hideout, not much else is mentioned about the character.

Ms. Van daan

Flirtatious woman not of great intelligence who constantly fights with her husband because of her selfishness. Anne Frank credited the role of causing most fights that are carried out in the environment of coexistence of all. She is in charge of cooking and is a very orderly woman.


A boy who becomes the best friend of the protagonist. He is the son of the Van Daan family. At first, Ana will seem boring and lonely but over time they will get closer, especially him, so as not to feel so alone. He constantly fights with his parents Because he believes that they treat him like a child, he finds it difficult to have confidence in himself.


Dentist. A being quite childish and bad-tempered, according to Ana, although it seemed that before he had been someone much more quiet and friendly. The protagonist comes to think that it could be that she had some kind of cognitive condition.


The protector of all tenants who live in the annex of the place. Man of great courage and good humor. He is in poor health from an ulcer.

The Li

Eli is another of the characters in The Diary of Anne Frank. Person also in good humor and identified by Anne Frank as the protective also from the annex.


A character that works with Ana's father and ends up making friends with her too.

Mr. Kraler

He also works with Ana's father and he is always thinking of putting a revolving closet at the entrance of the annex. He cares.

Mr. Voseen

Eli's father. Very helpful and good. He is not in very good health, as he is sick with cancer. He is he in charge to make the closet where at least six people will remain hidden.

If you want to read more articles similar to Anne Frank's diary: main and minor characters, we recommend that you enter our category of Reading.


  • Anonymous. (2016). Characters from The Diary of Anne Frank. The thinker.
  • Anonymous. The Diary of Anne Frank: Summary, characters, editorial and more.
  • Biographies and lives (2004-2019). Anna Frank: Biographies and lives, the online biographical encyclopedia
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