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Biography of Pío Baroja

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the biography of Pío Baroja.

Pío Baroja was a Spanish novelist and essayist included within the generation of 98. That is to say, 1898, where there was a breeding ground, since Spain was immersed in great crisis, of great thinkers such as Miguel de Unamuno, Azorín or Pío Baroja himself. So we are going to make a small summary of his biography and to know why he was so capital in the Spanish culture of the early twentieth century.

Pío Baroja was born in San Sebastian in 1872 and he died in Madrid 1956. He spent his most tender childhood in San Sebastian but very soon, with the whole family, they moved to Madrid. They lived there for a time because of his father's work, but soon after they moved to Pamplona. It is there where he has always said that he has spent his adolescence and youth and where he had his sentimental upbringing. He was who he was for having lived in Pamplona. A short time later, before starting to study at the university, they moved back to Madrid and he began studying medicine. Although it is true that at the beginning he takes them with great enthusiasm, he too soon realizes that medicine is not what interests him the most, although he continues to study.

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He also begins to frequent literary circles, artistic circles where he comes into contact with bohemian and artist people. Little by little, he sees that this is what interests him and that he wants to participate in everything. He has many problems in Madrid University of Medicine due to different encounters with the teachers so he decides to move to Valencia to finish his degree. Finally, he graduates in medicine. During that time he already began to participate in newspapers in Madrid and San Sebastian sending articles.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Biography of Pío Baroja" and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.

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