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POETIC FUNCTION of language: definition, characteristics and examples

For Sara Caro. October 1, 2019

Poetic function of language: definition, characteristics and examples

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The human being is the only animal that is born with the ability to communicate verbally. As a result of this, the human being has developed, throughout history, various types of language with different functions to make it easier for us to communicate, both orally and written.

One of the functions of language is its poetic form. Do you want to know what the poetic function of language is? Well, don't miss this lesson from a TEACHER if you want to know the definition, characteristics and examples of the poetic function of language.

The poetic function of language, also known as aesthetic function, is based mainly on in the form of the message, in the styles used and in the literary resources since the main objective of this poetic function is to give greater emphasis on the information that is transmitted Y embellish the message so that its impact is greater.

In the poetic function of language, much importance is given to form of enunciation

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, especially in popular formulas like riddles or tongue twisters. Likewise, within the poetic function playful elements are included to give more weight to the language.

This type of function is usually use mainly in literature, both in written literature and popular literature. But in what ways do we find this function? The novel, the story, the poetry, the fables, the legends, the sayings or the riddles are some of the examples where we can find this type of function of the language.

In this other lesson we will discover the different language functions according to Roman Jakobson.

Poetic function of language: definition, characteristics and examples - Definition of the poetic function of language

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The poetic function of language has a very well defined purpose, the produce an aesthetic sensation of beauty or of liking to the person who reads or listens to the message. That is why he has a features concrete that help us to identify the poetic function.

  • In the poetic function of language, the main element is not only the message, but also the shape in which it communicates. That is why it is necessary to use expressions and intonations that are consistent with that function.
  • The poems, dramatic texts, songs, sayings and even riddles are some of the texts in which the poetic function is specifically used. However, it is not only intended for this type of text. This language function can also be used in advertising campaigns or in colloquial speech.
  • The poetic function of language is used to enrich expression of an idea.
  • Adjectives and adverbs are commonly used to emphasize the message, especially when describing objects, places or people.
  • Use of the literary figures to give a greater verbal richness to texts and expressions.

These are the guidelines that must characterize the poetic function of language so that they truly fulfill their function.

Literary figures in the poetic function of language

Within the poetic function of language, some literary figures that are used with some frequency can be highlighted:

  • Metaphor.
  • Simile.
  • Hyperbole.
  • Metonymy.
  • Hyperbaton.
  • Ellipse.
  • Description.
  • Irony.

The rest of literary figures, although they are also used, they are less frequent in these types of texts.

Poetic function of language: definition, characteristics and examples - Characteristics of the poetic function of language

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Here are some examples of the poetic function of language so that you are even clearer when this type of language function is used.

  • The stony road, annoying.
  • The naughty moon watches us in the park.
  • Here I am stunned by so much silence.
  • In the end, the big losers are the ones who keep all the secrets.
  • He would give it his all to see you smile one more time.
  • He is the law. In the land of the blind, one-eyed is king.
  • Tonight the moon shines high as if it were a diamond.
  • To heaven begging and with the mallet giving.
  • Is it true that they deal transparent cards all over the sky?
  • Kiss me and you will know how important I am.
  • Who kills iron, dies iron.
  • Some simple things require complicated design, while complicated facts have a number of simple explanations.
  • This is perseverance; even a weak drop of water pierces the stones.
  • He watched the cars go by with a certain melancholy. He somehow knew that she would never return.
  • In the blacksmith's house, a wooden knife.
  • Pablito nailed a little nail, what little nail did Pablito nail?
  • The early bird God helps.
  • Like father Like Son.
  • A bird in hand is better than a hundred flying.
  • Yesterday I passed by your house, and you threw me a brick, to see if you throw me another and I build myself a castle.
  • He calmly watched the fish swim, he listened in peace to the birds sing, he felt the wind blowing calmly, he thought of her without haste as he walked.
  • Love is a remedy for the soul.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining.
  • One swallow does not make a summer.
  • Works are loves, not good reasons.
  • His skin is as smooth as silk.
  • Gold seems, silver is not, who does not know, a fool is.

These are some of the examples that reveal what the poetic function of language is and when it can be used in language. Do you want to learn more about language and literature? Well, don't forget to visit our grammar section at to catch up and know how to write correctly on any occasion.

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