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Musical classicism: characteristics

People are naturally influenced by everything around us. The set of circumstances, the historical context, the society... it is the thousands of factors that happen around us that define our way of thinking and living. Eventually, we also have the ability to influence our environment and that is how the ages change and the arts evolve.

Each stage is important in the story because it is a step of change, however there are some key moments that will radically affect the rest of the story to come. This is the case in music with classicalism, a time that laid many foundations for classical music as we know it today. In this lesson from a TEACHER titled Musical classicism: characteristics We will learn about this stage in the history of music.

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  1. Historical context of musical classicism
  2. Musical characteristics of classicism
  3. Musical forms of classicism
  4. Classical composers

Historical context of musical classicism.

Before entering with the characteristics of musical classicism it is important that we understand the historical context of this movement. Classicism happened roughly between the years

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1750 and 1820 in Europe, having to Vienna as the most important city on a musical level, followed by Paris, Berlin and Mannheim.

In earlier times, music was an art that was mainly performed by aristocrats, this being an art considered refined and used mainly to entertain society events, private family concerts or exclusive public concerts and for functions liturgical. In contrast, at this time it happens to be diffused for the first time by the public of the bourgeoisie. This caused an increase in the reach of the music to the general public and also internationally.

Musical classicism: characteristics - Historical context of musical classicism

Image: Musilenguastica

Musical characteristics of classicism.

Coming from the style Baroque where density, loaded ornamentation and extremes were appreciated, classicism emerges proposes its aesthetics as a response. In contrast, the music of classicism is characterized by its transparency, clarity, symmetry and solidity in tonality. The main objective of this style is the search for naturalness and the rejection of excesses.

Within the classical music characteristics we highlight the following:

  • This musical style has a main melody that is supported and accompanied for the rest of the instrumentation. These melodies were the primary objective, having a character cantabile (melodious, related to the singing of the voice).
  • Harmonically the harmonies are very clear and structured, with chords that remain in their specific functions and with a defined cadential direction.
  • The major mode predominates, which is related to vitality, bliss and contentment, in contrast to the lesser mode that is perceived as gloomy.
  • In terms of time and rhythm, everything is also very defined, the compass is clear and it is strongly governed by harmonic changes.
  • At this time the symphonic Orchestra increases in size. It begins to experiment more with movements of dynamics and articulations as a whole, which leaves the instrumentalist as a soloist in the background.
Musical classicism: characteristics - Musical characteristics of classicism

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Musical forms of classicism.

And we end this lesson on the characteristics of musical classicism by talking about the musical forms of classicism. It is at this time when the models of classical music are outlined, forms that would endure as the symphony and sonata.

  • The symphony for example, it is a work composed for the performance of the complete symphony orchestra and is perhaps one of the forms more grandiose and complete of classical music. It is made up of several movements and lasts longer compared to other forms.
  • Refering to Sonata we can say that it is probably the most widespread form during classicism. It was intended for the interpretation of a soloist or a duo, generally made up of a melodic instrument and piano. The sonata has a defined developmental structure that was based on classicism and that continues today.

Among other forms of classicism we can mention the serenade, or fun and opera. Formations such as the trio, quartet and quintet. Finally, regarding religious music, it remains to be mentioned that at this time it was in decline. However, important forms emerged such as the requiem, which has a funereal character.

Musical classicism: characteristics - Musical forms of classicism

Composers of classicism.

Classicism arises right after the death of one of the most important musicians in history: Johann Sebastian Bach. The musicians who would follow him, although they developed their own path, were influenced in one way or another by his work.

Among the important musicians of this time we have nothing less than Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart who is perhaps one of the most recognized figures in classical music, being considered a child prodigy and creator of numerous musical works, among which his symphonies stand out. At this time we also have Franz Joseph Haydn, Johann Christian Bach (son of Bach), Antonio Salieri, Luigi Boccherini, Muzio Clementi and Níccolo Paganini among others.

In all areas of history there are points that define the times to come, classicism is definitely one of these periods that would leave us undeniable inheritances for the rest of the works that would be created in the name of the music. Ultimately in art, it is excellence and the scope of beauty that endures.

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People are naturally influenced by everything around us. The set of circumstances, the historical...

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