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Recognize the stressed syllable

The stressed syllable It is the one we pronounce with the most force. It is, therefore, the syllable that we stress when pronounce the word. This accent can be represented with a graphic accent or accent or simply be pronounced with more force and not appear marked in the word.

In this video I will explain how recognize the stressed syllable In one word. To do this, the most important thing is to pronounce it out loud to see how it sounds. Most of the time when we pronounce it in the right way we will realize why it will sound good to us. When we pronounce it in the other ways, it will seem very forced. In addition to this trick, to find the stressed syllable of words The graphic accent or accent will help us. For this it is very important to know the accentuation rules of sharp, flat and esdrújulas words.

It should also be borne in mind that in each word there is only one stressed syllable. Instead, unstressed syllables can have one or more than one.

In order to practice the stressed syllable recognition

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I have prepared a printable exercise with solution that will help you understand and practice it.

If you have any questions about this video of stressed syllables, ask me through the section dedicated to this on our website.

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