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Lyrical genre: most important elements

Lyrical genre: most important elements

The lyric It is one of the most important and influential literary genres in the world of letters. It is a genre that has very particular characteristics and elements that differentiate it from the rest of the genres in literature. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to offer you a summary of the main elements of the lyrical genre so that you can better know all the peculiarities of this genre that is so abundant in the history of universal literature.

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  1. What is the lyrical genre and its characteristics
  2. The poem, one of the elements of the lyrical genre
  3. The verse in the lyric
  4. The stanza, another essential element of the lyrical genre
  5. The rhythm and the rhyme in the lyric
  6. Other important elements of the lyric genre

What is the lyrical genre and its characteristics.

Before entering fully with the elements of the lyrical genre, it is important that we better understand what this genre consists of and what are the most outstanding characteristics of it. You should know that, historically, the lyric has been one of the

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most cultivated genera by poets of all time. Although it appears above all in works of poetry, the truth is that in narrative texts you can also choose to use a lyrical genre and, therefore, create narrative poetry.

In the lyric, the poet expresses his feelings and your emotions through the personal use of language. Normally, language is used rhetorically in order to express a deeper and more individual plane of reality. The musicality It is something typical of this genre that, thanks to rhyme and verse, manages to create a unique and very aesthetic melody.

Main characteristics of the lyric

In this other lesson we will tell you in depth what are the characteristics of the lyricmost prominent; However, here is a brief summary so you can learn about them above:

  • Use of the verse: in the lyric, the verse is used to make the texts, in the case of the narrative, prose is usually chosen
  • Poem: It is the most classic way in which the lyric genre is usually expressed. The verses are joined to form stanzas and thus create poems
  • Subjectivity: it is another of the most generic characteristics of the lyric since the poet reflects his thought, his ideas and his emotions on the text
  • Use of figurative language: the literary resources are part of the lyrical genre as they help to give a new meaning to the language
Lyric genre: most important elements - What is the lyric genre and its characteristics

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The poem, one of the elements of the lyrical genre.

One of the elements of the lyric genre is the poem since it is the most common expression with which you can carry out the lyrics. The poems literary pieces that have become the most classic way of being able to express the lyric. This is the reason why, many times, lyric is confused with poetry, but it is important to note that it is NOT the same: poetry is a type of lyric, lyric is the genre in a global way.

In a poem we find elements such as verses, rhyme, meter, etc., which, when combined, make up a joint piece that is what we know as a poem. The stanza of the poem is the unit that unites all the verses and that, together with the stanzas, one can speak of a poem. The poems have several stanzas and the stanzas with several verses; all this makes up the poetic structure.

In this other lesson we will discover what the structure of a poem so that you better understand all the elements that make it up.

Lyric genre: most important elements - The poem, one of the elements of the lyric genre


The verse in the lyric.

The use of verse is essential in the lyrical genre since it is the way that words are organized within the poem. As in the narrative we can speak of sentences, in the lyric it is the verses that are in charge of sort the information and present it the reader. The verse is one of the minimum units of the poem and the way in which it is counted is through the syllables it contains, not through the words.

Depending on the number of syllables that has a verse, is when we find eight-syllable, hendecasyllable, Alexandrian, etc. verses. Something essential to know and learn to detect when you want to carry out the analysis of a poem.

The stanza, another essential element of the lyrical genre.

We continue to analyze the elements of the lyrical genre to talk about another part of the poetic structure that is essential to be able to create texts of this type. We refer to the stanza, the set of verses that go together and that differ from the rest by being separated or by having used a specific punctuation mark. The stanzas tend to agglutinate the information for thematic reasons so, when we move on from the stanza, it is possible that the text presents a change, a twist or a new perspective.

The signs that can indicate that a stanza has been finished can be several but, in general, the point, the period and as, etc. are usually used. In addition to thematic reasons, the verses that are part of the same stanza also share rhyme and rhythmic unity.

Depending on the number of verses that are integrated into the stanza, as well as the type of rhyme that we find, we can talk about different types of stanzaslike triplets, couplets, joy, etc.

Lyrical genre: most important elements - The stanza, another essential element of the lyrical genre

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The rhythm and the rhyme in the lyric.

The rhythm of the lyric is an essential element that is important to define the structure of the poem. In order to be able to define its rhythm well, issues such as the distribution of accents.

Rhyme is also a staple of the lyric genre. It's about the repetition of sounds and, depending on the stressed syllable, we can find different rhyme classes in a poem. In general, you should know that there are assonance rhymes and consonant rhymes, but there are other ways of talking about the rhyme, such as, for example, if they are in an acute, flat or esdrújula syllable.

Other important elements of the lyric genre.

In addition to the elements of the lyrical genre that we have indicated above, there are also others that deserve to be taken into account in order to better understand how this literary genre is formed. Here is a summary of all of them:

  • Lyrical voice: In this genre, the speaker's voice is lyrical. That is, it is a voice that has been created by the poet and that becomes a character or a member of the literary text. This is why the lyric is full of subjective connotations where the main voice tells us about their feelings, their emotions, their ideas, etc.
  • Declarative function: Another main element of this genre is that the literary voice has a merely enunciative will. That is, he wants to explain something to us, tell us an idea or a thought that he has in mind. There is hardly any action in this type of composition, but what is abundant is enunciation, definition, description, etc.
  • Appellate communication: this means that the speaker, the poetic voice, usually addresses someone in particular, a fictitious "you". This means that, in the vast majority of the time, lyrical texts are addressed to a second grammatical staff. With this resource, the poet manages to create a closer bond with the reader and make the communication much more intimate and personal.
  • Lyrical object: When we speak of "lyrical object" we are referring to the triggering event that has caused all the feelings in the speaker. It may be that this object is material but also that it is intangible; It can be something external but also something internal. It is the reason why the poem is created, the situation that has generated that emotion that is being expressed.
  • Theme: is the subject on which the poem talks. The lyrical object has generated an emotion that later develops argumentatively throughout the poem.
  • Literary resources: It is another of the elements of the lyrical genre since it is the use that is given to the language to be able to communicate in a more dreamlike and musical way. Literary figures such as comparison, metaphor, etc., are abundant in the lyric to be able to create a more musical and poetic text.
Lyric Genre: Most Important Elements - Other Important Elements of the Lyric Genre

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