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The Alchemist Book

The Alchemist is a book written by Brazilian Paulo Coelho and published in 1988. It is a symbolic work that, according to the author, is the only language that can help us achieve the ...

Platero y yo by Juan Ramón Jiménez

Platero y yo is a narrative work, written by the author Juan Ramón Jiménez, in which the anecdotes, life and death of Platero, a singular donkey, are related. The book, published in 1914, ...

Basilica the Sagrada Familia

La Sagrada Familia is one of the most emblematic Catholic churches and is located in the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain. The temple was designed by Antonio Gaudí at the end of the 19th century ...

Painting The Kiss by Gustav Klimt

The Kiss (Der Kuss) is an oil and gold leaf canvas painted in 1908 by the Austrian painter Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918), an artist belonging to the current of symbolism, ...


Modernism was a literary movement that had its origin in Latin America in 1885 and lasted until approximately 1915. From Latin America he came to Spain, which makes him the ...

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Art deco

Art Deco is a style of architectural, industrial and graphic design that began to take shape around the 1910s, and reached its maximum splendor in the interwar period, especially ...

Art nouveau (modernist art)

Art nouveau, modernist art or modernism was an international artistic and decorative movement, developed between approximately 1890 and 1914. The ‘new art’, as its name in French, ...

The 40 best documentaries you have to watch on Netflix

The most popular Netflix content is usually fiction series or movies, but the platform is increasingly interested in including very interesting documentaries in its catalog that ...

Pop art: characteristics, artists and key works

Pop art, known in Spanish as pop art, is a plastic movement that had its origin in the 1950s. He was born between Great Britain and the United States, but it was the latter that was ...


We call avant-garde to the set of revolutionary trends in art and literature that took place at the beginning of the 20th century, which sought, on the one hand, to break with tradition ...


Hyperrealism or photorealism is a figurative artistic movement that reproduces reality with a sharpness and definition similar to photographic accuracy, but applying techniques ...

24 contemporary Mexican movies that you can't miss

If you are always looking for a good movie, here we propose a list with 24 Mexican films that contains some of the best titles that the film industry has given ...

The 24 best recent Spanish films (2019-2020)

2020 is a difficult year for movie premieres in theaters. Some tapes are seeing the light of day on streaming platforms, others will have to wait a few more months ...

15 Fascinating Avant-Garde Poems Explained

Avant-garde poets broke into the literary landscape of the first half of the 20th century to break with the rules of traditional poetic composition. They used various resources, such as verse ...

Literary trends

Literary trends are called literary trends that share features of style, themes, aesthetics and ideologies typical of certain periods of history. Not necessarily...


Futurism was an Italian avant-garde movement that became known on February 20, 1909, when the newspaper Le Fígaro published in Paris the Futurist Manifesto, written by the poet ...


Expressionism was an artistic, cinematographic, musical, and literary movement that began as a pictorial style in Germany during the transition from the 19th to the 20th century. Then I ...

Poem The Black Heralds by César Vallejo

The poem "Los heraldos negros" is one of the great masterpieces of the Spanish-American language. It was written by César Vallejo at age 25 and published in his first book, also titled Los ...

Surrealism: characteristics and main artists

In 1924, in Paris, André Breton (1896-1966), French writer and poet, wrote a manifesto after cutting off relations with Tristan Tzara, leader of the Dada movement, and thus the ...

14 emblematic works of Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas (1834-1917) is one of the most emblematic representatives of Impressionism, even though he did not feel totally comfortable with the label of this movement of French origin. Of gas...

Claude Monet and his works

Claude Monet (1840-1926) was a French painter representative of Impressionism, recognized both for his pictorial discoveries in the treatment of light, and for having made the painting that he ...

Film Amélie by Jean-Pierre Jeunet

The film Amélie, whose original name is Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (The fabulous fate of Amélie Poulain), is a comedy directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and was shown for the first ...

Impressionism: characteristics, works and most important artists

The Impressionist movement represents a turning point in the history of Western painting. Although it cannot be called avant-garde art, it can be said that impressionism ...

Renoir: the 10 most important works of the impressionist painter

Pierre-August Renoir is one of the most important representatives of French Impressionism, a 19th century movement that revolutionized the pictorial tradition. Renoir stood out for the study of ...

Kinetic art

Kinetic art, also known as kinetic art, is an artistic trend that emerged in Paris in the mid-twentieth century, which integrates physical-spatial movement as a compositional element. The...

Mexican muralism: characteristics, authors and works

Mexican muralism is a pictorial movement that began in the 1920s, as part of the modernization policies of the State of Mexico after the 1910 revolution. It's about a...

Abstract art

Abstract art or concrete art is called those artistic expressions based on elements such as line, point, color and material as a self-sufficient language independent of the ...


Fauvism or Fovism was a pictorial movement that had its origin in 1905 in Paris, France. The plastic maxim of Fauvism was the exaltation of color, based on the idea that ...

The 33 best fantasy films of the 21st century

Do you like stories that take place in an imaginary space and time, in which worlds that are governed by their own laws reign? Do you love movies where animals, creatures ...

The 31 best sci-fi movies of all time

What would happen if…? Possibly this is the premise from which some science fiction films start. From this question they arise in the imagination of the creator and, later, in ...

The 25 most representative paintings of the Renaissance

The great pictorial revolution of the Renaissance took place concretely in the 15th century, known as the Quattrocento. In an environment of growing intellectual curiosity, improvement and ...

Raphael sanzio

Rafael Sanzio is a High Renaissance painter, architect and poet who, from a very young age, won the recognition of Italian society thanks to the overwhelming talent that characterized him. His...

The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci

Vitruvian Man is called a drawing made by the Renaissance painter Leonardo da Vinci, based on the work of the Roman architect Marco Vitruvio Polión. Over a total area of ​​34.4 cm ...

Leonardo da Vinci: 11 fundamental works

Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect and military engineer, but his name was forever linked to painting. Therefore, here 11 of the most important works of the ...

Ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel

In the Sistine Chapel is one of the most emblematic works of the Italian Renaissance, whose fame has spread throughout the world. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was frescoed ...

Fresco The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

The Creation of Adam is one of the frescoes by Michelangelo Buonarroti that decorates the vault of the Sistine Chapel. The scene represents the origin of the first man, Adam. Fresh...

Painting The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

The painting The Birth of Venus or La nascita di Venere by Sandro Botticelli was painted between the years 1482 and 1485, in the historical context of the Renaissance. It is the first canvas painting ...

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

The Last Supper (Il cenacolo) is a wall painting made between 1495 and 1498 by the multifaceted Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). It was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza for the refectory of ...

Mona Lisa or La Gioconda painting by Leonardo da Vinci

The Mona Lisa, also known as La Gioconda, is a Renaissance work painted by multi-faceted artist Leonardo da Vinci. The painting was painted between 1503 and 1506 and, today, ...

Sculpture Victory of Samothrace

The Victory of Samothrace, Nike of Samothrace or Winged Victory of Samothrace, is a sculpture from the Hellenistic period made around 190 BC. C. Although it is not known for sure who it was ...

Sculpture El discóbolo de Mirón

The sculpture known as the Discóbolo de Mirón is part of the great treasures of the art of Classical Antiquity, along with pieces such as the Victory of Samothrace, Laocoon and his children and the ...

Venus de Milo sculpture

The Venus de Milo sculpture is a Greek work dating from the Hellenistic period, although its style corresponds to the predominant aesthetic of the classical period. It was discovered in the year 1820 ...

Psychologist Psychologist Yaritsa Carrizo Godoy

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The 8 best Mental Health Centers in Palma de Mallorca

Forum Terapeutic Mallorca is a mental health center specialized in addictions whose services are ...

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The best 10 Psychologists in Baja California Sur

The psychologist Aribeth San Martin she has a degree in psychology from the Villa Rica University...

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