Education, study and knowledge

Company location factors

In this video I will explain the factors of location of a company. Choosing this place can be decisive for the success or failure of a company.

Many factors must be taken into account when choose the place where we want to establish our company, either due to the proximity to obtain the raw materials, to be in direct contact with our clients or to have quick access to ports or airports to be able to send the finished products.

You have to think that transportation costs They can determine the sale of a product and significantly affect whether a customer ends up buying our product or that of the competition.

Another factor to take into account is the land cost, if we want a store in the city center, the rent will be much more expensive than a store in the suburbs, but it is possible that we sell much more product and it is beneficial to pay more for the rent but sell more products.

Also, if you want to practice and finish better understanding the various types of strategies that companies may have

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