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QUINARY sector: examples and characteristics

Quinary sector: examples and characteristics

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The great evolution of the economy, especially in recent decades, has led to the creation of new trades, some of which are not can be included in traditional economic sectors, and that is why new ones have been created sectors. To talk about the fifth of them in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about the quinary sector: examples and characteristics.

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  1. What is the quinary sector? Easy definition
  2. The 8 characteristics of the quinary sector
  3. Examples of activities in the quinary sector

What is the quinary sector? Easy definition.

To begin the lesson we must first of all define the term quinary sector, since being something so novel is difficult to understand and it is necessary to understand its appearance in today's economy. To better understand the quinary we must take into account that there are several characteristics that are associate and is that according to the source we can speak of a series of trades or others quite different.

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In general we can talk about two types of professions mainly when talking about the quinary sector, being first all those nonprofit, that is, those that are made without expecting remuneration in return, such as all those made by the NGO. And in the second type we include the main responsible in various areas, such as industry or politics, and those born from a subdivision of the tertiary sector, being the researchers more important that are above the quaternary sector.

All these variables have been caused because it is the last of the economic sectors, causing all researchers and scholars to have sought the better way to define quinary jobs, causing a great variety, and that it may happen that some trades do not have much to do with one another. others.

In this other lesson we discover you what is the quaternary sector so that you know this other economic sector of recent creation.

Quinary sector: examples and characteristics - What is the quinary sector? Easy definition

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The 8 characteristics of the quinary sector.

To fully understand the great variability of the quinary sector we must talk about the main characteristics that the sector has, although we must emphasize that these are very diverse, due to the problem of definition. For all this the main characteristics of the quinary sector are as follows:

  1. Some of their professions are closely linked to the tertiary and quaternary, since it is generally considered that the Quaternary worker leaders belong to the quinary.
  2. They are closely related to public services, since these non-profit activities such as firefighters and the police are closely related to the quinario.
  3. They are not usually professions with a large number of employees, being small but very important groups.
  4. The quinary sector is linked to the activities with greater knowledge and innovation, being even greater in that aspect than those of the Quaternary.
  5. It is intended that all content is as accessible as possible, either by reducing its price to the minimum possible, or directly giving it for free.
  6. Are activities nonprofit, such as public services or activities provided by a non-profit organization.
  7. It should be taken into account that although a large part of the companies in the quinary sector do not do it for money, they do have a series of economic companies behind them, which do affect the market.
  8. The quinary sector also includes domestic activities, in which no type of financial compensation is received, such as housewives or the people who take care of relatives either because of their young age or because they are very old or with some disability.
Quinary sector: examples and characteristics - The 8 characteristics of the quinary sector

Image: Luciano Rodríguez Alcala -

Examples of activities in the quinary sector.

To conclude this lesson we must talk about the main examples of the quinary sector, which will help us to fully understand the type of trades that are related to the quinary. As we have seen in the previous sections, the list of professions in the sector is highly variable, because the definition is not entirely exact, which has caused a great variability of included works such as quinaries.

Public services

Within the quinary sector we can talk about all those services that the State of a country gives to citizens, since although it is It is true that the inhabitants pay a series of taxes for their maintenance, one could say that in part they are activities without the intention of profit. Some examples of public services are the fire brigade and police, or the services provided in health.

Housewives and dependent care

Household chores performed at home tend not to be included in the list of trades, as they tend to be seen as not tasks that affect the economy in any way. Among these tasks are those of taking care of the home or of dependent people, both due to age or physical conditions. More and more, these tasks tend to be included in economic sectors, receiving increasing attention, and especially due to the economic aid they receive in certain countries.

High ranks

Depending on the definition we seek of the quinary sector, we can also include senior officials, being people with a enormous power, whether they are politicians or businessmen, and whose decisions can change to a greater or lesser extent the destiny of part of the world. These senior officials can be heads of workers from any of the other 4 economic sectors.

NGOs or Non-Governmental Organizations

Non-Governmental Organizations are groups away from politics and that carry out non-profit activities. It is for these reasons that the activities carried out by the so-called NGOs are included in this economic sector.

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Hatt, P. (1953) On the expansion of the tertiary, quaternary, and quinary sectors. American Economic Review.

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