The italian fascism was a movement of great relevance in the history of Italy, born as a reaction to socialism, communism and liberalism and, ultimately, all the currents of political thought existing in Italy and in the world at that time. moment. In a few years, Italian fascism managed to seize power in the nation and initiate a strong repression against all contrary policies. To understand what Italian fascism consisted of in this lesson from a Professor we must talk about characteristics of Italian fascism.
The italian fascism It was a process in which the Italian nation was governed by a regime based on the principles of the fascism, being therefore Italian fascism a period that we can frame between the years 1922 and 1943, this period being the one between the beginning of the ideas of fascism in Italy and the end of the Second World War and the termination of the defenders of the current, the vast majority being persecuted and detained for crimes against Italian society.
The birth of Italian fascism was due to numerous causes, but most historians consider that its birth had as its main antecedents the
great economic and political instability of the Italian society during the previous years and the generalized discontent with all the political currents of the time. This situation, together with the defeat in the First World War, made many Italians look for a new party with a more nationalist thought, being here where Italian fascism appears.Fascism already existed before its inception in Italy, but there is a tendency to consider Italian fascism as the main and original of those that emerged in contemporary times, the word fascism coming from finished fascio in Italian, being as it was said to the magistrates in Ancient Rome.

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To continue this lesson on the characteristics of the Italian fascimo, we must talk about all those elements that are key to understanding the particularities of fascism in Italy, being very similar to the arisen on Germany or Spain but with some own and unique elements. The main Italian fascist characteristics are the following:
- Fascism is a nationalist ideology, so he bases all his thinking on the idea that Italy was above anything, considering any offense against the Italian nation as the greatest of crimes.
- All the power of Italy was centered on the Mussolini figure, possessing all the powers and preventing that the rest of traditional institutions could make laws or judgments.
- Power was centered in RomeTherefore, the rest of the Italian local regions had little or no relevance.
- Another characteristic of Italian fascism is the formation of the black shirts it was used to convince the population through violence of the need for fascism.
- It's a anti-democratic movement, Mussolini being a leader for life and ending any other opposition intervention.
- Italian fascism is considered a third way, being contrary to communism, socialism and liberalism and occupying a section contrary to everything.
- Racism against all the people of Italy were not Italians
- To control the economy, fascism took over all sectors of production, looking for a self-sufficient state and without outside intervention.
- Another characteristic of Italian fascism is that it promoted the value of war and conquest for the good of the nation.
- The state was more important than individualism.
- Great importance of symbols, such as the flag.

In 1919, and taking advantage of a situation of great crisis in Italy, Benito Mussolinifounded thefascio of combat, which formed a voluntary attack group against communists and socialists with the promise of ordering the nation.
Over the years, fascio that made up the call Fascist PartyThey gained a lot of power and influence and Mussolini began to see himself as a leader to the enemies of the people on the left. The influence of fascism and its poor electoral results, led the fascists to give a coup taking the main cities of the world and ordering that they let them enter the city under threat of starting to assassinate citizens throughout the country. On October 30, 1922, Mussolini was appointed Prime Minister and he entered the city of Rome to begin to rule Italy with an iron fist, power being ceded by the Italian monarch.
Soon, Mussolini and Italian fascism dominated power, creating decrees without the parliament being able to vote, a paramilitary group called the black shirts was created, and taking power from parliament. At the same time, the violent repression of Italian fascism caused many politicians to flee from the country so as not to be assassinated, with very numerous political figures assassinated in Italy during this period.
Early 1936 Italy had become a fascist dictatorship and Mussolini had the total power of the region, convincing all Italians that the best for his interests it was fascism, and using propaganda to show that nothing external could be best.
On May 22, 1939, and as a way of bringing the two fascist powers of Europe closer together, the Pact of Steel Come in Germany and Italy. After the start of the Second World War, Mussolini at first did not dare to join, but seeing the close victory he entered to fight alongside the german nazism and Japanese fascism, thus being considered one of the three Axis Powers.
After the end of the war and the death of Mussolini, Italy returned to being a democracy, ending with all those ideas of Italian fascism and starting a new stage in the history of the nation.