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10 concepts in FRENCH to function in the business world

10 concepts in French to function in the business world

For commercial exchanges, especially international ones, French is a language to be known almost necessarily, especially if your company, or where you work or intend to work, wants to expand. Although French is not as famous as English, nor as in demand as Chinese, in the world of European commerce and even more so at the international level, it is indispensable, as well as an excellent choice of economic strategy for the expansion.

French is quite a difficult language, both in grammar and pronunciation; drink French classes online with native speakers it's a great way to get to a good level. If you decide to use the language to work, it is important that you know some formal nuances. If you want to get the best results in a short time, you can take Business French classes, to become immediately familiar with the expressions and vocabulary that will be part of their language daily.

In a PROFESSOR we are going to give you 10 concepts in French to function in the business world that will help you greatly on a day-to-day basis.

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  1. Various ways of referring to a company in French
  2. Expressions to refer to people and areas of the company
  3. The denominations of money in French companies
  4. 7 expressions you must know to do business in French

Various ways of referring to a company in French.

The most common term is "société". Alternatively, and especially in informal settings and contexts, the term "boîte". However, depending on the type of organization you are referring to, you can use different terms:

  • Multinationale, which means multinational.
  • Société à responsabilité limitée, that is, Srl.
  • Associationà but non lucratif, which means non-profit association.
  • Société par actions, which means Spa.
  • PME, which means Petite et moyenne entreprise, which stands for SME.
  • Maison mère, which stands for parent company.

Expressions to refer to people and areas of the company.

If you work in a company and need to communicate with someone in French, you must know all the correct terms to refer to your colleagues or to the main offices and departments. First of all, you can refer to all staff as "le personnel", and if you mean the" board of directors "you can call it"steering committee"or by the abbreviation" eat ".

You can also use the abbreviation "compta" for accounting which, in its entirety, is called "comptability". Your employer may be called "employee"and all the employees" les employés ".

A separate name, deserve the scholarship recipients known as "stagiaires". And if there is a president or CEO, he will always be called PDG, or Président-directeur général.

10 concepts in French to function in the business world - Expressions to refer to people and areas of the company

The denominations of money in French companies.

Do you need to talk about money in French? Money, as you know, is a crucial element in business exchanges and in the world of work in general. You will surely use the term "salaire bulletin"or alternatively just"salaire"to define your salary.

If you have to ask your boss for an advance, you will have to ask "a breakthrough ". On the other hand, in business, it is not uncommon for the payment of the amount due to be requested by bank transfer, which in French is called "règlement par virement bancaire".

7 expressions you must know to do business in French.

We finish this article of the concepts in French to develop in the business world to discover 7 ideal expressions to be able to do business in French. They are as follows.

Se tenir au courant (To be up to date)

This expression is always used when there are future projects. It is often used when a pre-arranged meeting is agreed with a partner or colleague to be held in the future. For example, it is always used to say goodbye before a meeting, the time and date of which have not yet been set.

Au temps pour moi (My mistake)

The expression is used to acknowledge that a mistake has been made and therefore to say that you are willing to solve the problem.

Je vous recontacterai (I will contact you again)

It is used to indicate the need to reflect on a proposal after an exploratory meeting.

Le Vendeur et l'acheteur (Seller and buyer)

In any business relationship, whatever it may be, there is always a seller and a buyer: these two terms cannot be missing from your vocabulary.

Le chiffre d'affaire (The Billing)

In any company worth its salt, this is the term that appears the most if you speak French, never forget it.

Créer une entrepise (Create a company)

If you want to create a company, you have to communicate it to the corresponding organizations, using this expression.

L'impôt and Les frais (Taxes and expenses)

Along with sales volume, these are the other two terms that you will encounter most often. They are sure to stick in your mind.

Mark déposée (Trademark)

The expression indicates the action of filing your trademark in the Patent and Trademark Office.

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