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Art academies in Madrid

Art academies in Madrid

Bring out the artist in you! If you want to start painting, drawing or sculpting, you should know that in Madrid there are many art academies that will help you enhance your creative side and bring out your artistic "self". In this article by a PROFESSOR we want to discover you the best art academies in Madrid that offer you a wide variety of workshops, courses and activities related to the world of fine arts. Grab a pencil and a brush and get ready to enter the fascinating universe of artistic creation at the hands of highly experienced teachers.

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  1. Madrid. Art academy
  2. Cristian Avilés Painting Academy
  3. District 27
  4. of barn
  5. PuntoArtes Academy of Art
  6. Artium Peña Academy
  7. DeCinti Villalón Painting Academy

Madrid. Academy of Art.

Madrid. Art academy It is one of the best art academies in Madrid. Here you can delve into disciplines as varied as the painting, sculpture and drawing; In addition, for the little ones, they have a children's creativity and art course that is specially designed to develop their creative abilities in a fun and dynamic environment.

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The drawing classes are designed so that students can enter the world of art through Barque method, a method created by Charles Bargue and Jean-León Gerome in the 19th century and that will help you learn the secrets and basic techniques of the world of drawing. The painting classes start with the most classic so that the student can know the essential aspects but, later, they also reach the contemporary painting and abstraction. And if you want to learn to sculpt, you should know that here they will introduce you to modeling and molding techniques so that you can make an amazing work of art.

Direction: The courts 4, 6I (inside the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza)

Cristian Avilés Painting Academy.

Cristian Avilés is a prestigious and highly recognized artist in today's art world. And in Madrid it has a painting academy that is designed so much for people who want enter this fascinating universe as more advanced students who want to perfect their technique. In this academy you will find a very pleasant environment located in the Salamanca district with dynamic classes and a fast and effective learning process.

In this academy you can sign up for drawing or painting courses and enjoy very special prices. In fact, if you want to do the full course, you can save your tuition and get a more interesting price. In this academy you will receive personalized attention and a very interesting method to learn plastic arts.

Direction: Calle de José Ortega y Gasset, 92

District 27.

We continue with another of the most interesting art academies in Madrid to talk now about District 27, a school managed by Santiago García Cabrera, an artist and graduate in Fine Arts who offers us dynamic and very interesting sessions. He is a teacher with great experience in the field of teaching who, in addition, also works as an artist; therefore, you can learn from the hand of one of the best.

District 27 is located in the Arturo Soria area of ​​Madrid, a school with modern facilities and very affordable prices. In fact, he has a "low cost" offer that offers you 2 hours a week of classes for only € 40 / month.

Direction: Calle De Fernández Caro, 46

Art Academies in Madrid - District 27

of Barn.

Another of the best valued academies in Madrid in the field of drawing, painting and also photography it is of barn. It is an educational center designed for people of all levels and that offers you personalized attention from qualified teachers with a long professional career. In their classes you can learn from the hand of well-known professionals and be able to start from scratch or continue to grow and perfect your knowledge.

In their classes you can learn to work with different techniques so you can discover different ways of making art and choose the one that best suits your preferences. Its objective is to help future artists first-hand and, therefore, the attention is personalized and the classes are of small groups (less than 10 students). The three areas taught at deGranero are drawing, painting and photography, workshops and exercises designed for students to learn and find their own style are held.

Direction: Calle de México, 15.

PuntoArtes Academia de Arte.

PuntoArtes is another of the most recommended art academies in Madrid. Here you can learn so much paint as drawing from the hand of Susana Valdes, an experienced professional with a degree in Fine Arts. This center is located in the Moratalaz neighborhood and offers us a perfect space to develop your artistic creativity and find your style.

In this academy you will have personalized attention that, in addition, adapts to the level and preferences of each of the students. In addition, in order to better know the world of fine arts, in this academy they are held classic works analysis pSo that students understand the techniques that the great painters followed to create works that have gone down in history.

Direction: Calle Molina de Segura, 9.

Art academies in Madrid - PuntoArtes Academia de Arte

Artium Peña Academy.

Artium Peña is a prestigious academy de arte de Madrid that was founded in 1940. During all these years, this center has become one of the most reputed in the capital to be able to learn in a serious and professional way. The teachers offer an education designed so that the student can learn the techniques of the plastic arts but, at the same time, find their own style and develop its creative potential.

In this academy they organize personalized classes in which the students will be able to solve all their doubts and evolve and improve their technique. Many of his students have ended up working as internationally recognized artists thanks to the work teachers such as Eduardo Peña Nuñez who is the current director of the school and who is both a painter and photographer.

Direction: Plaza Mayor, 1.

DeCinti Villalón Painting Academy.

And we finish this selection of the 7 best art academies in Madrid to talk about this center that is run by two very internationally recognized artists: Alejandro DeCinti and Oscar Villalón. Together, they have founded this school of oil painting and artistic drawing designed for all levels: from beginners to advanced. Classes are held in pleasant surroundings and in small groups so that the attention is as personalized as possible.

Located In the centre of Madrid, This academy offers you practical and very dynamic classes so that you can start painting from day one. You will be able to learn about classical and contemporary techniques, as well as essential materials and artistic composition. All this while you are painting and drawing your creations.

Direction: Calle Sta. Feliciana, 19.

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