Master's degree in secondary school teacher: what it is for and where to study it

If your vocation is teaching and your dream is to work teaching groups of adolescents, you should dedicate several years of your life to training and obtaining the necessary degrees that enable you to it. You do not necessarily need to have completed an education-related degree in order to become a teacher or teacher at this level, since through many university careers they allow access later to the master of faculty.
Just as there are several ways to achieve this goal, once achieved, it opens the doors to various professional opportunities that we will see later.
In this article, we explain what the Master's degree in secondary school teacher, what is this title for?, how you can access it and where can you study it.
A master's degree is a postgraduate university course that allows the person who is studying it to specialize in a specific subject. That is to say, it is a third degree training that is studied after having finished a degree.
The Master's degree in secondary school teacher, in particular, allows
teach classes to male and female students between the ages of 12 and 18, mainly. It is the educational stage that corresponds to the 4 courses that make up Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and to the two years of Baccalaureate, both of a voluntary nature.In addition, a secondary school teacher can also dedicate himself to teaching within VET, that is, vocational training that is usually studied in high schools and in some specific centers. It is also known as the Middle Degree of professional training or as Superior Degree.
Consequently, once you have completed the Master's degree in secondary school teacher, you will be able to work in the following areas:
- Private institutes
- Concerted institutes
- Vocational training centers
- Public institutes
Therefore, this master's degree also serves to become a State official if, later, the pertinent oppositions are held and passed.
The Master of secondary school teacher usually lasts one year and, with it, you will contribute to improve the educational practices that are carried out in the classrooms, you will learn to transmit and teach all the knowledge that you have acquired during the years of your university career in a didactic way and you will have the opportunity to carry out teaching practices in a Institute.
In order to enroll in the Master's degree in secondary school teacher, you must have completed a minimum of studies. You must have a bachelor's or bachelor's degree, which must be related to any of the subjects taught in secondary education, high school or vocational training: mathematics, music, physics, chemistry, sports, languages, language and literature, geography, philosophy, architecture, history, economy, technology, plastic arts ...
Once you have the title of the chosen career in order, completed with all the parts approved, you can go on to enroll in the Master of secondary school teacher who will give you more professional training, more experience and an increase in the chances of joining the market labor. That is, it brings you closer to achieving great job stability by mainly providing you with pedagogical and didactic training to be able to teach all those contents that have been learned previously.
The most important thing when deciding to do a master's degree, in addition to having the necessary training, is to have a clear vocation to teaching. The age group with which you are going to work is, perhaps, one of the most complicated by which adolescents go through, who are leaving childhood behind and beginning to discover their own identity. Therefore, it is essential to know their characteristics and the necessary techniques to earn their trust and transmit all the content that will serve them for their present and future.
If you have studied any of the degrees or degrees that we have talked about previously, but you are not convinced by their professional opportunities and you are clear that you want to dedicate yourself to teaching, here you have the best option to access to be Professor of secondary education.
A very practical and comfortable way to study higher education is at a distance. At Euroinnova Bussines School you will find the Master in secondary education online. One of the greatest benefits of this modality for taking the Master's degree in secondary school teacher is that it can be done remotely. This makes it possible to make it compatible with other studies, jobs or facilitating teaching in different cities. It gives you the possibility to do it quietly setting your own rhythm and your own schedules, no hurries.
If you are clear about your passion, do not hesitate to continue training to practice the profession you want.
Euroinnova Bussines School also teaches Approved Courses and Masters of the most prestigious Universities and Public Administrations.