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3 exercises to classify nouns

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Exercises to classify nouns - solved!

In any communication process it is necessary to name objects and situations, for this purpose we use a class of words that aims to designate them. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to offer you exercises to classify nouns and, in addition, we will tell you how they are classified. In this way, in addition to having a theoretical explanation of them, you can practice to recognize, use and classify them correctly.

Nouns are a class of words that we use to name each of the things we know and that are around us. These types of words are essential when communicating as they serve to designate any object that surrounds us.

The nouns, therefore, are words that serve to name or designate people, places, things and feelings. These they can be real, that is, captured by the senses, or imaginary, that is, invented by our mind.

Now that we know what nouns are and what they are used for, it is time to show the different classesthat we can find in Spanish. So we can say that nouns are divided into:

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  • Common nouns: The common nouns or nouns are those that allow us to designate people, animals or things of the same species or class in a generic way. In other words, they serve to name something without specifying. Some examples of common names are: table, cat, strawberry...
  • Proper nouns: Proper names are used when you want to name a place or individual and distinguish it from the rest of the group to which it belongs. Within this category we can find names of people, surnames (anthroponyms) or places (toponyms). Remember that these proper names they will always be written with the first letter in capital letters since they designate a specific place or person. These are some examples of proper names: Juan, Antonia, Peru...
  • Individual nouns: These nouns are used to designate or appoint a person, being or thing individually. These can be found both in the singular and in the plural. Here are some examples: dog, cat, houses...
  • Collective nouns: The collective nouns are used to name a set of objects or elements that are part of the same species or class. They are used in the singular to express a sense of collectivity. It is much easier to understand with an example, let's see: pack (a group of dogs), pinar (a pine forest)...
  • Concrete nouns: The concrete noun is a type of nouns are those that designate what can be perceived by the senses. In other words, concrete nouns name elements that are material and that we can perceive. Despite this, these nouns can also be imaginary, since they do not have to be real. These examples will help you understand it: basket, telephone, tree...
  • The abstract nouns: For their part, abstract nouns are elements that cannot be perceived through the senses, that is, they are not tangible. That these elements cannot be appreciated through the senses does not mean that it cannot be done through the mind. In this type of nouns those that have to do with ideas, emotions and feelings would enter. These words are abstract nouns: joy, love, goodness...
  • Countable nouns: The countable nouns are the ones they can be counted. The elements or beings that are named can be enumerated. Let's see some examples: a dog, two glasses...
  • Uncountable nouns: The countless names they serve for name objects that cannot be divided, that is, they cannot be enumerated, nor counted in units. Despite this, it is possible to measure them. These words can help you understand it. For example: Light.

Nouns are words that have gender (masculine, feminine, ambiguous and epicene) and a number (singular or plural).

Exercises to classify nouns - solved! - How nouns are classified

Image: Nouns

Next we are going to propose a series of exercises that can help you classify nouns.

Exercise 1

Indicate the nouns that appear in the following text:

«The old turtle, in the lagoon, watched the broad-winged eagle ascend repeatedly towards the clouds, until it was a spot in the sky. In a moment the bird flew down and perched on a nearby rock. '

(Solution: Turtle; Lagoon; Times; Clouds; Eagle; At; Stain; Darling; Instant; Bird; Flight; Rock.)

Exercise 2

Identify the nouns in these book titles and tell what the gender and number of each is.

The House of Spirits.

The lords of time.

(Solution: 1. House: feminine, singular. Spirits: masculine, plural. 2. Gentlemen: masculine, plural. Time: masculine, epicene.)

Exercise 3

Classify the following nouns according to their meaning:

Oil, love, chorus, sand, beaches, Caribbean, puppy, litter.

(Solution: Oil: common, not countable, individual, concrete, masculine, singular; Love: common, non-countable, individual, abstract, masculine, singular; Chorus: common, accounting, collective, concrete, masculine, singular; Sand: common, non-countable, individual, concrete, feminine, singular. Beaches: common, countable, individual, concrete, feminine, plural. Caribbean: own self; Puppy: common, countable, individual, concrete, masculine, singular. Litter: common, countable, collective, concrete, feminine, singular.)

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