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Apheresis: definition and examples

Apheresis: definition and examples

Within the literary field we can find a multitude of rhetorical figures. They make the language richer and the shape of it more attractive. Each of these figures has its own peculiarities and origins. In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to focus on the definition of apheresis and examples so that you can understand it better, know how to identify it and use it when necessary.

First of all we must point out that the word aphaeresis It comes from Greek and is used exclusively in grammar, it can also be used in the medical field. However, we are going to focus on the part that interests us. Thus, we could say that etymologically the word aphaeresis refers to the elimination of something. Therefore, an apheresis will be a deletion, but of what?

Apheresis is a Figure of speech, a resource through which the elimination of a sound that always appears in the first part of the word. That is, a sound that is written at the beginning of a word is not pronounced because it has been removed.

This may be because over time the sound has stopped being pronounced and the specific word has resorted to apheresis in its evolution, but this resource can also be forced rhetorically in poetry, for example.

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The elimination of sounds at the beginning of a word can be of a single syllable or of several. Although apheresis can be used in both written and oral language, it is best if it is not used too much when we must present a written text. Let's see a very clear example of apheresis that will help us to present a very clear definition of this resource:


The word psychologist it is a very good example of apheresis. In its written form we can see that the sound appears p before the syllable Yes. Due to this resource, the p has lost its sound and the word is pronounced psychologist, regardless of the initial sound p. Likewise, because it is an accepted apheresis, the RAE allows the writing of the word in both ways.

Despite this, it is not convenient for a written text to appear written psychologist instead of psychologist, since the second is a much more formal and accepted way. In addition, if we abuse it too much, a communication problem could be created that would make the message not reach the recipient correctly.

Apheresis: definition and examples - What is apheresis

As we have seen in the previous section, apheresis in language is nothing more than the loss of the initial sound in a word without altering its meaning. This loss can be of just the sound of a letter or of several syllables considerably shortening a word. We can point out different examples that we use conventionally in everyday life to communicate.

  • Pseudonym: lose the p initial and would be pronounced and written as pseudonym.
  • Cello: on many occasions, in order to shorten the word we use cello. In this case, several syllables have been lost since bass- has disappeared and only the final syllables of the word are pronounced. Despite this, it does not lose meaning within the sentence.
  • Psychiatrist: Sound p, from the beginning of the word disappears pronouncing as psychiatrist without there being any problem in it.
  • Congratulations: although this apheresis is less common, it is also affected and on many occasions it is common to use norabuena. In this case the initial sound has been lost AND.
  • Bus: is another example of a very common apheresis. In this case it is very widespread and the most common is that the first two syllables are dispensed with car-, to refer to this means of transport, therefore, we can find both in written and oral language the word bus.
  • Psoriasis: most words that contain this formula -, At the beginning of the word they usually present apheresis. Thus we find psoriasis that can be written and pronounced regardless of the sound p.

Examples of apheresis in sentences

Thus, we can point out that although the use of the apheresis is a vice of language that leads to the writing of words in the same way in which they are they pronounce. We see that it is the same to write them using one way or another since both are correct, but the truth is that it is not convenient to abuse them. Let's look at them in sentences to visually appreciate the difference.

  • My cousin is psychologist clinic / My cousin is psychologist clinic.
  • I wrote under the pseudonym by Flor del Campo / I wrote under the pseudonym by Flor del Campo.
  • Antonio performed a solo of cello impressive / Antonio performed a solo of cello Awesome.
  • This woman should go to psychiatrist/ This woman should go to psychiatrist.
  • Congratulations for the birth of your child / Norabuena for the birth of your child.
  • In order to go to your house I have to take the bus/ In order to go to your house I have to take the bus.
  • The doctor told her that she had psoriasis / The doctor told him that he had psoriasis.

You already know what apheresis is, its definition and examples, although you can continue to increase your knowledge about these and other resources in our sections of the Spanish language and Literature.

Apheresis: definition and examples - Examples of apheresis

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