Education, study and knowledge

Biosphere: Definition for children

Biosphere: Definition for children

Image: Slideshare

Within the study of natural sciences, one of the most important and fascinating points are the parts of which our blue planet is composed. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will stop to study in detail the definition of the biosphere for children and that, thus, the little ones can better know the formation of our planet. For this reason, first we stop at the meaning of the word itself, which comes from the Greek, and then go on to see why is composed and thus get an idea of ​​how much we have to take care of our planet so that the next generations.

We begin with this definition of the biosphere for children by talking about the fact that the word biosphere comes from Greek terminology, bios Y sphere, like the vast majority of words used in science and comes to mean life sphere.

For this reason, we must already more or less know that what this word is trying to designate is our planet Earth. In some cases we can also find this word with the meaning of space in which life unfolds

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, thus finding different biospheres, although today it would not be correct to use it for this concept, since there is only one biosphere, which encompasses the lithosphere, hydrosphere and the atmosphere.

The term was first used by the geologist Eduard suess in the year 1875 and from the first moment it was used to designate the planet Earth as a whole. Therefore, from that moment on, said word was linked to all the careers and sciences that had to do with the study of our planet, whether it was the sciences of evolution, astronomy, geology, sciences of climatology, ...

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the internal and external parts of the Earth.

Continuing with the definition of the biosphere for children, we must stop to give some information about the different parts that we find in the biosphere. They are as follows:


One of the most important parts and in which also life was forged on our planet: the oceans. In principle we will find that life in them is only found in the superficial layer of them, which is called by aquatic sciences as, photic zone. That is, the area where sunlight manages to reach, as it must be borne in mind that life without water, oxygen and the sun is impossible.

In this way, in the bowels of the oceans where there is life, we will find living beings that carry out photosynthesis, that is, cyanobacteria and protist organisms, all of them normally unicellular organisms since they are the ones that bear the most the lack of the elements mentioned at the beginning.

Below the line where these are, life is impossible, since without sunlight there is no photosynthesis can be done and therefore oxygen cannot be generated, so essential for lifetime.

To finish with this point we have to say that although the oceans cover more percentage than the continents, only 50% of life is given in them (although it is a very relative statistic, since there are still many things to know about the oceans), well So far only 11,000m have been studied, in which the fauna has been found abyssal.


As we know the other part of life resides in the continents of our planet Earth, which reaches the figure of the other 50%. In them coexist species that can only live on land, with some reptiles that perform great part of their life in the water and with the birds which only come down to the land to eat, reproduce and to sleep. That is, in the continents we will find a great diversity of life forms.

As in the previous point, in the lithosphere the main chain will be plant beings, that is, those that have the property of generating oxygen through photosynthesis, if it were not for these, there would be no life on the planet. From them there is a great biodiversity of lives, from mammals, amphibians, birds,... and they are also responsible in many cases for the climatology of the different areas of the continents, because depending on the thickness of their leaves and the production of gases, they may make a climate more humid or less wet.

Within this section we will also find the subsoil, in which up to 3,000m we will find some forms of life, especially unicellular organisms, such as bacteria.


The atmosphere is the portion of planet Earth that is above the continents and oceans until reaching outer space, the highest point of which is 9,500m.

This section in many cases is linked to the lithosphere, because by itself it is not a place where the life, because even if there are living beings in it, they have to go down to Earth to carry out some activities.

In this other lesson we discover you what are the layers of the atmosphere.

Biosphere: Definition for Children - Parts into which the biosphere is divided


To finish with our lesson on the definition of the biosphere for children, we must emphasize a series of points that can end this and therefore making life increasingly difficult in our planet.

On the one hand natural effects such as earthquakes, eruptions, hurricanes,… The different ecosystems found within the biosphere can change, making the fauna has to adapt little by little to these changes, or they will cease to exist from a moment to other.

In the same way the performance of the human being is one of the worst calamities that has happened to our planet, since the rapid technological and life evolution is making us consume more quickly the elements found in nature or directly we change the landscapes to our comfort.

All this, although it is to our benefit, is harming the rest of animal and plant species, which can get to break the balance and end life on planet Earth. That is why nations are now becoming aware and that is why measures are being taken to stop this.

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