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Causes and consequences of river pollution

Causes and consequences of river pollution

One of the problems that most concern experts is the supply of drinking water in many territories of the planet. 80% of the world's population lives in areas where the rivers are polluted and suffer the consequences of environmental degradation.

Therefore it is imperative implement the necessary measures so that this situation does not increase and becomes a real problem not only for humans, but for any other living being that needs water to survive.

In this lesson we will discover the causes and consequences of river pollution.

The situation in Spain is quite delicate since according to experts, a third of the rivers and streams are very degraded, as far as the quality of its waters is concerned. The consequence of this is that 54% of inland fish and 29% of riparian birds are also in danger.

The main responsible for the situation in which the rivers are is once again the climate change. Changes in river flows have reduced their ability to adapt to global warming on the planet.

According to an article in the specialized publication

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Naturethis problem will increase in the coming years, when the problem of climate change will increase and the population will increase.

It is believed that some one billion people suffer the consequences of living near polluted rivers, and if the appropriate measures are not taken, the situation can lead to floods or on the contrary to the lack of water.

In any case, these two phenomena will be the most frequent. Some of the most affected rivers are found in the Asian continent, America, Africa, Australia and the old continent, the danube He is the one who gets the worst of it.

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