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PAN word family

PAN word family

Image: Maspa

Do you want to know the word family of PAN? In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we want to talk to you about this basic concept when it comes to forming words in the Spanish language. Therefore, we will discover some good examples of words derived from PAN as well as the definition of terms that are essential to better understand this lesson. Read on and discover everything you need to know about word formation in Spanish.

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  1. What is a word family
  2. What are derived words
  3. 10 examples of words derived from PAN
  4. More examples of primitive words

What is a word family.

Before going fully into discovering the word family of PAN, it is important that we pause briefly to know the word family definition. To do this, we have to know that in the Spanish language there are some words that have different semantic relationships between them, that is, Although they are different terms that designate different realities, the truth is that they are related and all revolve around the same theme semantic.

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Thus, when we speak of a word family we are referring to all derived words that are semantically related. It is also known by the name of "lexical family" and are words that are derived from it primitive word and hence, they share the same root.

Therefore, a word family brings together a set of words that have the same root and that, therefore, are semantically related. In the case of the word family of PAN we have to PAN is the primitive word and that, from here, a large number of terms can be derived that will refer to realities related to the world of bread: bakery, baker, pie, and so on.

What are derived words.

Now that we've briefly approached the PAN word family, let's stop at the concept of word "derived" since it is an essential term to better understand the concept of lexical family or family of words.

In the previous section we have said that a word family is the set of derived words that have the same root. But... What are derived words? These are precisely those terms that are created by suffixes, prefixes or infixes and that help to designate different realities semantically related to a specific topic.

In the case of PAN, For example, the word primitive indicates that everything that will be derived from it will be related to the universe of bread. Therefore, the derived words that are created will be to define realities related to this world and, therefore, they will all start from the same root to which different ones will be added. affix morphemes to create new words.

Characteristics of derived words

As a summary, we are going to discover some of the main characteristics of derived words:

  • Derivatives can originate from another derivative, in this case, it is known by the name of "biderivada"
  • They are easily recognized by accentuation
  • The formation of derivatives is done with the inclusion of affixes such as prefixes, suffixes or infixes that join the primitive root of a word
  • Thanks to the existence of the lexical derivation, the Spanish language has a great variety of words that designate multiple realities

10 examples of words derived from PAN.

Now that we know this linguistic concept in a much more extensive way, it is time to stop in the word family of PAN and discover the terms that have been created from the lexical root of PAN. They are as follows:

  1. Baker: is the professional who is in charge of cooking or selling the bread
  2. Bakery: it is the place or business specially designed to sell bread
  3. Roll: it is a smaller type of bread than usual
  4. breadbasket: it is usually the object that you have at home and that is used to store the bread
  5. Tarnish: it is a culinary procedure in which the bread dough is worked to cook it in a different way
  6. Patty: it is a type of food that has bread as the main ingredient and to which a large number of ingredients can be added
  7. Patty: it is the smallest version of the empanada and is normally for individual consumption
  8. Bakery: it is an industrial object that is designed to make bread
  9. Bakery: with this term we know the method of using the bread maker to make bread
  10. Bread: is the verb that refers to the action of cooking bread
PAN Word Family - 10 Examples of PAN Derived Words

Image: Center for Cervantes Studies

More examples of primitive words.

We have already indicated that the PAN word family can be considered as such because all derivatives are created from the primitive root "pan", a morpheme that makes semantic sense on its own and to which affixes can be added to create new realities.

Well, in Spanish there are a very large number of primitive words that can be derived and thus create extensive word families. exist many examples of primitive words in Spanishol, however, here we are going to discover only some of them:

  • Sun: create a very large word family composed of terms such as sunny, solarium, mirasol, solanera, etc.
  • Water: It also has a large lexical family made up of words like downpour, party pooper, sleet, turpentine, etc.
  • Sea: here we also find another extensive family of words in which we find terms such as seasick, tidal wave, sailor, marine, ultramarine, etc.
  • Book: is another example of primitive words since, from this root, you can create a family with words such as bookstore, bookstore, booklet, notebook, etc.

If you want to read more articles similar to PAN word family, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.

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