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What are EXPLANATORY LINKS in Spanish

What are explanatory links

The links are words that are used to join two different sentences. Within them we can find different types and today, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR, we want to focus on the so-called explanatory links. First of all it will be necessary to know what are explanatory links and place them in their context to be able to define them correctly. To do this, we will provide you with a series of examples to help you better understand what they are and how they are used. Join us to discover them and learn more about them!

In order to define what explanatory links are within the Spanish language, it will be necessary for us to understand what links are. This can also be called conjunctions and can be divided into different types taking into account the function they represent within the sentence.

First of all, it is necessary to point out that links are words or sets of words that they serve to join different sentences forming a compound sentence. The links between the different phrases, words and sentences that are achieved from these take place thanks to a syntactic function.

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The various conjunctions o links existing in Spanish can be used in a simple or grouped way forming the so-called conjugative phrases. Therefore, when it comes to defining what explanatory links are, we must explain that there are two types of conjunctions: coordinators and subordinates. The first of them are in charge of coordinating two sentences with the same importance within the message and in the latter, by the action of the nexus, a phrase becomes subordinate to a sentence principal.

For their part, the explanatory links are found within the former, that is, the coordinated, in which we can find the following types of conjugations or links:

  • Copulative ties
  • Disjunctive links
  • Adversative links
  • Distributional ties
  • Explanatory links

Now, once we have established the place that explanatory links occupy within the syntax, we can approach a definition of them. Therefore, we can say that the explanatory links are words whose mission is to unite two sentences that relate and explain each other. In other words, conjunctions of this type join two sentences that are independent, but that serve to provide information that serves as an explanation between them.

The two parts that make up the sentence are related to each other, therefore coordinate and provide information with the aim of being able to better improve that premise that the sender wants to communicate to the receiver. The second of the sentences, through the explanatory link, is responsible for clarifying the first of the statements. Therefore, one will always be an explanation for the other. Because they are two simple sentences, when joined by this explanatory link, they become a sentence composed of two verbs. This should be taken into account when performing a syntactic analysis of it.

Now that we know its definition, we must show what these are words that function as explanatory links within a sentence. They are easy to identify and are generally made up of phrases. These are the most frequent, so pay attention when you find them in a text. Its objective will be none other than to explain the previous sentence:

  • Namely
  • Rather
  • It's more
  • I mean
  • This is
  • O well
What are explanatory links - Definition of explanatory links

Image: Slideshare

Now you know which are the most used explanatory links in the Spanish language, so nothing better than include them in a sentence to better appreciate their meaning. Next we want to show you a series of examples using each of them so that you can fix your knowledge much better and learn to identify them quickly. In this way, it will be much easier to carry out the syntactic analysis and understand the functions that each of the conjunctions have within the message transmitted by the sender.

During the storm many trees fell, namely, the wind and rain were the causes of their fall on public roads.

To better understand how the explanatory link works namely, must look at the two sentences that comprise the previous statement:

  1. During the storm many trees fell: this sentence has its own complete meaning and is the first part of our sentence.
  2. The wind and rain were the cause of their fall on public roads: this statement is the one that gives us the explanation about the first.

The nexus namely, will be in charge of coordinate and match the two sentences to provide new information and therefore an explanation to the first statement raised.

Other examples of explanatory links

We have already seen a sentence with namely, now it is time to use the rest of explanatory links within sentences that serve as an example:

  • The trip was a heap of misfortunes, rather, flying with this company has been a real mistake due to the money we have lost.
  • The night is getting too cold it's moreWe should go home as soon as possible or the rain could make its appearance.
  • The protocol indicates that the wedding is formal, this isYou must wear a jacket, vest and top hat since the couple have requested it.
  • When you finish eating before we will go to the park, I meanAs you don't finish everything you have on your plate, you won't get up from this chair all afternoon.
  • We can start the reform in three days, O well, this Thursday.

As you can see, recognizing the explanatory links in a sentence is very simple. Now that you are clear about this concept, you can continue to expand your knowledge in our section on Linguistics and Grammar so that nothing escapes you.

TO. 2018,10. Examples of Explanatory Conjunctions. Magazine Retrieved 10, 2018, from
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Full note: Explanatory Conjunctions

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