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Imagine by John Lennon: meaning, translation and analysis of music

Imagine é uma song do album de mesmo nome, written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Launched in 1971, it was single Most sold out of Lennon's solo career, and virou um hino para paz, being recorded by various artists, including Madonna, Elton John and Stevie Wonder.

Imagine - John Lennon and The Plastic Ono Band (with the Flux Fiddlers)

Music lyrics Imagine

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say, I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A Brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world


Imagine that there is no paradise
it is easy for you to tempt,
sem inferno down from us
and the sky only
Imagine all the people
living for or hoje
Imagine that there are no countries

instagram story viewer

it's not hard to imagine
nothing hair to kill or die
and nenhum religião also
Imagine all the people
living life in peace

You will be able to say that eu sou um sonhador
more eu não sou o unique
I hope one day you will join us
the world will be like um only
Imagine nenhuma posse
I imagine you get
You need to gain or promote
Uma Irmandade dos homens
Imagine all the people
Dividing all or world

Analysis and interpretation of music

All the lyrics of the music create an image of a future world where there will be more equality between all the people. In this song, John Lennon proposed to us to imagine a reality where we do not exist great factors that cause conflicts: religions, countries and dinheiro.

Stanza 1

Imagine that there is no paradise
it is easy for you to tempt,
sem inferno down from us
and the sky only
Imagine all the people
living for or hoje

In the first stanza, John Lennon fails on as religions, that we use the promessa de um ceu e ameaça de um inferno to manipulate the actions of the people.

Also, music seems to open up with something that defies the values ​​of the norm: even if you imagine that paradise does not exist, it seems to be because of the beliefs of faith.

There is no such thing as a paradise nem inferno, as people could live barely any hair present, in this life, not worrying about what would happen.

Stanza 2

Imagine that there are no countries
it's not hard to imagine
nothing hair to kill or die
and nenhum religião also
Imagine all the people
living life in peace

Here the historical context of music and movement influence becomes more evident. hippie, that vigorou em force during the 60s.

To believe our values ​​of "peace and love" contrasted with the conflicts that were devastating the world. In the United States, a counterculture questioned you about the Vietnam war, bloody conflict against or against various international celebrities protesting, including Lennon.

Na music, or subject sublinha that as nações always foram or greater reason for the wars. This verse, face or ouvinte imagine a world where there are no borders, countries, limitations.

Sem wars, sem violent mortals, sem nações ou crrenças that motivatesem conflicts, we will be human power divide or equal space in harmony.


You will be able to say that eu sou um sonhador
more eu não sou o unique
I hope one day you will join us
the world will be like um only

This verse, which became the most famous song, or singer addresses those who doubt that he is saying. Embora knew that he taxado of "sonhador", an idealist who fantasizes about a utopian world, he knows that he is not sozinho.
There are, em lord, many other people who also dare to dream like this new world and to fight to build it. Assim, invite the "unbelievers" to join me as well, affirming that one day "it will be um".

I have as a basis the bonds of respect and empathy between the individuals, it accredits being possible a world of peace as it is unbelievable. Enough that more people get to "imagine" a world assim: a collective force é o fator esencial for moving.

Stanza 3

Imagine nenhuma posse
I imagine you get
You need to gain or promote
Uma Irmandade dos homens

Nessa strophe, vai mais longe, imagining a society where there is no property, nem or blind love and absolute hair. Nesta passagem, chega same to question yourself or your interlocutor manages to conceive a reality also, so different from the one in which he lives.
Longe of poverty, of competition and of despair, there will be no more "fome" nem "gain". A serious humanity, in this way, like a big one irmandade, where everyone partilhariam or world in peace.

Meaning of music

Despite the lyrics to strong criticisms of religions, nations and capitalism, it has a soft melody. Or John Lennon himself credited that this melody fez that such a subversive music is oiled by a large public.

But for além gives a vision of the world that the composer himself, the letter has immense power to suggest that a Imagination is capable of melting the world. However unreachable you see what the propositions seem to me, they can be reached, and the first step is to be able to imagine that here it is possible.

Historical and cultural context

The end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s were marked by various international conflicts, which involved two great nuclear powers, the United States and the Soviet Union. The long period of tension experienced between these two countries became known as the Cold War.

This time was very fertile for music and general culture. The movements of the sixties, such as counterculture, will influence pop music and revolutionize the cultural industry. John Lennon himself has played an important role in this move with the Beatles.

Protest against the Vietnam War
Faixa with the writings "Acabem com a guerra agora! Swallow the troops of volta for home ", protest against the Vietnam War, 09/20/1969.

A youth, mainly North American, was refusing to compact as conflicts provoked by political powers. Pregando or famous nickname "Faça amor, não faça guerra", protesting against the conflict against the Vietnã.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono: na luta pela paz

John Lennon, British musician and two founders of the band The Beatles, were the greatest stars of his time. Her work and thought of her influenced for a long time the gerações that will be followed and Lennon became an incontestable icon of western music.

Two aspects of his biography that most arouse public curiosity and marriage with Yoko Ono. Yoko was also a concerted artist who participated in various avant-garde in the 1960s. As a highlight for the Fluxus movement, which has libertarian and politicized proposals for art.

Foi in 1964, when she leaves from a vanguard, that Yoko launched or free Grapefruit, great inspiration for the composition of Imagine. Two years after, or married, a loving, artistic and professional partnership was established.

Bed In, John Lennon and Yoko Ono
John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Bed in, 1969.

Together, two dois coincided with the arrival of Lennon, two great Beatles. Many people blame Ono pela separation from the group and opposed the family.

In 1969, when they got married, they took advantage of the attention that we were receiving to protest against the Guerra do Vietnã. To celebrate lua-de-mel, organize um happening entitled Bed in, no qual ficaram na bed em not give me world peace.

During the performance, I received visits from journalists and took the opportunity to discuss pacifism. Also known are his contributions to activists, fizeram other artistic interventions, such as backing outdoors com a message "A war is over, you want to" for 11 cities.

Conheça also

  • Hey Jude Music
  • As inesquecíveis music of Michael Jackson
  • Bohemian Rhapsody Music, Two Queen
  • Music All of me, by John Legend
  • Music What a wonderful world
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