Education, study and knowledge

Learn more about the Daniel Tigre program: summary and analysis

Daniel Tiger (in English Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood) é um animated educational design that narrates the daily crianças.

A Canadian / American production dedicated to the pre-school public (from 2 to 4 years old). She transmits a series of small teachings such as partilhar, reconheer ruined feelings and deal with daily frustrations.

S01E01 - O Anniversary of Daniel

I summarize

Daniel is a shy, curious and courageous four-year-old tiger who lives a full childhood as an apprentice.

Daniel was originally a unique filho, his family, composes pai hair (a tiger that works in a factory of watches) and peels me, grows like a chegada from a Daniel's irmã.

Everyone lives in the Imaginary Vizinhança, a very special and playful region.

family of Daniel Tigre
Daniel Tigre's family initially composts hair pai e pela mãe

O jovenzinho also has a series of friends who are children (such as Prince Quarta-feira and Helena) and other animais (a coruja, a cat). A history is quite frequent that you animais (coruja, cat) and animated objects gain life and communicate by faking.

instagram story viewer

The short episodes, of 11 minutes, describe daily situations of children: or anniversary day, or picnic with friends, as usual skits.


Na produção infantil Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood We attend the mood and the typical spontaneity of the childhood universe.

We observe Daniel's relationship with those who are around and also here who passes inside his head, recognizing the duvids and typical curiosities of childhood.

Identification as a spectator

The adventures of Daniel Tigre or personagem chama or spectator from vizinho estabelecendo uma proximity relationship com that is on the other side of the cloth.

Or intentionally schedule break a quarter wall e o protagonist fala direto as spectator asking interative and simple questions as for example

Hey, do you want to jump off the face of conta with me?

Daniel Tigre always faces a pause after these questions addressed to the public, leaving space for the spectator to answer.

These are two resources undertaken that make it possible for the child to identify himself as Daniel Tigre, proving that the protagonist is a close friend.

Stimulates or unfolds the child

Um two objectives of animation, turned for or as children from pre-school as well as from entreter (também) ensinar.

Daniel Tigre teaches, for example, as children to contarem, to darem nomes as cores, as forms and to learn the letters of the alphabet. There is, therefore, a pedagogical concern in production.

Daniel Tiger
Daniel Tigre teaches a series of coisas for the children among them, counting, naming the shapes and identifying the letters of the alphabet

Or desho equally stimulates Creativity na infância ao to present songs and imaginative exercises. As music has an important role, it is not programmed because it facilitates memorization. Daniel Tigre always invents a nova canção during his journeys.

Unwrap self-esteem

Outra concern of production and stimulate not only interpersonal relationships as well as self-esteem of children.

Daniel has a positive attitude in relation to himself, the same when he raises some fights two more velhos.

Daniel Tiger
Daniel Tigre teaches us to develop self-esteem

Unwrap as interpessoais relationships

Over the past two episodes, we also attended the relationship of little tiger with the country and we see how this interaction unfolds, which is permeated with a lot of affection. Or despair stimulates the feelings of affection, gratitude and I respect between as crianças and os mais velhos.

Among your friends there is also a concern about unwrapping or feeling of union, on the notion of how it lives together with respect (showing that it is morally oil and that it is condemning). These limits are seen in Daniel's relationship with friends who or near me.

Daniel Tigre and friends
Daniel Tigre and friends

Communicate essential

Daniel Tigre also teaches us that It is necessary to communicate in a rational and non-violent way In all situations - even when you are sad, frustrated or feeling unjustified.

In a series of episodes, the little tiger is confronted with ruinous events that he did not expect and in all of them he is able to communicate what he feels.

Daniel teaches how to deal with difficult feelings

A child easily identifies with Daniel Tigre and in this way he learns, as well as a personagem, to deal with difficult feelings. Daniel practically all the episodes and obliged to confront your own frustrations (Raiva, anguish, insecurity).

A practical example can be seen in an episode where Daniel Tigre anxiously waits for days to go to Praia and, just after that date, chove. Daniel then needs to oil that his wish will not happen exactly at the time he wishes.

Chuva na praia
Daniel Tigre teaches how to deal with disappointments as he didn't want to go to praia and finally choveu adiando all the plans

A disappointment face part gives life and precisely surpasses it

Or unhappy, therefore, to lidar with disappointment Fazendo as a criança perceived that this way, many times it does not happen as nem when we want.

In many situations, Daniel Tigre repeats the following sentence:

I know something was wrong from uma veja e veja o bom side

Daniel Tigre also encourages children to deal with difficult situations, such as when it is necessary to take an injection.

Daniel Tigre em Português - Daniel Toma Uma Injeção S01E19 (HD - Full Episodes)

Conheça also

  • As melhores fables com moral
  • As fables of Aesop
  • Os melhores livros infantis da literature brazilian
  • Caillou e o we learn how to
Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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