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Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream Speech: Analysis and Meaning

Or speech I have a dream (in Portuguese Eu Tenho um Sonho), an emblematic speech by Martin Luther King, which essentially did not move two direct civilians in the United States of America.

Considered by many to be two melhores speeches of all times, the words that were uttered were degraded by the Lincoln Memorial, in Washington DC (US) on August 28, 1963.

With his excellent oratória, or Dr. Martin Luther King's objective is to encourage nova geração to eliminate racism, creating a society for the future. Além disso, also foram mentioned steps that should be followed to achieve racial equality.

Speech I have a dream complete and legendary

COMPLETE Speech by Martin Luther King - Eu tenho um sonho (I Have a Dream) Legendado em Português

I summarize

In this speech, Dr. King mentioned an important document for the history of the United States: a Proclamação de Emancipação, which declared a libertação dos escravos.

The speaker referred that, despite this proclamation, he had been assassinated by President Abraham Lincoln. years before, the current society also had discriminatory attitudes in relation to individuals Afro-descendants.

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In the same way, a Declaration of Independence also included no speech, as an indication that there are some promises that are not yet fulfilled, pois indicates that all the people are raised in the same way and must be the same opportunities.

Analysis and meaning of speech

I am happy to join you on the day that I will enter for the history as a major demonstration of freedom from the history of our nation.

These words were confirmed, because on the day that this speech occurred, August 28, 1963, I entered the story.

This happened not just because the speech was considered as the same XX century speech, but Also because this demonstration in favor of two direct human beings was the greatest of the history of two States. United.

Years ago, a great American, we met under a symbolic shadow, assuming the Proclamação da Emancipação. These moments or decree were like a light of hope for milhões of black slaves who have been marked to iron chamas of shameful injustice. I saw a happy aurora to finish a longa noite do cativeiro.

But, cem years later, we must face the tragic reality that Negro is not free. Cem years later, the life of Negro is still lamentably dilaceted by the algems of segregation and the currents of discrimination. Years later, or Negro continues to live in a life isolated from poverty, entering a vast ocean of material prosperity. Years later, or Negro still defined the margin of American society, finding himself not exiled in his own homeland. Assim, find us here, browse to dramatize such shocking condition.

Martin Luther King refers to the famous former president Abraham Lincoln, who in this place has a stature of more than 30 feet. Assim, the shadow to which it refers is symbolic, but also literal.

A Proclamation of Emancipation was assassinated by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863 and proclaimed two slaves to be released, despite the fact that it did not happen immediately.

The speaker explains that after 100 years, black individuals have not yet received or benefited that this document should be issued.

He mentioned that American society was quite discriminatory and black individuals were not treated as equal:

In a sense we see the capital of our nation to discount a check. When the architects of our Republic create the majestic words of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, we are assuming a promising note that each American city would be herdeiro. This note is a promise that all of you will be guaranteed your inalienable right to life, to freedom and to seek happiness.

A manifestation is described as a metaphorical act of discounting a check, or a bill, to collect from the company that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence promise.

The architects of the Republic in this case are: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and George Washington.

Martin Luther King introduced not his speech important documents that constitute the foundation of the United States as a nation.

There is something, porém, that I devote to or meu povo that is not hot to clean that led to or palácio da justice. We are not going to win our place of directness and we should not be blamed for any irregularities. Let us not seek to satisfy our headquarters for freedom by taking the cup of bitterness and hate. We must always conduct our struggle without a high plane that gives dignity and discipline. We must not let our creative protest degenerate into physical violence. Always more and more we must rise to majestic heights to face physical force with soul force. This marvelously new militancy that engulfs the black community should not lead us to a mistrust of all the white people, pois many of us black irmãos, As evidenced by your presence here, see, you are aware that your destinies are linked to our destiny, and that your freedom is intrinsically linked to us. freedom. We cannot walk sozinhos.

Assim like Gandhi, Martin Luther King propunha uma atitude of civil disobedience, ou seja, without recourse to violence.

It is important to add to this part to differentiate itself from other resistance groups that adopt a more aggressive posture. Malcolm X and a Nação do Islã, for example, certify that all the meios were lawful to combat discrimination and aggresões lived at that time.

As we walk, we must assume or compromise to advance. We cannot go back. There are those who are asking for devoted years aos direitos civis: "When are you satisfied?". We cannot be satisfied in quantity or Black for vítima two incontáveis ​​horrors of police brutality. We cannot find satisfied inquanto our bodies, heavy in the fight of the journey, we cannot find a place of rest for us on the roadways and on the warmth of the cities. We cannot be satisfied with the basic nobility of Negro going from a small ghetto to a higher one. We can never be satisfied when a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes there is nothing to vote for. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied with the fact that justice runs like water and retreats too, like a powerful current.

In various marches and organized campaigns, there were demonstrations of police brutality. Furthermore, a society was highly segregated and black people were considered by many to belong to a lower class.

Many locations were exclusive for the white people and there were sinais that we confirmed. Black individuals in Tinham have few possibilities of living at a lower level, or living in poor places, because Tinham does not have the same opportunities.

In some places, blacks are not able to vote and we are places where they are direct, discrimination was so great that individuals felt that their vote had no impact.

Some states of African descent are unable to enter a cinema, to eat or to a restaurant balcony, to use a drink or to stay in a hotel or motel.

I am not unaware that some of you will see here many difficulties and tribulations. Some of you recém saíram of tiny prison cells. Some of you see the areas where you seek freedom from deixou in you marks of storms of persecution and faith-the tremere hair winds of police brutality. You are veterans of creative cooking. Continue to work with the faith that a deserved and redeeming food.

Voltem ao Mississipi, voltem ao Alabama, voltem à Carolina do Sul, voltem à Geórgia, voltem à Louisiana, voltem to favelas and ghettos of our modern cities, knowing that, in some way, this situation could be altered. Let's not crawl, it's not worth despair.

Martin Luther King had no idea that many people are in the event that the demonstration is completely hopeful and ready to give up because he has gone through dramatic situations.

But he will encourage you, saying that the relief of them would be accompanied by redemption and that they will be able to turn to you with confidence that this unfavorable situation would be altered. And this speech helped to change this situation.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live the true meaning of its birth. "We affirm that these truths are evident; that all you homens were raised equal ".

This phrase is authored by Thomas Jefferson and is found in the Declaration of Independence.

To make this appointment, Martin Luther King intends to call attention to the fact that the American society does not I was living in accordance with this statement and that many people are sofriam with inequality and with discrimination.

I have a dream that some days when Georgian rubras are mounted, you will be filhos of ancient escravos and you will be able to sit at the table of fraternity.

Martin Luther King was born in the State of Georgia, which is quite familiar with only vermelho (with argila), and where several people have scabs.

I have a dream that some day or the State of Mississippi, a State suffocated by heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into a number of freedom and justice.

Aside from being a very hot state, not a temperature setting, Martin Luther King faces an association with heat and injustice because at the height or Mississippi it was one of the two most racist states.

I have a dream that I have four small children in the nursery one day in a nation where I will not be cut off from their skin, plus hair containing this character. Tenho um sonho hoje.

This statement is probably the most famous of all or speech.

Martin Luther King has four films: Yolanda, Dexter, Martin and Bernice. O sonho that has been revealed in this speech in view of a change in society for the benefit of future generations, where the films of Martin Luther King are included.

I have a dream that one day or the State of Alabama, where there are evil racists and where the governor's lips pronounce words of interposition In nullification, one day in Alabama, black men and black men will be able to unite more with white men and white women, such as irmãos and irmãs. Tenho um sonho hoje.

The Governor of the State of Alabama at the time was George Wallace, a renowned enforcer of the segregation between races and fierce opponent of the two direitos civis movement.

I have a dream that one day anything goes will be exalted, all the hills and mountains will be leveled, the acidented places will be They will turn flat and the tortuous places will be drawn and the glory of Senhor will be revealed and all the beings to see, together.

Martin Luther King was a Christian, having been the pastor of an Igreja Batista. Also, this part of his speech is based on a biblical passage found in Isaiah 40: 4-5.

This is hopeful for us. This is faith as to which I return to or from. With this faith we will be able to extract from the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we can transform the dissonant discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of irmandade. With this faith we can work together, pray together, fight together, go to prison together, defend freedom together, knowing that one day we will be free.

By faith, a very important topic in Christian life, and also mentioned in this speech.

Martin Luther King had conviction that, even if this difficult situation was not seen, it was possible to hope for our future, and that by faith he could unite people and help them to conquer freedom.

This will be the day when all the films of Deus will be able to sing with a new meaning: "My country is you, twelve terra de liberdade, de ti eu canto. Terra onde morreram meus pais, terra do proud two pilgrims, from each mountain that ressoe to freedom ".

At this moment, the speaker mentions a well-known patriotic song entitled My Country 'Tis of Thee, That is false about American ideas such as freedom.

Martin Luther King wanted to say that the aforementioned values ​​were not yet lived in the plenitude of the society.

This is America for destined to be a great nation is to become reality. May these prodigious New Hampshire highlands be freed from the rest. That to freedom from ressoe nestas powerful montanhas of New York. May the alleghenies da Pensilvânia be raised to freedom!

That to freedom ressoe us snowy cumes das montanhas Rockies do Colorado!

That freedom from ressoe to the curved coasts of California!

Não somente isso; That to freedom of ressoe in Montanha de Pedra da Geórgia!

That a liberty ressoe na Montanha Lookout do Tennessee!

That freedom from ressoe on every hill and every little elevation in Mississippi.

From each side it gives montanha, that to freedom ressoe.

Martin Luther King continues to use the notion of "ressoar da liberdade" which is part of the patriotic song mentioned above.

At this time, several natural elements of the United States are mentioned, expressing the importance of seeing freedom to be lived in the whole country.

When is this to happen, when we allow freedom of ressoe, when to let us resoe in each town and each village, in each State and each city, we will be able to capture the day When all the people of God, black and white, Jewish and people, Protestants and Catholics, it is certain that they can give more and sing the words of the old black song: "Finally free! Finally free! Louvado seja Deus, Almighty, we are free, finally! "

The speech ends with a reference to a traditional black song that expresses the importance of freedom for people of all classes, races and religions.

Historical and social context

Or speech I have a dream It was held during a demonstration in Washington DC, which gathered more than 250 thousand people.

At that time, the United States lived a strong climate of racial discrimination, which was stronger in some Southern States.

Martin Luther King was convicted of fighting against inequality in society, using means of passive resistance and violence, in contrast to some other people, such as Malcom X.

One year from this speech, in 1964, Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize, reaching the height of the youngest person to receive this award. He has only been 35 years old.

In 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated on the varanda of the hotel where he was staying.

The same depois gives his death to him, to his influence he remains and Martin Luther King is seen as two greatest spokesmen, two direct civilians of all times. Or speech I have a dream He is two more known and cited not in the area of ​​the fight against racism and discrimination.

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