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Phrase O Estado sou eu: analysis and historical context

A oração "O Estado sou eu" (not original “L’État c’est moi", in English"I am the State") is attributed to King Louis XIV (1638-1715).

Also known as Rei-Sol (not original le Roi Soleil), Louis XIV governed France and Navarre between 1643 and 1715.

A sentence uttered translated the spirit of a historical period where there was a total centralization of power na figure of Rei.

Meaning of the phrase "O Estado sou eu"

Or reasoning behind the phrase condenses the logic of the absolutist monarchy. Estava nas mãos do Rei o control all the fundamental aspects of your territory: to security, to maintenance of government bills, to international agreements, to public space management, to war logistics, etc.

Sit down, all the fundamental decisions were channeled to or Rei. Everything that was relevant to the government of France and Navarre was under his authority. I do not found, Louis XIV personified or the rise of power that could be in no European context.

A complete sentence in question has been:

“Je suis la Loi, Je suis l'Etat; l'Etat c'est moi "
(Eu sou a Lei, eu sou or Estado; or State sou eu!)

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Louis XIV, supposed author of the phrase, accredits na This is the divine origin of royal power.

In order to remain as the maximum authority, the pacts with the emerging and diminishing French bourgeoisie, or how much it achieved, or power of nobility. This wise and powerful equação fez that or Rei remains unable to for more than seven decades.

Context of the phrase "O Estado sou eu"

Supposedly to oração "L’État c’est moi"It had been dited by Louis XIV on April 13, 1655 during a session of the French Parliament.

It was his wish that Rei was sublimated by two parliamentarians, during a heated discussion, that he could be solely and exclusively his own despite the disagreements raised at home.

However, there is no formal record by Parliament that guarantees that the sentence has been effectively recorded. For this reason, a huge group of historians places their real authorship on account.

Quem foi o rei Luis XIV?

Louis XIV was born on September 5, 1638. He reigned for more than seven uninterrupted decades and vehemently credited his theory of direct divine that he granted him total and absolute power to manage France and Navarre as Julgasse mais adequate.

Louis XIV receives the power of the mother (or the government of the country for a period of reign of Rainha) when tinha barely five years since I have assumed or definitive control of the national territory in part of the year of 1651.

Louis XIV began his reign for 16 years.
Record of Louis XIV na Juventude.

A fanatic adept of the monarchy, Louis XIV, Rei da França e Navarra, no one who dúvida that this era or my system to govern a country.

In order to determine an idea of ​​importance of King Louis XIV for the French history, it must be established that he was the author of pharaohs such as the Palace of Versalhes (built in 1664). At work and, by sinal, a sumptuous demonstration of absolutist power.

Or his government was also known for the prosperity and the proliferation of French colonies. In Europe, or period marked by monarchical absolutism, it comprises the beginning of the seventeenth century and the end of the eighteenth century (or the framework of closure for the French Revolution, which began in 1789).

Vaid, Louis XIV was famous for fostering a huge cult of his own personalities.

O Morreu monarch not on September 1, 1715, seventy-seven years.

Another phrase also consecrated would have been given by Rei em seu leito de morte:

"Je m'en vais, mais l'État demeurera toujours".
(Eu saio, mas o Estado will always remain.)

Luis XIX had been or the author of the famous phrase 'O Estado sou eu'.
Louis XIV was the author of the famous phrase "O Estado sou eu".

Conheça also

  • Phrase Os fins justificam os meios
  • Phrase Know yourself
  • Phrase O homem é o lobo do homem
  • Phrase I think, logo I exist
  • Phrase O homem é um political animal
Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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