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Tower of Babel: history, analysis and meaning

A history of the Tower of Babel appears in the Bible, not the Old Testament - but precisely not the book of Genesis (chapter 11) - to explain at the origin two more different non-world languages.

In an attempt to reach or ceu, the homens will organize and begin to build a huge tower. When I found out what was happening, Deus, to punish them, think how different languages ​​were used so that they could never understand each other.

Babel Tower
Or quadro To Tower of Babel, painted by Pieter Bruegel, or Velho em 1563

History of the Tower of Babel

The myth of the construction of a monumental tower passes by the great flood, during a time when all the descendants of Noah - falavam to the same language.

I was all on the ground with a language and the same words.

Determined to build a city with a huge tower, the homens will gather to build a tall building capable of reaching the sky.

This attitude was formed as a challenge to God, who descended on the ground and punished the homens involved in construction, failing with different languages.

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Either myth deals with explaining or why, até two days of leafing, we have so many different languages ​​about Terra.

Analysis of the myth of the Tower of Babel

Paira on the history of the Tower of Babel to eternal dúvida is a narrative it is a parable or a fato event event - embora does not exist any scientific evidence that a torre, de fato, tivesse existed.

Apesar das inquietações, or foundational myth remains traversing secles as an important narrative about origin of profusion of languages.

About construção da torre

In Genesis, in the Bible, the detailed writings of this sumptuous construction were so many centuries ago and with few resources. Either text affirms or follows:

Vinde, we façamos tijolos and we cook you no fire. E foi for them or tijolo for stone and or clay foi for them for mortar.

There are no more descriptions of the text about the technique used for building construction. We don't know what was built at the height of the tower, at its depth, or exactly where it was located - we hardly know that it was built in the Babylonian region.

We know or hope that the homens will organize themselves to carry out the work and the plans they are Running bem, with the tower standing upright from the wind at the stern and at great speed with the intervention divine.

Hans Bol The Tower of Babel
Quadro The Tower of Babel painted by Hans Bol (1534-1593)

Or what motivated you to build a tower

The years homens who want to leave this tower are associated with the sentiments of vaidade, from ambition, from superb e of can. This is what is evident during the biblical reading of the passage:

And disseram: Come on, let's build the tower for our city, and let it be celebrated for our fame, so that we won't be back on the face of the whole earth.

Moved by uma arrogant atitudePresumably, you are involved in the Julgavam work that, by mastering the construction techniques, you will be able to build a tower with pontas tocassem or ceu.

Religious museums tell us that the myth of the Tower of Babel teaches that science and technology must be used to make or break as a ferramenta of competition or use.

A Reação de Deus

Depois de ouvir diizer, through two angles, of the construction of a sumptuous building, Deus decided to descend on Terra to assist with his own work.

Tower of Babel Lucas van Valckenborch 1594
Cloth Tower of babel painted by Lucas van Valckenborch in 1594

O fato del not accredited not that disseram os homens e ter descended personally for o nosso plane to see com We own ourselves that we must not condemn any week before we guarantee that, in fact, the accusations are true.

Furious, Deus leu o gesture two homens as uma faces. Então or all powerful decided, as a form of punishment, to impute to the homens - with help two different angles - languages.

E descenu o Eterno to see the city and the tower that we will build the filhos dos homens. E disse or Eternal: "Eis um mesmo povo, e uma mesma langue for all eles; isto foi that you fez começar a fazer; And now it will not be private everything you try to do. Come, we desçamos and confuse ali your language, so that you do not understand each um a linguagem de seu companheiro. "

The Tower of Babel myth is corroborated by the fact that there are many completely different languages, rather than using similar words etymologically to refer to the same things. This evidência elida by many as a proof that originally there was a single language denounced by all the homens.

Either way I will not get faulted or the same language - "confused or Eternal in the language of all the earth" - fez that you homens do not understand each other. Whenever a subject asked for tijolos, for example, or another delivered mud and shape to construction not to face due to successive misunderstandings and confusion.

Além da confusion of languages

Convém lembrar that the initial project of Deus, second to Biblia, was to disseminate os homens pela Terra. You will also build a tower or challenge our sense: or desire to erguer to the city as I intend to centralize everyone in the same region.

Essa vontade ia against the plans of Deus and, also foram punidos, além receberem different languages ​​also foram separated.

I am not satisfied with confusing the homens fazendo as that each one speaks a different language, Deus also Espalhou os homens peels the surface of Terra occasionally preventing the idealized city from being built.

E os backhou or Eterno dali on the face of all the earth, and cease to build a city.

Some religious affirmed that the tower of Babel was absent, but there is none, there is no indication of the biblical record of the assassination or the destination of the construction.

Valkenborch babel-tower
Cloth The Tower of Babel painted by Marten van Valckenborch (1535–1612)

Or what does Babel mean?

Babel is a word divided into two parts (Bab-El) and means in Babylonian language "Porta de Deus".

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Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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