Tomás Antônio Gonzaga: works and analysis
Arcade poet, advocate, born and raised in Portugal, emigrated to Brazil and died in Moçambique, that was Tomás Antônio Gonzaga.
Written by the author of Marília de Dirceu e days Chilean Letters It is interesting that he deserves an attentive and delayed look. This text, produced during the eighteenth century, is permeated with autobiographical traces and is also delivered to the reader as a record of the time in which it lived.
Sharp, critical and audacious, his lyrics made him famous as one of the two greatest Brazilian neoclassical poets.
Main poems
A first work published by Gonzaga - a volume of poetry - emerged in Lisbon in the year 1792. Coming 48 years old, the poet was waiting to embark on his way to Africa when he published his Liras.
His literary work belongs to Arcadismo (or Neoclassicism), a subsequent literary school or Baroque, and basically contemplates two quite different works.
Já quite conheque hair great public, são de autoria of Tomás Antônio Gonzaga os verses of Marília de Dirceu and Chilean Letters.
Marília de Dirceu, 1792
Or work that we know as a coletânea starring hairs shepherds Marília and Dirceu tinha originally 118 pages that continue 23 poems.
Tomás Antônio Gonzaga theoretically knew Maria Joaquina Dorotéia Seixas (not a poem reproduced as Marília), at the time of a teenager, not to follow that she had visited Brazil.
Following the pastoral conventions of the time, Tomás Antônio Gonzaga transposed to literature or his young love that he had known in Vila Rica. Serviram de inspiração for lyrical poets like Virgílio e Teócrito.
In addition to a declaration of love to your beloved Marília, the verses are praising the bucolic life of the countryside at the same time that they criticize Rotina in the city.
A linguagem used is simple and accessible, the verses are discreet and do not carry elaborate rhymes. It is worth underlining that Marília, or Dirceu's love object, is highly idealized to us both in terms of physicality and personality:
Na sua face mimosa,
Marília, they are mixed
Purple leaves of rose,
Brancas folhas de jasmim.
Two more precious rubins
The beiços of her are formed;
Your delicate teeth
São pieces of marfim.
Marília de Dirceu is, therefore, first of all, a compliment to a beloved feito in a pastoral context of courtship.
Two poems were impressed by the first edition of the Nunesian Typography in 1792. Seven years later, at the same typeface I printed a new edition, this time with a third part. In 1800, for the time being, a third edition emerged containing a third part.
As edições will take place in Portugal in 1833 in Brazil at first impression of Marília de Dirceu It arose some in 1802, ten years after the publication of the first Portuguese edition.
Are you interested in the love lyrics of Tomás Antônio Gonzaga? Know more about the work Marília de Dirceu.
Chilean Letters, 1863
Ace Chilean Letters Foram anonymous satirical verses that denounced the system of corruption and likings during the administration of Luís da Cunha de Menezes, governor of the captaincy of Vila Rica between 1783 and 1788.
The verses do not rhyme and were assassinated by Critilo, who clearly explained a situation with the captain of the thirteen letters disclosed anonymously in the region.
As there was strong repression and a terrible measure of censorship, the criticisms needed to be camouflaged. Critilo, who lived in Chile, supposedly decided to write thirteen letters addressed to his friend Doroteu, who I lived in Spain, to narrate the decisions of cruel Fanfarrão Minésio, a corrupt governor of the colônia Spanish hello.
As I wish Minésio to serve as an example so that such situation will not be repeated in Brazil, um unknown that you get more letters resolve to translate them from Spanish to or from Portuguese to support Vila Real.
O alvo das major critiques that the letters appeared as Fanfarrão Minésio, it was the true governor of Vila Real, Luís da Cunha de Menezes.
Or addressee of letters, Doroteu, I suppose that Cláudio Manuel da Costa, an unconfident from Tomás Antônio Gonzaga, is from Minas Gerais. A city of Vila Rica arises nas letters such as fosse Santiago and or Brazil, by correspondence, serious or Chile.
A criticism of the letters is given as a fine irony from a precise olhar that denounces the absurdities committed by the governor.
In his verses, Critilo muitas vezes chacota as alleged deficiencies and limitations of Luís da Cunha de Menezes:
Do nosso Fanfarrão? You didn't see
In casquilho suits, nessa corte?
I can, my friend, from um peralta
Form-se, suddenly, um homem serious?
Doroteu lacks any minister
- Awakened students, a thousand exams,
E can be or powerful chef
That I don't know how to write a single regra
Where, at least, was I um nome certain?
Ace Chilean Letters It has enormous literary value, but also social because it portrays life in society from the time. They illustrate how or poorly it was treated and how the rulers of Faziam (ou não Faziam) will be fulfilled.
The verses attributed to Tomás Antônio Gonzaga são um verdadeiro registry do modus operandi The most valuable captaincy of Brazil at the end of the 18th century.

I read like this Chilean Letters na whole.
Complete work
Tomás Antônio Gonzaga was not a very prolix author and his bibliography is summarized in few publications. São elas:
- Natural Direito Treaty, 1768.
- Marília de Dirceu (Part 1). Lisbon: Nunesian Typography, 1792.
- Marília de Dirceu (parts 1 and 2). Lisbon: Nunesian Typography, 2 vols., 1799.
- Marília de Dirceu (parts 1, 2 and 3). Lisbon: Joaquim Tomás de Aquino Bulhões, 1800.
- Chilean letters. Rio de Janeiro: Laemmert, 1863.
- Complete works (organization of M. Rodrigues Lapa). São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1942.
Filho de João Bernardo Gonzaga, a name that was judged in Montalegre, Tomás Antônio Gonzaga followed the path of his linhagem not that he says he respects or is interested in the leis and the letters. Or avô paterno, for his time, he was also an influential Rio de Janeiro advocate named Tomé de Souto Gonzaga.
O pai de Tomás Antônio Gonzaga - João Bernardo - had entered the Direito na Universidade de Coimbra course in October 1726. He had followed the steps of the country that, a geração before, percorreu or mesmo caminho.
My writer was Tomásia Isabel Clark, a Portuguese housewife who died when Tomás was barely a month old. For the first five years of my life, the writer was taking care of my uncles.
Tomás Antônio Gonzaga was born in Porto, not on August 11, 1744, having been the seventh and last filho do casal. In 1752, the Gonzaga family moved to Brazil. The first was established in Pernambuco, where João Bernardo was appointed as the captain of the captain. Not Brazil, or the country of Tomás Antônio Gonzaga also served as auditor, corregedor, judge, county provider and deputy.
Tomás spent his first years in Brazil (in Pernambuco), and was later sent to study in Bahia.
At the age of 17, in 1762, the son of José Gomes (then 22 years old) immigrated to study at the Faculdade de Leis de Coimbra. Foi a third geração da family a fazer or the same course. Já em Coimbra, or finished writer or course no year of 1768 with work Natural Direito Treaty. We years following advogou training in Lisbon.
The first appointment to the magistracy of Tomás Antônio Gonzaga was from Juiz em Beja, 34 years old.

From return to Brazil, in 1782, he became a general manager of Vila Rica (Minas Gerais), to the most sheltered and rich captain of overseas. He tells the informal story that the benevolent fora as devedores of highest prestige and ultra rigorous as those who were not influential or sufficient.
After being sentenced for participation in the Inconfidência Mineira, he was imprisoned for three years in Rio de Janeiro (when he was 45 years old) was demoted to Ilha de Moçambique on the first day of July 1792.
In relation to his personal life, Tomás has a filho in Portugal named Luís Antônio Gonzaga, who was raised as his wife. In Moçambique, he married Juliana de Sousa Mascarenhas and the teve dois filhos (Ana e Alexandre).
Or writer died in January 31, 1807. Tomás Antônio Gonzaga is the patron of cadeira number 37 of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.
Inconfidência Minas
In 1782, Tomás Antônio Gonzaga went to Brazil and, two years later, began to nurture severe disagreements with Luís da Cunha Menezes, then governor of the captaincy of Minas Gerais.
For two years following, he redid letters addressed to D. Maria I, making clear the truculent attitudes of the governor.
Naquela period reigned to the policy of payment of the fifth, isto é, do ouro garimpado that passed through houses of fundição, a fifth followed directly for the Portuguese choir. The governor was or was responsible for that recollection in a highly questionable way.
As a crisis of production of our own, the captain needs to extract new resources. For this, he resolved to prohibit the production of certain products, going on to import and tax or that came from abroad with high taxes.
Revolt with the situation, some citizens will gather in meetings considered separatists in the year 1788. Not a year to follow, Joaquim Silvério dos Reis denounced the situation for Portugal and the involvement of prisoners and prisoners. Tomás Antônio Gonzaga belongs to the group and I suppose that he has participated in less than two meetings.
Julgado, condemned, or writer was imprisoned and was sent to or exiled in Moçambique where he should remain for, at least, ten years.
However, he ended up coming to life when he married Juliana de Sousa Mascarenhas, as I have two filhos. Tomás Antônio Gonzaga rebuilt his life in Moçambique, having held public positions, including reaching the post of alfândega juice.
Conheça also
- Poem No Meio do Caminho, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
- Livro Clara dos Anjos, by Lima Barreto
- Poem "E agora, José?" by Carlos Drummond de Andrade