Vida Loka, part I and II of Racionais MC's: detailed analysis and explanation
Loka life, part I and Loka Life, Part II são music of the Brazilian rap group Racionais MC's. Foram released initially no album "Nada como um Dia após o Outro Dia" (2002), emerging de novo no disc and DVD of hits ao vivo 1000 Tricks, 1000 Tricks (2008).
Being able to be analyzed separately and also like everything else, they narrate various experiences of underprivileged youth who engage in crime as a means of sustenance and survival.
Trying to faithfully portray the various facets of this perilous lifestyle and also encouraging me to seek to overcome misery, Loka Life it expresses the social reality of many Brazilian people in the rocky situation.
Análise das musicas Vida Loka, part I and II
Loka life, part I
Written by Mano Brown and Abraão, the music is intended to represent a talk between two friends, um give them prisoner and or another in freedom, who disavows about their atuais situations.
Brown links to an incarcerated companion and narrates the most recent episode of violence. Na
intro da song, tell that a woman invented a case like him for fazer ciume not husband, a criminal who is seeking vingança. Dois falam que estão bem ("firmão") more Desbafam about the hardness of life within the prison system Brazilian.Abraão, who seems to have a cell phone in the cadeia, fails to die from his country and regrets that he has not been present at the final hour:
meu pai morreu e nem deixaram eu go no burial do meu coroa não, irmão.
Despite dissatisfaction, I maintain my otimistic position, announcing that I will soon return (being freed or escaping): "Logo mais eu tô still na broken com vocês".
Or companheiro, who reached out to tell his misadventures, clarifies that life in freedom continues to be very difficult and perigious:
na rua also not so easy not, morô?
By disclosing the social lives, he sublimates the profit and the inveja that or surrounds: "One gathering inimigo, others gathering money." In spite of two cliffs, he declares that life follows that "always fear run to more." Um "run", na gíria, é uma tarefa, some coisa to fazer. Or thermo is frequently associated with crime (traffic, traffic, etc).
As verso "nós aí qualquer coisa side by side, nós até o fim" shows that it is ciente gives the possibility of going to cadeia also. Declare your allegiance, or laço de irmandade that unites you: vão ficar together in any cenário, during or at least once.
The voice of Mano Brown, or lyrical subject motivates your companion, sublining the importance of faith and divine protection, introducing Crença em Deus as salvação no meio do caos.
Fé em Deus que ele é just!
Hey, irmão, it never gets cut
Na saves, guerreiro, get up your head, truta
Where I am, see how for
Have faith, because I attached no lixão nasce flor
Pray for us pastor, lembra da people
Falando com Abraão, it seems to falar with himself, also motivating those who or scrambled me to maintain strength or pride. Despite da fé em Deus, he recommends that you fique "na guarda", ou seja, attentive. At the same time I suggested the idea of fighting, pointing out that it is necessary to assume a constant defensive position.
Aponta also that there is hope, ha what the same most adverse conditions, or events may arise: or individual not determined by the place where he sees it.
In reality, the members of the MC's Racionais são de Capão Redondo, a disadvantaged region of the southern area of São Paulo, but you will be able to overcome all obstacles and conquer fame through your work musical.
Nesta passagem, or lyrical eu fala directly as Igreja, represented by the figure of "shepherd". I ask that they be called to you by your companions, who pray for them. Na sequence, squeeze or your most vulnerável side, confessing that you question or your value and fear medo do rumo that your life will take.
Eu I feel at the same time it is meio pa, insecure
That nem um vira-lata, sem faith no future
Vem alguém lá, quem é quem, quem ser meu bom
Give me a jump to furar moletom!
Contudo, No next moment, I fear that fragility, when someone is approaching. Or "jump to furar moletom" is clearly a sharp object: or subject to his aggressive posture to protect himself.
In a world of external ameaças, I cannot give confidence to the unfamiliar, I cannot let them approach, because fear disloyalty and betrayal:
Because confiança is an ungrateful woman
That beija you and hug you, you rouba and it kills you
It is clear that this way of being implies responding to violence as violence. TO aggression arises from the need to defend oneself, to revive all attacks, even when or inimigo seems harmless: "Se uma fly ameaçar me catar, piso nela".
Brown takes up the story that he started, adding that the city husband sent two capangas to his house that appeared asking for him and his relatives:
E já I thought, doido, e se eu tô com o meu filho
No sofa, hesitant, disarmed, it was here
Sem culpa e sem chance, nem pra open a mouth
Ia nessa sem saber, (pro cê vêr), Vida Loka!
The episode reinforces the notion of how his life is fragile and runs perigo, fazendo with what theme also pela security of his family.
Reflecting on the reality in which it is inserted, stands out or proud, to vaude, to gain as the main reason two conflicts and rivalry:
A inveja exists every 10, 5 an evil
The final stanzas of Vida Loka, part I arise from some quests that are explored more deeply in the second part. It is evident that The position of guerrilla is something that or little subject felt obliged to assume in all the situations, just as I do not found peace.
More to be resolved, to be involved, vai meu nome, eu vô
Fazer or what is cadeia é pra homem?
Malandrão eu? No, no fool
War was wanted, terá, peace was wanted, I wanted to double
Nesta passagem, explains his conduct and his way of thinking and living. Some confusion arises that surrounds you, your honor and dignity, you have to buy from briga, save your reputation, even when that means going to stop at cadeia too. It shows that you are willing to face the consequences of your struggles but also make it clear that you would prefer to continue in a more peaceful way.
Um por um, Deus por nós, tô here de passagem
Vida loka, eu não tenho dom pra vítima
Also, no context of violence where everyone needs to save their own child ("um por um"), it is necessary to prove the divine protection and guidance. You are not going to regret your situation, you do not want to be a victim, you are going to be able to survive but are aware that your life can be short. Essa seems to be the definition of a "crazy life".
Evidencing the role of each um em taking care of themselves, music does not stand out at the collective importance. Show that true friends stay together até o fim: "no paradise ou no dia do juízo".
Among so many relationships you have and perigosh, the companions fazem questão to finish the music reaffirming the alliance that exists between them.
Loka Life, Part II
In this second part, Mano Brown continues to be the main lyricist, counting on the participation of the rapper Cascão in the intro. A music comes as a commemoration of more one year of life. The lyrical subject thanks or fato for following two good companions together: "Graças a Deus a gente tá com saúde".
Let's toast or holiday day
That o amanhã só belongs to Deus, a vida é loka
Following the "carpe diem" philosophy, Expressa your vontade to commemorate and take advantage of the present day, because you do not know you will be alive no next day. To instability and the cliffs that or rodeiam fazem com that I value every moment that passes.
Tudo, tudo, tudo vai, tudo é phase irmão
Logo mais vamo arrebentar no mundão
Another time, Mano Brown transmits a message of motivation and self-love for those who listen to them. Addressing your companions, Lembra that all the difficulties are passing and what is happening.
The following verses, he faces a list of bens materiais, external sinais of wealth (cords de ouro, relogios, champagne) that will be in your future.
However, here it seems important to end up as a state of deprivation, of constant poverty and struggle:
This is the question of tempo, or fim do sofrimento
To conquer life, I am not forced, or subject, to adopt a permanent defense posture. He discharges himself on the need to always be "open-eyed", attentive and ready to react to possible attacks. All this tension or prevents him from relaxing, or forces him to keep him while he is asleep.
I sleep soon for war
E eu was not assim, eu tenho ódio
E sei o que é mau pra mim
Fazer or what is assim?
Or dinner of violence and perigo iminente deixa consequences and sequelas not subject. Tudo isso or wears out, a bad face for his soul, more elect than he is forced to remain there to survive. Either the hate that he keeps and keeps accumulating seems to corrode him inside more or the lyrical confession that he has not managed to proceed in any other way.
Life loka cabulosa
O cheiro é of gunpowder
I prefer roses
E eu that, e eu that
I always wanted a place
Gramado e limpo, assim, verde como o mar
Fences brancas, uma seringueira com balança
Disbicando pipa, fenced by criança
From this sequence of verses it becomes evident that the reality of the subject is very different from what it is compared to what the sonha does. Or "gunpowder cheiro" invades or ar, due to years of shots fired, but he confesses that he prefers peace, symbolized by the roses.
Regrets or violent way as fear to behave no urban and underprivileged cenário, where there is "a ferido heart per square meter". He confesses that he always lives with no nature, longs for the confusion of São Paulo, as security and safety for his family.
Embora he still lives for a long time to make his dreams, he maintains faith in his future and accredits that he is destined for success:
Or what should it be?
It will be meu
It is written in the stars
I'm going to claim com Deus
He does not fear that he tries to catch anything, he trusts his abilities and knows that he is saved. Despite all the difficulties, a hope of hope continues to exist: a felicidade "é uma trilha estita / em meio à selva sad".
Aware of all the troubles in his social context, he reveals that The only justice that really matters is divine, because I read two homens and partial and fatal: "O promoter é só um homem / Deus é o juiz". Or subject accredits that he will be acquitted when he repents of serious crimes perante Deus.
Oh, 45 seconds of repentance
Except and forgive
É Dimas, or bandit
Is compared to São Dimas, "o bom Ladão" that he was crucified with Christ and received in Paradise, you must declare your faith and acknowledge your sins at the hour of death. Declaring that Dimas was "first life loka gives history ", he tells that the bandit was loyal and dying on the side of Jesus, enquanto "or canalha, fardado" cuspia nele.
Nesta passagem, and traveling to Bíblia, Mano Brown deixa a very important message: Life of crime does not necessarily mean lack of character or faith. Even breaking the divine and human laws, this little guy trusts that his motivations will be understood and his lost years: "I know that Deus is here."
Scheduled for morrer nós é
Certo é certo, and believe not what to derive, firmness?
No questão de luxo
Não é questão de cor
What is the question?
Happy or soothing
The following verses, or the lyric, explain that this is not about an escolha or something that you are indivídudos fazem because gostam. In the absence of possibilities, it seems so close to death that it is necessary to "believe what to do", to do what is necessary.
More adiante, lembra than the purchasing power that allows you to acquire tênis, cars and other objects of luxury, or money "opens doors", while to "misery traces sadness and vice versa". Assim, more than any sign of wealth, here is what a little subject and your companions look for me or the end of a hard life, of struggle and frustration.
Além de serem underprivileged numa society of shouting contrasts and social injustices, I also climbed or preconceito because I am black. Num Brazil is deeply marked by racism and colonialism, "preto e dinheiro são palavras rivais".
Viver little like um rei ou muito, like um Zé?
Sometimes it is eu acho that everything preto like eu
I only want a piece of land I do not kill, I only kill you
Sem luxo, barefoot, swim num riacho
Sem fome, hitting the fruits I do not chunk
Aí truta, e o que eu acho
I love me too, more in São Paulo
Deus é a note of R $ 100
Loka life!
Assim, num verse, I managed to squeeze the questão that seems to divide these individuals: "live little like um rei ou muito like um Zé?". Ou seja, Embora or crime seja quase a sentence of death, hair less temporarily and a way to end with misery that torments you.
Or capitalism, the oppression of the rich over the poor is what led you to extreme necessity and violence. Brown lets him know that all his companions are like peace. However, this utopia seems unattainable because to encourage fala higher and or dinheiro detam all or power.
Aware of the new born social context that either discriminates and prejudices, or little subject is faced as a "warrior of faith." He is courageous, he is willing to survive and guarantee or support his family.
Because o warrior of faith never gela
I don't like it or it's unfair, and I don't love it
O Rei dos reis was brought and sangrou nessa terra
More to die like um homem é or prêmio da guerra
Brown ends to the music, making Jesus also morreu, attracted, with hair that he defended. Assim, a morte nem always and understood as a punishment, more as a sinal de força. To die in combat would be a sign of honor, "or war prize", which barely brought destruction.
In all or case, or little boy does not consider himself defeated, he is ready to die na luta: "A vida é loka, nêgo / E nela eu tô de passagem". Ciente da iminência da morte, pede protection for Dimas, holy thief who understands your sins and knows your repentance.
To Dimas, or first
Saúde guerreiro!
Meaning of Vida Loka I and II
As usual not rap, Racionais MC's use or musical style to narrate the experiences of litters most disadvantaged society, showing the inequalities and injustices that remain for a long time tempo.
Loka Life he traced two deliquents (so many times it is represented in a superficial and preconceiving way) na first pessoa. Exposed as Contradições de um homem de fé that fears that I survive practicing crimes Vem humanize that figure, facing hair "homens de bem" as a species of monster.
Through two parts of this narrative, we testify that this perigoso homem, na realidade tem sonhos banais, He aspires for a life of peace and security for those he loves. Like São Dimas, he accredits in Deus and hopes or your loss and his protection of him.
Racionais MC's
![portrait of racionais mc's](/f/ac9a58bec340479703041b331afe6eee.jpg)
Founded in 1988, the rap group Racionais MC's has formed rappers Mano Brown, Edi Rock and Ice Blue and DJ KL hair. Original from Capão Redondo, south of São Paulo, or a conquered group or public from the internal country, becoming many of the highest authorities of Brazilian rap.
Their songs denounce social issues such as poverty, or racism, police violence and bias of Brazilian justice. Having conquered or succeeded, the elements of the Racionais MC's do not outline their roots and continue to provide a valuable testament to the harshness and injustice of life in the peripheries.
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