10 famous works of Romero Britto
Romero Britto (1963) was born in Recife, a modest family, and emigrated to the United States, where he began to work as a plastic artist, having built a career of success.
As its characteristic color, the works of Romero Britto were increasingly being disseminated in America as well as in other countries. Also, you give fabrics, so his prints of him will become popular through partnerships that the artist goes to major brands such as Disney, Absolut and IBM.
1. Or cat
![Or cat Romero Britto](/f/3093953d6ef1ae52473e18be439d165d.jpg)
Or cat It is one of the most famous works of the Brazilian plastic artist. As your typical color, Or cat He also traced a lot of the geometric style explored by the artist's hair.
In order to portray companhia animais, domestic, like or cat, wakes up not a spectator muito de uma affective memory.
The image of the cat does not appear as soon as it is born, it is also present in a series of other works such as fabrics O cat e o while, em Mona Cat e em some sculptures. The cats, além transmitirem to feeling of home, also sublinham uma message from aconchego.
Despite having started creating fabrics, the aesthetic developed by the artist became popular, being present in other ways, especially in product packaging. A large part of Romero Britto's profit does not actually sell the pieces he produced, but rather than licensing. You give stamps for advertising campaigns or illustrating everyday objects from chinelos I tied bags and capinhas of mobile.
Second Roberta Britto, Irmã de Romero, responsible for the gallery of the artist in Brazil:
O Romero's work is not a work that he may have said was sold by thousands of people. It was sold, sim, for milhões. Or that it is a big difference.
2. Borboleta
![Borboleta Romero Britto](/f/0073208c010cdb5d96fb9b50be524b07.jpg)
A ideia da freedom, represented with insects hair, and very close to Romero Britto, who was born in Recife, but a distant career, tendo was established in the United States. Até hoje or artist lives in Miami, where keep me at his gallery.
In the presence of him in the região etão forte that, in 2005, na Flórida, or artist was nominated as Ambassador of Arts. It is possible to find a series of sculptures and paintings by the artist in the region.
Borboleta was also an important element to argue about the artist's conquests, which he managed to win. borders and backs, or his work, both in Brazil, in the United States and in other territories distant.
You will continue minha missão de alegrar o mundo, which as never needs more love, happiness, hope and self-esteem
Romero Britto, a convicted otimist that since he began to raise he has followed a missão of backsharing happy images among human beings, he defines his style as being "neo-cubist pop”. This aesthetic, colorful and cheia de linhas, can be easily recognized in the work Borboleta.
3. Peixe
![Peixe Romero Britto](/f/2bb2a676f4f348cf400dac52e8c6444c.jpg)
Em muitas das suas criações - case of Or peixe - Romero Britto brings to life themes and forms infantis. We observe, for example, expressão do peixe, who keeps his sorriso open. O peixe is built from different prints, many cores and simple outlines.
One of the explanations of the artist's succession is not intended to illustrate, many times, elements that awaken our memories, how many of us we manage to relate to. É or case of peixe, which is closely associated with infantis memories.
A minha arte awakens some kind of positive feeling, of joy, by isso é tão celebrated
Romero Britto began to paint when he was fourteen years old, he participated in an exhibition in Brasília, where he sold or his first painting for the Organization of two American States. This childish tradition, allied to cor, very associated with joy, never ceases to characterize the artist's production.
4. Flower
![Flor Romero Britto](/f/3853830b5c08f783406951863b6d92ea.jpg)
A representation of the flower of six petals, feita with simple traces, hair stands out irreverent and colorful print.
A combination of acima contains six flowers - or number six is quite present in the breeding both in terms of composition of the work and in the flowers themselves. We see one or more of each flower being pressed into different shapes: são listras, circles, other flowers and attached to Romero Britto's own official assinatura serve as a pretext as a stamp.
Many critics accuse the Brazilian artist of producing a decorative, superficial art, moved to purely commercial interests. On the other hand, other so many also praise or work by Romero Britto for producing a easy to understand art, eclectic and democratic, that is capable of enchanting a great international public.
5. Heart
![Heart Romero Britto](/f/8a70b41171e71eaac16cc3e1cffc1116.jpg)
To paint Heart, é, na verdade, composed by five hearts, positioned num abstract background that seems to go up or in the sun between hills.
O theme of love - represented here by corações hairs - is quite frequent in the production of an artist who tries to appeal to a affective aesthetics, turned for the emotions, that awakens a loving side in which he appreciates his works of him.
In various interviews Romero Britto assumes that a lot of his aesthetics of him were influenced graphite hair, present with enough intensity in the training of the artist, when the other lived in Brazil. Or thick traço, a preto, it would be a characteristic that the artist would be drunk from the art of the street.
6. Casal Obama
![Casal Obama Romero Britto](/f/b9f9e0de5a3b4bbf875867fedce88410.jpg)
Romero Britto was convicted of raising a series of portraits of important politicians. Two of his most famous works were representing Obama's wedding.
A tribute was delivered to Casa Branca, during the end of the mandate of Barack Obama, in November 2016.
I do not portray the Sorridente house, there is a series of references to the United States from a bandeira, present not terno, tied or founded, that fits or casal.
Romero Britto moved to the United States in 1988, when he was 25 years old, and it shows a lot of the culture of the country that he collected in some of his works.
As an artist he was on the road doing exhibitions in Europe, at the home cloth Obama was given unique hair by Romero, Brendan Britto, as an American artist Cheryl Ann.
7. Mona Cat
![Mona Cat Romero Britto](/f/6c92434d2896d5355290f269df1e4c5a.jpg)
Or quadro Mona Cat faz uma fusão entre o gato - figure já popular na work of Romero Britto - com a imagem da Mona Lisa, a classic painting created by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503.
He is funny how Romero Britto manages to melt the image of a cat, very present in popular culture and in nossa Affective memory, as a classical representation, of a two artists most recognized in Western painting, from from uma irreverent linguagem.
Allusion to famous painting is given both no title and position of the protagonist, here a cat, which is placed exactly in the same disposition as its famous human ancestor.
8. We love Rauschenberg
![We love Rauschenberg Romero Britto](/f/99c3eace5c46c230b652aa1cd4fd6863.jpg)
Rauschenberg were two artists who will serve as inspiration for Romero Britto, who decided to eternalize idol image in a portrait painted in 2007.
Robert Rauschenberg, little known to the general public, more importantly not on the international scene of the arts, born in Texas and was not fundamental to pop and abstract art. The portrait was created by Romero Britto a year before the artist died.
A Brazilian painter, he is known to give life to a series of portraits of celebrities such as Madonna, Michael Jackson and Shakira.
9. Heart kids
![Heart kids Romero Britto](/f/b9ea9cf3dbfc2e393af7d62f2cb6eae9.jpg)
Heart kids He is one of the most famous works of the artist, who choose to represent a boy and a girl hugging, together, a huge green heart positioned in the center of the cloth.
Here uma intentional disproportionality, which gives a highlight to the great heart that rouba or olhar do spectator, located not above the point of highlight of the cloth.
As people who carry simple contours, or squares stand out with hearts and prints, both on the abstract background and on roupas that or menino e a menina carregam.
10. Dilma
In February 2011, Romero Britto delivered to the president of Brazil Dilma Rousseff, not Palácio do Planalto, a portrait made in his honor.
On occasion, the artist clarified that it was not only a compliment to a major figure of the Brazilian State as well as to all the other women of the region:
A work is a great tribute to Dilma and to all the women of America do Sul (...) Offer me work for ela e para o povo brasiliro, with that color and joy that portrays or moment that o Brazil lives.
You are beautiful portraits by Romero Britto, offered to many personalities that she admires, also can be commissioned by public hair and custam from 100 thousand dollars.
Do you want to do the work of the Brazilian artist, take the opportunity to get to know me or artigo? Romero Britto: works and biography.