Film Up: High Adventures
Or film Up (2009), by Pixar, tells the story of Carl Fredricksen, a 78-year-old lone widower and ranzinza, who embarks on a new adventure to perform a youth dream that he has with a woman, Ellie. You want to discover the Paraíso das Cachoeiras, a little known point located in South America.
Carl is accompanying this day, the boy Russell, an 8-year-old escoteiro who, if he wants to, embarks on the flying house.
(Attention, esse artigo contém spoilers)
Sinopse do film
Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old widower who, during his youth, was a soccer salesman. It was still a childhood that Ellie knew him, or his great love, how he saw him marry. Aventureira, or greatest sonho da moça was to know or Paraíso das Cachoeiras, a remote place located in America do Sul.
Or home can not be filhos and live a full life, cheia of love and fulfillment. Ellie's great dream, not so much, it wasn't going to be done because or home lived in financial openings.
Depois da morte da companheira, or viúvo is completely isolated at home. Solitary, ele virou um velho ranzinza ensimesmado. It is a work in the vizinhança that or obriga to change the rumo, literally.
A building begins to be erected in the vizinhança do viúvo and the constructor desires, to any custodian, to buy at Carl's house.
Fredricksen vehemently refuses to sell it, not just for convenience, but especially because home and also a memory of the relationship two dois.
You empreiteiros, dissatisfied with Carl's irreducible decision, take the form of compulsory admission to asylum.
Afraid with this possibility of being interdicted, the ball a plane: go to your house to climb hairs through the balls heading to South America to know or to know Ellie's destiny.
Or that Carl did not tell him that his journey would be accompanied. Russell, a long-time escoteiro, who plays in the countryside of the senhor's house, hides and ended up embarking wanting to travel to America do Sul.
A difficult interaction between the two of you ends up being permeated with a lot of learning. It is an everyday life with Russell, who faces how Carl changes to his way of facing the world and allows him to pull the ties of the past in order to experience the adventures of the present.
Analyze Up
Or film, that received or Óscar de Melhor Animação, enchants both children and adults and fala of hard subjects as lost, to saudade and to solidão allowing various litters of reading.
Carl Dredricksen, or declinio na velhice e a su transformação pessoal
The 78-year-old protagonist represents some idiosyncratic people who are marginalized, misunderstood and, in a way, isolated from society.
I bet I lose woman Ellie, Carl has a more negative, self-absorbed position, which does not allow trades like the world to come. Ao uncovered sozinho, Carl dates not his own world.
Before Russell check-in, or personagem symbolized Casmurrice. A velhice lived by Carl, not the beginning of the film, and represented by a negative olhar, renders disability and decay. Carl is buoyant, fearful, he doesn't fear so much physical independence and doesn't want to interact socially.
A flare and the heavy glasses that carry symbols of velhice and of crescent physical fragility.
As well as losing his physical and mental vigor, Carl also saw himself lost every day. autonomy As an escort where he wanted to live, one time he was practically expelled from his own house.
A perception of Fredricksen changes from deciding to embark on a trip to keep a closer contact with Russell.
He is a boy of barely eight years old who, with energy and enthusiasm, helps to awaken vontade de viver as a non-protagonist, to meet or new, to interact with the world a year ago
A sale of Carl's house can be read as a critic of the contemporary world
Disappropriating Carl's house, a huge contradictory builder, has a critique of the contemporary, capitalist world, which prioritizes profits and enxerga na casa do viúvo barely a space to increase or building you intend to build.
Ao olhar for or space and see just a good ground for the work, or the employer denies all the history of life of Carl and of Ellie, as a way to rehabilitate the place and transform the abandoned building into a family residence during decades.
Before the house buy abandoned construction, Carl and Ellie, ainda crianças, costumavam jump at home, that já tinha won, therefore, a huge affectionate weight for being linked to the memory of the principle of the relationship of the house.
Sem to know the history of life two dois, or entrepreneur face of tudo to throw Carl da casa, e, diante do categorico não do Senhor, or group uses a low blow tempting to intern Fredricksen num asylum claiming that it was an ameaça for a community.
Carl is taught by those homens just as being fearful and unproductive, who catches the works, and whose destiny must be to give time to the new world.
Home as a symbol of Carl and Ellie's love
Imagine here that Carl ends up saving, who uses the skills of his professionalism - he was a soccer salesman - to literally lift his own home.
At home it has a very strong symbolism in the plot: the walls of the house testemunharam all related, from the first day of meeting - when you do jump together as aviators - I tied the last days of the wife.
At the residence, therefore, a syntese gives life to two.
Ao thrown to the residence of the place, Carl saved from being demolished and, at the same time, performs or dreams of youth that partilhava with his wife, which was to conhear America do Sul.
A rise da casa pelos balões represents uma double solution: by one side Carl got safeguard home just like she is, protecting their interests, give them what they want to demolish, and, for another, get, from within their comfort and space, also carry out their dream.
A ficção has the ability to transform or move imóvel and carry Carl physically and emotionally to a new place.
You balões, that foram or sustenance of Carl during his life, will allow him to bring home years ceus symbolically representing a moment of freedom do senhor who used to live in prison and sozinho.
TO house represents also the love that Carl nurtures for Ellie, that I did not end up as a wife to death. Taking home to America do Sul also means, in a certain way, transporting Ellie to meet or be the longed-for place two dreams of her and homage to her.
Up It shows us that it is always time to do what we want
O wish of the nursery in America do Sul was partilhado with Ellie, who never chegou to see or dream done because to die I interrupted before or her path.
Carl, on the other hand, never gave up on doing his best wish of his wife - who later became his too. A vontade de discover o Paraíso das Cachoeiras was cultivated from Ellie's first adventure album, raised when a girl was around seven years old. It is through the album that Carl finds out about the place, and he also loves it. Ao long gives a day to two, not so long, it is not possible to travel for a long time.
Same depois da morte de Ellie, Carl continued obsessed to know or place, o Paraíso das Cachoeiras represented you, I am not unaware of him, a species of Eden, from a perfect place where he could turn to find happiness.
É Russelll, or menino, who does the peak of his childhood, is capable of pulling Carl from the past, where he lived stagnant, and invites us to experience or present.
Or Carl's daily life was marked by taking care of the house, symbolizing assim or seu past attachment.
At the entrance of the personagem, a new phase of his life can be synthesized by the moment he achieves it. detach from home, playing for you move and other lembranças that provavam his resistance to him ao past. O novo, here, it is only possible that Carl learn to cope with the memory of what went on behind.
The film proves us that it is never too late to make us dreams, even though I walk for our dreams is different from what we had supposed at the beginning.
Up show that Velhice can also be a space to experience a new life, learn new things and know different places.
Carl, Russell and a exchange of experiences between as gerações
Quem becomes a faithful companion of Carl nessa viagem é, accidentally, or a small escoteiro Russell, an 8-year-old boy who enters the house and embarks without wanting to travel.
Explorer, or menino tem or viço e a energia que Carl já não tem. He is, in a certain way, or his opposite, Carl embodies two sentiments that he nurtured in childhood. Carl is symbolized by decadence, Russell is potentiality, or growth.
When he discovers that he is not in the middle of his job, Carl is furious and takes hold of him through a string of lençóis to deixá-lo numa city a meio do caminho.
It is with great resistance, therefore, that either viúvo allows the cleavage to pass a part of his personal sonho. The first feeling that arises in Carl's interaction with Russell is the ódio.
A recuse in oil may possibly have been the origin of Carl's failure, it could not have been Russell's father or caused his own frustrations.
Or menino, no paranto, patiently I am gaining ground, not Carl's heart, not day by day, as I look attentive and tagarela:
Carl: "Escuta, let's jump on a roll, let's jump on a burn still more tempo."
Russell: "Legal, minha mãe loves to jump disso."
Final year gives adventure, it is clear that Carl unwrap menino hair um paternal love, as a gift of gratitude and desire to protect it.
In an original way, é Russell, no boom from his childhood, which helps Carl to find his place in the world.
Or film raises questão da relação da exchange of knowledge between as gerações that we find two extremes gives life.
As interactions between Carl and Russell allow the growth of both people. This exchange of dwellings promotes a huge identification as a public and awakens the memory of the viewer for the relationships between net and children and children in a general way.
It is interesting to observe that as animations infantis I have been two years 2000 not having protagonists children or children. A huge geração de crianças was formed from adult-centric films such as A Pequena Sereia, Aladdin, A bela e a fera e O Corcunda de Notre Dame. Up Bankrupt a certain father or trazer for a dinner of two types of people who have been systematically neglected in the industry: a criança e um idoso.
A panorama of childhood through the children Carl, Ellie and Russell
Or film começa com o ranzinza Carl ainda criança. At the first dinners we understand his origin, we spy on his childhood, we see or his desire for adventure and he will become an aviator as he assists us filming. Or menino is described as uma quiet, shy, more curious child, and a huge adventure wish.
We also see me or found how she will see her future wife of him, Ellie. Ainda criança, Ellie já was a courageous adventurer with Carl partilhava as brincadeiras do mundo da aviação.
Ellie's personality has been described since her earliest childhood as bossy, with a flabby-back style, screaming, jumping janelas, and fearless. O seu jeito de él assusta-e depois enchanted-o Carl.
Ainda criança, Ellie partilha as a friend or a book of adventure, which she has never shown to anybody, and at this moment she grows up a space of fulfillment and the beginning of love.
Russell, a third child represented on canvas, and initially described as being super cordial and muito tagarela (a characteristic frequently attributed to meninas). As Carl grew up very quietly and became an equally deep adult, his personality enters into a confrontation with Russell.
It is curious as three children represented Up subvertam or common sense that it is customary to interpret meninas as more calm, demure and quiet creatures. Two three characters from Up, Ellie é, sem dúvida, the one with more life and energy compared to younger years. É Ellie, uma menina, initially that face move to plotOnce I dreamed of going to America do Sul and initially it was only.
Year to present three completely different children, Up traça a panorama of different forms of childhood. This spectrum of very different childhoods is also important for the viewer to identify as personages.
Trailer and datasheet of Up
Original title: Up
Directors: Pete Docter, Bob Peterson
Roteirists: Pete Docter, Bob Peterson and Tom McCarthy
Launch date: May 16, 2009
Duration: 1h36min
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