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40 melhores scientific fiction films that you need to see

Raised as an instinct to explore and question the limits of our knowledge, fantasizing about others possible realities, scientific fiction films continue to be adored by viewers of all ages. world.

Conheça, below, to our selection of longas-metragens essenciais, combining the melhores recent releases with the great classics that we carry multiple:

1. Upgrade (2018)

Upgrade (2018)

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The Australian film of scientific fiction, action and suspense, was directed by Leigh Whannell and received the latest evaluations from the public. A story past in a dystopian future, when the protagonist Gray Trace loses his wife as a paralyzed body during a violent assault.

Then it receives a neural chip, to recover the movements, and passes to divide the body with an artificial intelligence that is also in search of vingança.

2. Tenet (2020)

Tenet (2020)

The scientific action and fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan was one of two major events of 2020, with its entanglement and visual effects that will win praise from specialized critics.

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Or the protagonist is a CIA agent who receives a mysterious missão from a secret organization called Tenet. Suddenly, he discovers that I'm afraidtravel no tempo to prevent a new world war.

3. Ad Astra - Rumo às Estrelas (2019)

Ad Astra - Rumo às Estrelas (2019)

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Directed by James Gray, the adventure drama and science fiction was successful with a critique that mainly featured the performance of Brad Pitt.

O longa-metragem accompanies solitary journey of an astronaut What part of the universe in search of a country that was lost, years before, during an expedition. Pelo caminho, he discovers an ameaça capable of destroying life on Terra.

4. Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

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The science fiction film in the neo-noir style was directed by Denis Villeneuve and is about the expected sequence of the classic released in 1982.

A history and past decades of events that happen not first long and accompanying K, um android hunter that works for or Governo. When you receive a new missão, you need to seek an old agent that will last for many years.

5. A Chegada (2016)

A Chegada (2016)

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O longa-metragem directed by Denis Villeneuve and inspired I do not count Story of Your Life, North American Ted Chiang, was quite acclaimed by critics and indicated for other Oscar categories.

A rotina na Terra é abbalada pela sudden quegada of innumerable space ships that transported aliens trying to communicate. The protagonists, Louise Banks and Ian Donnelly, are a linguist and a physicist who needs to interpret without two visitors.

6. Annihilation (2018)

Annihilation (2018)

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O longa-metragem directed by Alex Garland was based on the homonymous work of Jeff VanderMeer and mixes elements of adventure, scientific fiction and fantasy.

The protagonists, a group of biologists and military scientists, were sent to "The Shimmer", a area that was isolated Hair ruled years before, due to a chemical disaster. They need to confront a totally unknown fauna and flora.

7. Excuse You (2018)

Excuse You (2018)

The North American film of comedy, fantasy and scientific fiction was the first longa-metragem directed by athletic Boots Riley, who also played or roteiro.

This is a strong criticism of the realities of the United States of America that follows the footsteps of Cassius "Cash" Green, a young telemarketing assistant who lives sem tempo nem dinheiro. When he discovers a segredo that helps to climb the race, he will stop em um alternate universe.

8. Interstellar (2014)

Interstellar (2014)

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Outra famous work of Christopher Nolan, or long-metragem of drama and scientific fiction was very well received, both public hair and criticism, winning or Oscar de Melhores Efeitos Visuais.

Now it happens in 2067, when Terra is hitting the limit of its natural resources and humanity runs the risk of extinction. The protagonist, Cooper, is part of a team of astronauts who part looking for a new planet to shelter human beings.

Also entrust to Interstellar film analysis.

9. Paprika (2006)

Paprika (2006)

The Japanese film by Satoshi Kon was inspired in a book by Yasutaka Tsutsui and has become a fundamental anime for the world inside.

Atsuko Chiba is a psychiatrist responsible for conducting an experimental treatment through which doctors obtain enter us two patients. However, the vai mais longe to help them begin to use the method in an illegal way, adoring or pseudonym of Paprika.

10. Ex Machina (2014)

Ex Machina (2014)

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The first long written and directed by English Alex Garland is a psychological drama of scientific fiction that won Oscar de Melhores Efeitos Visuais.

Caleb Smith, or protagonist, is a programmer who works for the greatest search engine in the world when he is called to meet the CEO of the company, Nathan Bateman. Lá, he knows Ava, an android Maid hair patrão and needs to test her artificial intelligence.

11. Filhos da Esperança (2006)

Filhos da Esperança (2006)

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Uma das great works by Alfonso Cuarón, or long-metragem of drama and scientific fiction, was based on the homonymous of P. D. James. Or entanglement is past year 2027, when Humanity is in extinction, after decades of collective infertility.

In a time of world crisis, immigration laws are more repressive than ever. The historical protagonist, Theo Faron, is a public official who tries to protect a pregnant refugee who comes to the country.

12. To Origem (2010)

To Origem (2010)

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Another classic by Christopher Nolan, or a film of action and scientific fiction, passed in a world where it is possible to invade the dreams of other people and others. implant ideas in their minds.

Cobb, or protagonist, is a famous bandit, a specialist in this type of espionagem, who fears that he will flee from the country because he is being persecuted by the police. To be able to review the family, oil a final missão that is even more perigosa than the previous ones.

Also entrust to film analysis A Origem.

13. Mad Max: Estrada da Fúria (2015)

Mad Max: Estrada da Fúria (2015)

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That one that has been appointed as one of the two films most marked by the last two tempos, or longa-metragem segue or destiny of the protagonist, Max Rockatansky, who struggles to survive in um post-apocalyptic world.

When he is being pursued by Immortan Joe and his bloodthirsty army, he needs to count as the help of Empress Furiosa, the leader of a group of rebels.

14. Eternal Shine by a Mente sem Lembranças (2004)

Eternal Shine by a Mente sem Lembranças (2004)

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A cinematographic work of romance and scientific fiction directed by Michel Gondry has become a cult film and a virgin reference not style. Or entanglement follows the story of the separation of Joel and Clementine, which caused a great suffering in life for two two.

To overcome or end, they decide to submerge to um treatment to turn off the memories that we will keep from you here that we will live together.

Also entrust to analysis and explanation of the film.

15. District 9 (2009)

District 9 (2009)

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The suspense and scientific fiction film was directed by Neill Blomkamp, ​​trying to adapt an old-fashioned seu of him, entitled Alive in Joburg.

Na history, which is revealed a critic about the discrimination and racial segregation, more of a milhão of aliens chegam to Terra and passam to be faced as refugees.

As of today, the two human beings are separated and forced to live in an isolated area, designated "District 9".

16. Ela (2013)

Ela (2013)

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Combining romance and science fiction, or a film by Spike Jonze won or Oscar by Melhor Roteiro Original, as a sad and exciting reflection about two technological advances and human solidity.

Theodore Twombly is an introverted, divorced homem who buys a program that has a virtual assistant, Samantha. As tempo, the two of you approach each time more and more barnacle protagonist who is drowned out by an artificial intelligence.

17. Minority Report - A Nova Lei (2002)

Minority Report - A Nova Lei (2002)

Make it available: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play Filmes.

The neo-noir science fiction film was directed by Steven Spielberg and based on a North American story, Philip K. Dick

In 2054, there is a police department, led by detective John Anderton, which get to foresee the crimes and catch the bandits in advance. Or entanglement, which is a huge international success, mixes technological advances as questões do destiny and do free arbitration.

18. A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001)

A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001)

Another fundamental work of Spielberg that helped define the cinematographic genre, or longa-metragem was based on no Supertoys Last All Summer Long Brian Aldiss.

Passada num future where humans and androids inhabit the planet, history is sealed in David, um garoto robô. To be adored by a family, he was raised in the image of his "irmão" who was in a vegetative state.

No devastating entanglement, or less than that endowed with intelligence and feelings, discover human emotions as much as possible.

19. Donnie Darko (2001)

Donnie Darko (2001)

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Incomprehensible for some and great for so many others, the first long-film directed and written by Richard Kelly became extremely popular two years later.

Donnie Darko is a sleepy adolescent who faces difficulties in integrating into the school, embora is very intelligent. During an early morning, he came to see a scary coelho announcing a contagem para o fim do mundo.

Also entrust to film explanation Donnie Darko.

20. Laranja Mecânica (1971)

Laranja Mecânica (1971)

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Two of Kubrick's most famous and controversial films, Laranja Mecânica It was based on a homonymous romance by Anthony Burgess.

Or entanglement happens in a dystopian reality and starring Alex DeLarge, a young sociopath who leads a violent gang. To sair da cadeia, he received a proposition: pass through um experimental treatment that conditions individuals, with the intention of reabilitá-los.

Also entrust to Analysis of the film Laranja Mecânica.

21. Solaris (1972)

Solaris (1972)

The notorious Soviet film of drama and science fiction, directed by Andrei Tarkovski and based on the homonymous work by Polish Stanisław Lem, definitely entered the history of cinema.

Ação ocorre in a space station near the planet Solaris, in which all the crew members demonstrate sudden behavioral alterations. Or protagonist, Kris Kelvin, is a psychiatrist called to or local to investigate these phenomena.

22. Alien, or Oitavo Passageiro (1979)

Alien, or Oitavo Passageiro (1979)

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The cult horror and science fiction film was directed by Ridley Scott and is considered one of the two most important and influential non-genres.

While he is returning to Terra, a spaceship detects some strange activities and a member of the crew ends up being dead. Na sequência, you companheiros percebem that exists um be alien crescendo inside him.

23. Blade Runner: O Caçador de Androids (1982)

Blade Runner: O Caçador de Androids (1982)

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Inspired I don't live Do you androids sonham like electric ovelhas? by Philip K. Dick, or Ridley Scott's iconic film, was one of the precursor works of the universe cyberpunk.

Passed in a dystopian world crossed by conflicts between humans and robôs, a story followed by Rick Deckard, a former policeman who was hired to hunt and kill Androids that are committing crimes.

Also entrust to film analysis Blade Runner.

24. E.T.: O Extraterrestrial (1982)

E.T.: O Extraterrestrial (1982)

Make it available: Amazon Prime Video, Google Play Filmes.

As a roteiro que emocionou gerações, or a film by Spielberg presents the possibility of extraterrestrial life through a perspective that is different from the common one.

Elliott is a garoto who discovers an alien being that falls on Terra and initiates a comedy friendship. As a supporter of two firms, he decides to hide it from the government and to help it return to your planet of origin.

25. O Fantasma do Futuro (1995)

O Fantasma do Futuro (1995)

Make it available: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play Filmes.

The Japanese film, directed by Mamoru Oshii and based on mangá created by Masamune Shirow, has become a reference for films cyberpunk e o cinema of scientific fiction.

Or entanglement occurs in the future in which human beings are modified through technology. This is what a thief who is coming to invade the minds of alheias.

To turn it on, I have formed a squad under the chef's command by Major Motoko, a modified woman who has practically turned into an android.

26. Os Doze Macacos (1995)

Doze Macaques (1995)

Inspired no curta-metragem francês La Jetée (1962) by Chris Marker, or a film directed by Terry Gilliam, was a succession of bilheterias and also with specialized criticism.

In 2027, the planet was devastated by a virus that exterminated a large part of humanity and those who survive will need to move to underground shelters. Cole, or protagonist, é o escort to turn back no tempo and discover the priest.

27. 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço (1968)

2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço (1968)

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Apontado like um two melhores films of all tempos, or longa directed by Stanley Kubrick was based on The sentinel, um counted from Arthur C. Clarke.

An unidentified object has fallen to Lua, scientist Heywood Floyd and sent to a space base, as an aim to investigate certain strange phenomena. Some time later, a group of astronauts have been sent secret missão for Jupiter.

Also entrust to film explanation 2001: Uma Odisseia do Espaço.

28. O Exterminador do Futuro (1984)

O Exterminador do Futuro (1984)

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Either a famous film directed by James Cameron Marcou or the beginning of an extremely successful scientific fiction and action franchise.

Depois of a war between humans and robôs, um ciborgue travels no tempo, tied to the 80s, to try to change the future of the planet. For isso, he needs to assassinate me daquele that, later, he would become or master his first.

29. Or Fifth Element (1997)

Or Fifth Element (1997)

Or adventure film, action and scientific fiction directed by French Luc Besson, from a story that begins to write to adolescents, breaks records of bilheteria.

Or tangle or run I don't know XXIII, when the taxi driver Korben Dallas meets Leeloo, a mysterious woman with orange hair. Suddenly, he becomes involved in a risky missão: help her to gather four magic stones and defeat a bad old man.

30. From Volta to the Future (1985)

From Volta to the Future (1985)

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A film that is close to the 1980s, or a series of adventure and scientific fiction directed by Robert Zemeckis continues to be considered a two genre melhores.

Marty McFly is a teenager who travel no tempo using um DeLorean DMC-12 modified by a scientist friend, Dr. Emmett Brown. When he is going to stop in the past, he makes a mistake and ends up separating those who, not in the future, will be his country from him.

31. Metropolis (1927)

Metropolis (1927)

The German film by Austrian Fritz Lang caused controversy at the time when it was released and failed in bilheterias, but it ended up becoming a framework in the history of scientific fiction.

Past 2026, a story happens in a dystopian world that presents a extreme class division. In the high class he lives in luxurious starters, in the working class he lives not only, where he needs to operate the machines that generate energy.

32. Matrix (1999)

Matrix (1999)

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O thunderous succession of scientific action and fiction directed by irmãs Wachowski became one of the two most watched films of all times and influenced by countless subsequent works.

Neo is a programmer who works for a long time as a hacker, looking for information about a mystery called "Matrix". So you have been recruited to join a resistance movement and should be a guardian: enforce reality or continue living numa simulation.

Also entrust to analysis and explanation of the Matrix film.

33. Jurassic Park (1993)

Jurassic Park (1993)

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Directed by Steven Spielberg, the adventure film and science fiction was based on a Michael Crichton romance and great bilheteria records, also winning three Oscars.

A narrativa é passada na Ilha Nublar, where John Hammond criou um theme park inhabited by dinosaurs produced through genetic engineering. Your foge do control when you are encouraged to start attacking local workers and visitors.

34. Or Império Contra-attacks (1980)

Or Império Contra-attacks (1980)

Or second film of epic saga Star Wars, Directed by Irvin Kershner and raised from the history of George Lucas, it is considered one of the two most important of all times and conquered a legion of faith.

A history happens some time depois da Star Wars, when Darth Vader governs or Galatian Empire and persecute the members of the Aliança Rebelde. Enquanto isso, Mestre Yoda treina or young Luke Skywalker who learns to use "a Força" and prepares for or confronts.

35. Looper - Assassinos do Futuro (2012)

Looper - Assassinos do Futuro (2012)

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Written and directed by North American Rian Johnson, or a film of action and scientific fiction, it was acclaimed by critics and the public.

Joe Simmons, or protagonist, is an assassin hired to kill people that chegam do future. However, missão is complicated when or alvo abater e uma versão mais velha de si mesmo.

36. Akira (1988)

Akira (1988)

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The Japanese anime was directed by Katsuhiro Ôtomo and an extremely innovative film was revealed, turning a reference to the field of scientific fiction and animated cinema.

Ação ocorre in a dystopian and violent future that would have arisen in the sequence of a Third World War. Or protagonist, Kaneda, or leader of a gangue that ends up being captured by government hair. Aí, he becomes alvo de scientific experiences that awaken powers unaware.

37. O Homem Que Caiu na Terra (1976)

O Homem Que Caiu na Terra (1976)

Starring shiny hair David Bowie, or cult film was directed by Nicolas Roeg and based on a homonymous romance by Walter Tevis.

Or entanglement segue or fate of an alien I see you stop on Earth when you are looking for water for your planet. Through serious technological knowledge, he needs to integrate and earn money to repair his ship.

38. Lost on Mars (2015)

Lost on Mars (2015)

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Directed by Ridley Scott based on Andy Weir's homonymous romance, or a scientific fiction film that conquered audiences and specialized critics.

During a missão a Mars, or astronaut Mark Watney was given as a dead companion hair, being left behind. When he wakes up and barnacle that it's sozinho no planet, he needs to survive and wait for help.

39. O Enigma from Outro Mundo (1982)

O Enigma from Outro Mundo (1982)

Or classic horror and scientific fiction directed by John Carpenter cameçou being rejecte by criticism, but later ganhou statute of film cult and ganhou adoração two spectators.

A history takes place in Antarctica, where a group of scientists and operatives discovers a creature alien that manages to assume many forms e becomes a constant ameaça.

40. Planet two Macaques (1968)

Planet two Macaques (1968)

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Inspired by the homonymous romance of French Pierre Boulle, or the first franchise film was directed by Franklin J. Schaffner and achieved a huge success.

From a space trip in which hibernates for a long time, a crew of astronauts will stop on a planet that is ruled by macaque hairs, where you human beings are dominated and scrambled peel species.

Also entrust to analysis and explanation of the Planet of the Macaques saga.

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