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Clube da Luta (Fight Club): analysis and explanation of the film

Clube da Luta é um film of 1999, directed by David Fincher. When I left, I did not have a lot of successes with bilheterias, but I ended up reaching or filming cult, being acclaimed critical hair and public hair. It continues to be a fairly popular film, perhaps because it provokes viewers, and led to deep reflections about our society and how we live.

It is about an adaptation for the cinema of a romance by Chuck Palahniuk as the same title, published in 1996.

Film entanglement


Or protagonist is a homem of medical class who lives in function of his work, a insurance company. He suffers from insônias and his mental health began to ficare weakened due to lack of rest. Solitarily, he spends his free time buying expensive clothes and decorative items for his house, no attempt to preencher or vazio that he does.

After six months of insomnia, he seeks or his doctor who refuses to prescribe remedies for sleep, I say that, in order to know the true food, she would have to appear in a meeting to support victims of canker testicular.

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Desperate, he goes to the meeting of the support group, going through the door. Perante to dor real daqueles homens, he manages to crash and lose weight and he manages to sleep that night. He is flawed in frequenting support groups for patients from various schools.


In the presence of another impostor, he began to disturb him, preventing him from crashing: Marla Singer, a mysterious woman who appears at all meetings, smoking not in the room. The narrator will confront her, they both admit to their farce of her, we end up dividing the groups and changing phone numbers.

No avião, turning from a business trip, he knows Tyler Durden, a sabonet maker, as a singular life philosophy, which impresses and intrigues him. When he checks out, he discovers that there is an explosion that is not his apartment and that he lost all his good materials. I know nothing to ask for help, he ends up flirting for Tyler.

He met, talked about the current lifestyle, or capitalism and or consumerism, not the end of the conversation, Tyler or he challenged: "I want you to beat me as the maximum force to achieve." Confused, or oil narrator and we both ended up struggling.

Depois gives luta ficam euphoric and Tyler ends up inviting or unfamiliar to live in his house. As suas lutas são every time more frequent and begin to attract other homens: assim nasce o Clube da Luta.

Marla, you should take many tablets, link to the narrator asking for help in your suicide attempt. The call or phone for the hook, not giving attention to or request for help. Na manhã go on, when you agree, find out that Marla passed you to her house of her: Tyler hit or phone and I will meet her. They will both become sexually involved.

OR Clube da Luta I am gaining more and more participants and spreading through various cities, led by Tyler. In his port of him, recruits willing to blindly follow the order of the leader began to appear, and then the Projeto Caos, an anarchist army behind the vandalism and violence against the city, emerged.


Tyler disappears and, trying to stop the cycle of destruction of two serious soldiers, or the narrator begins to chase the country, with a strange feeling that he knows all those places. Two members of the organization reveal the truth: the narrator and Tyler Durden.

The leader of Projeto Caos emerges from your hotel room and confirms that you are or the same, two personalities with no homem: enquanto or narrator asleep, you use it or your body for or your plane in ação.

Or the narrator unveils his objectives and attempts to report them to the police, more or more rival is complicit in all places and ends getting what he wanted: to explore the credit companies where all the bank records are, releasing or povo of suas rapturous. As two lutam personalities, Tyler was shot and some suddenly. Marla and the narrator assists in demolição pela janela, of mine given.

Personagens principais

Narrator (played by Edward Norton) did not film Clube de Luta.

O truedeiro, not being the protagonist, was never revealed during the film, being referred to just as storyteller (played by Edward Norton). He is a common home, consumed with hard work, or tiredness and solidity, that suffers from insomnia and begins to lose health. His life changes when his path crosses with Tyler Durden and Marla Singer.

Tyler Durden (played by Brad Pitt) does not film Clube de Luta

Tyler durden (played by Brad Pitt) é um homem que o narrador conhece no avião. Maker of sabonetes, projetista no cinema and garçom em hotéis de luxo, Tyler vai surviving with various jobs, but he does not hide or disregard the social and financial system.

Founder do Clube da Luta As the leader of Projeto Caos, we discovered that it is about another personality of the narrator who, while he was sleeping, meticulously planned the revolution.

Marla Singer (Helen Bonham Carter) does not film Clube de Luta

Marla Singer (played by Helen Bonham Carter) is a lonely and disturbed woman who meets the narrator when Both of them faziam pass through doentes in support groups, in search of some consolation for or vazio in suas lives.

After a suicide attempt, she envelops herself as Tyler, another narrator's personality, and forms the third vertex of a bizarre triangle.

Analysis and interpretation of the film

Clube de Luta começa in medias res (from Latin "no meio das coisas", is a literary technique used when the narrative does not come start two events, but no more): Tyler with a weapon in the mouth of the narrator, minutes before a explosion. A narration begins quase not end, we can guess that it will not be happy. The film will show us that they are only homens and the events that lead you to attend that point.

We perceive that we are perante a narrator who is not aware; Contrary hair, he is confused, maddened with insônia and or tiredness. What he tells us, or what we see through two serious olhos of him is not necessarily a reality. We cannot trust nele, as we are perceiving throughout the film.

This mistrust and confirmed when we discovered, from the conclusion of the narrative, that it is about dissociative personalities and that, finally, that homem is always sozinho, fighting against himself. When we obtain this information, we realize that there are no indications: when the same is known as the same bad, not the bus only pays for a passage, or the narrator is never at the same time as Tyler and Marla.

Duas faces da mesma moeda

Or narrator, as we know not the beginning of the film, he is a defeated home, robotic, with a purpose in life. Complete your obligations as a company, have a stable business, have your own house of dressings, not so much and extremely unhappy, or that it is numa insônia that lasts for more than six months.

Um little before we met Tyler Durden during o voo, we did not see his inner monologue that he wishes or avião fell. Try-be somebody desperate, that I don't find any other saída for a rotina to eat it. Either he found mute or his destiny, hah this or it encourages him to leave behind all that or face feeling stranded.

Brad Pitt and Edward Norton do not film Clube da Luta (1999)

From the beginning that his speech of him, in some way, let us guess his intentions of him: let us perceive his raiva and or his contempt for society, and also that he understands chemicals and homemade bombs. O perigo é notório and isso é o that chama attention of the narrator, that he does not manage to hide his admiration from him.

Eles são, em tudo, opposos, o que fica of course, for example, in their houses: o narrator lived in a class media apartment, meticulously decorated, which was destroyed by explosion and I had to move to the house occupied by Tyler (velha, suja, vazia). Initially shocked with moving, he began to adapt and cut himself off with the outside world, stopped watching TV, no longer affected by propaganda.

House of Tyler Durden does not film Clube da Luta

A coexistence with Tyler visibly mutes or narrator: he began to go to or work sujo de sangue, loses teeth, his physical and mental state is deteriorating. He grows stronger each time, as his other personality becomes stronger each time. What chemical age that Durden faces in his hand is a symbol of his power, a permanent mark of his philosophy: we cannot occupy our minds with distractions, it is necessary to feel at home and agitate on the A.

As a clear physical non-dialogue between the two personalities, Tyler knew what the narrator wanted to be: impulsive, courageous, disruptive, willing to destroy or a system that he created. It is about a materialization of his revolt and his despair in the face of rotina and the lifestyle that he leads: he was raised to change everything that the narrator did not get sozinho.

Capitalism and consumerism

Clube da Luta It is a critical reflection on the consumer society in which we live and the effects that it causes us individuals. Or começa film showing us various famous brands and the way in which the main character and other products are produced as the objective of preencher um vazio interior.

Either the narrator spends everything or his time working to be able to sustain himself and, when he is free, no I have no way to be, or another activity that either stimulates, ends up spending or is money materiais. Sem nome, this homeme is a representation of the common city, who lives to work and collect money to spend money that he does not need, rather than a company or pressure to do so.

Due to this vicious cycle, individuals are transformed into mere consumers, spectators, escravos of a system that defines the value of each um second or that it has, and it runs all at its existence. This is something that we can notice, not a monologue that or the protagonist does not arrive at the airport, when he says to himself that "Essa is his life and she is ending one minute at a time".

When all of your things are destroyed during an explosion in your house, a feeling that invades your freedom. Durden's words, "We only lose everything and that we are free to do or what we want." After two materials are detached that either control, he begins to elaborate or his plan to destroy or capitalist system e liberate o povo das suas dívidas, proving that it is saving all those people.

Luta how to taste yourself

Violence arises as a momentary form of fazer that makes those homens feel alive. As explained by the protagonist, or more importantly, it was not to win or lose, it was more sensations than provoking them: adrenaline, power. It was like you passassem or tempo all fell asleep and barely rememberedsem no Clube da Luta, unloading all accumulated raiva and experiencing a kind of liberation.

Solidão e human relations precárias

A characteristic transversal to all the people is extremely solid. Condemned for being inside the system (as the narrator) or for being outside (like Marla), all of them have an isolated existence. When we meet our support groups, Marla and the protagonist try to do the same: human contact, honesty, to the possibility of finding a name for ourselves.

The narrator is so destroyed by his solidity, his mental health is so lowered, that he ends up raising a different personality, a friend with whom to share, a partner of Luta. Marla is so helpless that, when she tries to commit suicide and needs help, she flirts for someone she has just met.

It is possible that this unsociability, this existential exile is here that attracted homens do Clube da Luta And, last but not least, the soldiers of Projeto Caos, who go to live in the same house, to eat and sleep together, fighting for the same cause. This is the feeling of belonging that seems to have attracted them to Tyler, somebody who has been part of the same revolt and promotes or hates the capitalist society that excludes you.

End in open

The end of the film does not provide a specific response to the viewer about what happened. As two personalities Lutam and the physical narrator ferido but seems to ganhar, shooting Tyler, who disappears. Marla, who has fled from the city to protect herself from Projeto Caos, was kidnapped by soldiers and taken to the local area.

Dão as mãos e o narrator said to Marla: "You know me numa height, very estranha da minha vida." Ficam assisting in the explosion of two buildings pela janela enquanto, ao fundo touches Where is my mind? two Pixies.

But let us see that the Plan of the Caos Project worked, we do not want to know its true implications and we know, indeed, is Tyler Durden really "morreu" or not.

Theories two phases

Clube da Luta Virou a cult film that continues, I tied the page, awakening attention to two fãs, which will create their own theories about it. Uma quite curious is what Tyler durden was real And tinha took advantage of a lonely home and a fragile mental health to manipulate him to lead a terrorist group.

Outra very popular theory is that Marla Singer was imaginary. Several artists and film scholars confirm that Marla was also the fruit of the protagonist's imagination, materializing his fault and his suffering. If this theory is correct, or the protagonist would have lived a love triangle with himself and it would be proven that everything or that we see no film happen just in his mind of him.

David Fincher: Director of Clube da Luta

In 1999, when he directed Clube da LutaDavid Fincher was quite criticized for the violent and anarchic theory of the film, which failed to bilheterias. Not so, when it comes out on DVD, Clube de Luta It was an absolute success, beating records of bands. Despite this controversy, Fincher conquered the title of director cult.

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