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Types of art: as 11 existing artistic manifestations

Art is a form of human expression that has existed since the earliest times. The first artistic manifestations dating from the cave period.

The caverns have been painted on the walls illustrative elements that serve as a form of communication and ritualistic activity. There were also sculptural artifacts and ceremonial dances.

As a tempo, other diverse ways of communicating artistically emerged.

Hoje consider-I know that exists 11 types of art, são eles: music, dance, painting, sculpture, theater, literature, cinema, photography, history in quadrinhos (HQ), electronic games and digital art.

1st art: Music

beatles music
Album layer Sargent peppers, the famous British group The Beatles

Music is a type of art that uses a combination of sons as its raw material. Through rhythm, harmony and melody, artists compõem songs are able to deeply mark the lives of people.

There are many styles of music that exist, such as rock, reggae, samba, sertanejo, jazz, folk music, among many other vendors.

Take advantage of our music dicas:

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2nd art: Dança

corpo dança group
A Brazilian dance company Corpo Group during presentation

A dance is one of the most ancient expressões of humanity, knowing that a prehistory was executed in cerimonial rites, as the intention of connecting as divine.

It provável that it has arisen together with music that is generally performed following a rhythm and musical sequence, but it can also be performed sem som.

I also read: Music and video Vai Malandraby Anitta.

3rd art: Painting

Mexican Frida Kahlo fabric, titled As duas Fridas

A painting is another type of art that accompanies humanity in a very short time. The first records of paintings date from pre-history, and can be found within the walls of caves, where they were unmade dinners of caça, dance, sex and figures of animals.

It is considered that, as well as dance and music, these manifestations are related to various rituals.

Painting traversed cultures and cultures and constituted a significant basis for understanding societies and costumes of bygone eras. Also, this is an important form both of expressing and of historical record.

You can also be interested in:

  • The most famous paintings in the world
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  • Or what is Painting? Discover history and principal painting techniques

4th art: Sculpture

or thinker
To sculpture Or thinker, by August Rodin, é uma das mais conhecidaa no Ocidente

This type of art, sculpture, is also a manifestation that we see from remote times. A peça more old than was news Venus of Willendorf, found in Austria and dating more than 25 thousand years.

Thus, sculptures can be made of various materials, such as wood, gesso, marble, stone sabão, argila, among others.

To know about the most famous sculptures of the Ocidente, trust: O thinker, by Rodin.

5th art: Theater

Or Brazilian theatrologist José Celso, in appearance at the Theater Office

The theater closest to what we currently know has originated in Grécia Antiga by volta do seculo VI a. C. Meanwhile, this art was never practiced in other ways in various societies.

Clarice Lispector, famous writer, beautifully defined as a theater function:

Or purpose of the theater and fazer or gesture to recover or its meaning, a word, or it was unsubstitutable, to allow it to be silent, as in music it is also to be ouvido, and that or Cenário is not limited to decorative or molding only - more than all these elements, approximate of its specific theatrical purity, form an indivisible structure of um drama.

6th art: Literature

O Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez com seu livro Cem years of solidão

Literature is an artistic manifestation in which word and imagination have equal weight. Great literary works are based on a re-invention of reality.

This is the case of the production of the great Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, with his "fantastic realism".

Check out our reading tips for the links below!

  • Classics from world literature that you cannot deixar de ler.
  • Melhores livros da Brazilian literature
  • Poem "E agora, José?" by Carlos Drummond de Andrade

7th art: Cinema

O garoto Vinícius de Oliveira counteracting with the renowned Fernanda Montenegro at the film dinner Central do Brasil

A linguagem do cinema arose from photography. A chamada invention of the 7th art and attributed to the signatures Auguste and Louis Lumière. The foram is responsible for the first exhibition of a film, not in 1885, in Paris, not in Grand Café.

The dinners presented in around 40 seconds and so they ficaram more conhecidos são "Two operatives have been released from the Lumière Factory" and "A checked do trem à Estação Ciotat".

Browse, or cinema is some of the most appreciated forms of entertainment in the world.

8th art: Photography

Pictures of Steve McCurry da mesma moça afegã

A photography was invented in the nineteenth century. At the beginning it was used as an idea to "copy" reality and it was a recurrent resource for the elite in order to eternalize their portraits on paper.

For this reason, photography was not considered art at first, as a technical / scientific apparatus. But, as you pass the tempo, you can perceive all the potentialities of expressão tão rich.

9th art: História em Quadrinhos (HQ)

history in quadrinhos
HQ Persepolis, by Iranian Marjane Satrapi

A historia em quadrinhos was raised, shaped as we know, American hair Richard Outcault between 1894 and 1895. Nessa epoch, published in magazines and journals a narrative telling about or Yellow kid (Menino love it).

Nessa tirinha, or personagem was a poor child who lived in ghettos and falava gírias. The author's intention was to face a social criticism through a colloquial and simple language, combining designs and texts.

The artist managed to reach his goal, so much so that, today, HQs are behind the world as an important form of mass communication.

10th art: Games

Or game Mario bros é um icon no mundo two electronic games

The universe of two games emerged for the public in the 70s. Foi com o launch do jogo Atari, in 1977, that is expressão ganhou força, pois a person could play several games using the same video game.

At present, the electronic games constitute the most widely used forms of entertainment and, on account of the technology in constant development, many games are launched frequently.

11th art: Digital Art

digital art
Digital art museum, museu no Japão dedicated to digital art

A digital art is a more recent reality and grows to those seen. This way of producing art and allied to technology and can be made up of many ways, as well as great projects or also through the internet, to chamada web art.

In Tóquio, no Japão, a museum dedicated exclusively to digital art was inaugurated, or Mori Building Digital Art Museum, which has more than 50 technological works,

Also digital art at an exhibition about Van Gogh that takes place in Europe in 2019 and was also mounted in Brazil, in São Paulo. See a video:

Van Gogh exhibition

Previously I was 7 types of art

Traditionally it is considered that the arts could be divided into seven large groups, being that some of them included other types. We see below the categorization proposed previously by different intellectuals.

Second Charles Batteux

Em 1747, or French Charles Batteux (1713-1780) published or free As fine arts reduced to the same principle. Nele, he established himself as a criterion or principle of imitation of beautiful nature.

According to intellectual, there will be seven types of art:

  • painting
  • sculpture
  • architecture
  • music
  • poetry
  • eloquence
  • dance

Second Ricciotto Canudo

Em 1912, or Italian thinker Ricciotto Canudo (1879-1923) escreveu or chamado Manifesto das Sete Artes, where he situava or cinema as a seventh art or "a plastic art in motion".

O cinema was invented in the 19th century and the logo embraced critical hairs as a legitimate manifestation of art.

Second Ricciotto Canudo, you seven types of art são:

1st Art - Music
2nd Art - Dança / Choreography
3rd Art - Painting
4th Art - Sculpture
5th Art - Theater
6th Art - Literature
7th Art - Cinema

Meaning of the word art

A word of art derives from the Latin word "ars", which means technical knowledge, talent, craftsmanship, cunning, craft, proficiency, hard work, skill - whether the acquired hair is studied or is practiced.

Or what is art?

Many theoreticians try to answer this simple question. At the end, or what is art?

George Dickie claims that artwork is:

An artifact to which one or several people agindo in the name of a certain social institution (or art world) confer or status of candidate for appreciation.

For the Polish historian Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz, for his time:

To art is a human, conscious activity, aimed at the reproduction of things or the construction of forms or the expression of Experiences, be or product of reproduction, construction or expression and capable of arousing prazer or emotion or shock.

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