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Sacred Art: what are the main works

Sacred art or set of artistic manifestations related to religiosity and that are inserted in religious cults and locations.

Generally, this type of art is associated with Christianity, meanwhile, same as religiões "pagãs" têm su arte sacra.

Ela manifests itself through paintings, sculptures, mosaics, architecture, music, clothing and utensils.

Embora has a strong relationship between sacred art and religious art, there are differences between them, due to their purposes.

Nas two manifestations to motivation and to religiosity and to devotion, porém, to sacred art Item a more specific objective.

It, necessarily, is inserted in a sacred environment, such as temples and churches, the "liturgical spaces", generally displaying a ritualistic characteristic.

Its function and help you trust in its spiritual practices, explaining biblical passages or providing inspiration so that faith is strengthened.

TO religious art, porém, não é mandatory sacra. Isso because it can be inserted in more varied locations, in residential environments quanto urban, as not in the case of rua art murais, for example.

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Therefore, we can say that all sacred art is a type of religious art, more or less valid for or contrary.

religious art and sacred art
À esquerda, example of sacred art, to painting Or final judgment, by Michelangelo, present at Capela Sistina. À direita, urban graffiti displaying religious art

Outstanding works of sacred art

Humanity produces a huge quantity of works of sacred art, this is because the Catholic Church is consolidated as a non-Ocidente power, influencing societies, it is not a spiritual field as a cultural and artistic.

Dessa form, created numerous artistic works with more varied languages ​​as a way of decorating sacred places.

Sacred painting

Last ceiaby Leonardo da Vinci

last ceia

Last ceia é a work produced by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), completed by volta of 1497.

A painting is a large panel with dimensions of 4.6 x 8.8 meters and was made in a repository of the Santa Maria Delle Grazie Convent, in Italy.

The technique used was fresh and the image represents Christ and his apostles moments before the crucifixion, the last ceia they shared together.

Sacred architecture

Basilica da Sagrada Família, by Gaudí

igreja sagrada família sacred art

O nme complete dessa igreja é Temple Expiatório da Sagrada Família. A fica basilica in Barcelona, ​​in Spain. The architect responsible for the project was Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926).

Its construction started in 1882 and this page was not completed.

An incredible architecture of the Sagrada Família is rich in details and cause as a result, it is noted for its facade with many biblical people or for its large interior, with colorful windows.

Sacred sculpture

Pietáby Michelangelo

Pieta by Michelangelo

A sculpture Pietá, feita by Michelangelo (1475-1564) in 1499, is one of the most established works of the Renaissance artist.

Its size is 174 x 195 cm and the material used was marble.

This work exhibits the figure of Virgem Maria carrying her arms or body of Christ with her life.

It is a sculpture that impresses because it represents two realistic bodies and clothes, as well as important meanings for Christianity as well as the sanctification of motherhood.

This work is found in the Vatican City, in the Basilica of São Pedro.

Sacred art no Brazil

No Brazil, sacred art has been present since the colonial period. The baroque and rococo styles are the ones that stand out the most in this sense.

The artist Antônio Francisco Lisboa, a boy from Aleijadinho (1730-1814), is the most well-known of the period.

The characteristics of this work are based on simplicity, a dynamic way of representing biblical dinners and their own style of working with cores.

sacred art aleijadinho
Passos da Paixão, work located in Santuário do Bom Jesus de Matosinhos, in Minas Gerais

His works consist of sculptures in wood and stone blocks, apart from facades and church altars.

Na painting, highlight or artist Manoel da Costa Athaide (1762-1830). He carried out various works, one of the two most significant ones found, not all of the Igreja da Ordem Terceira de São Francisco de Assis da Penitência, the city of Ouro Preto, in Minas Gerais, and was painted at the beginning of the secular XIX

sacred art no brazil
Teto da Igreja de São Frascisco, Ouro Preto (MG), painted by Manoel da Costa Athaíde no commeço do seculo XIX

No Brazil has a museum specialized in sacred art, or Sacred Art Museum, located in the city of São Paulo. Founded in 1970, the institution has a varied collection, being some of the most significant in Latin America.

You can also be interested in:

  • Byzantine Art
  • Gothic art
  • Afrescos da Capela Sistina
  • Or what is romantic art? 6 works to understand or style

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