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Édipo Rei, by Sophocles: summary, analysis and principais personagens

A grega tragedy Edipo Rei It was written by Sophocles and is the two most revisited myths of Classical Antiquity. Or intellectual Aristotle considered a peça Edipo Rei as a major tragedy of the Greek theater.

I summarize

Or protagonist Édipo is condemned to death when he was still a baby. O seu pai de him, or rei Laio, had come from an oracle of Delphi that either filho some day or would kill and marry my own, Rainha Jocasta. Disturbed with the revelation, or king julgou that a melhor solution would be to kill or menino before the prophecy was realized.

After making a decision, a shepherd has been summoned by royal hair to raise Édipo, who would have you tied down and would be left hanging, no tree, no mount Citerão, at which to be attacked by the fears. It hurts, or the pastor disobeys the orders of the baby or the baby at home. Because he is very poor, the family of camponês cannot meet the conditions to raise Édipo and finish or doando.

Either baby will finally stop at the hands of Polybius, or the king of Corinth, who comes to treat him as his own. The raptor grows and receives a disturbing revelation that he has been adored.

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Upset with the news, Édipo sai dejected. On occasion he found a cross-hatched as a biological father (which he did not know) and as some other companions. Furious, he fears raiva and ends up killing those people. That is the way that the first part of the prophecy is fulfilled: either filho kills or own country.

When he came to Thebes, to his native city, Édipus stands as a sphinx who proposes a challenge that has never been solved:

What creature pela manhã has four pés, ao half-day at two, and at afternoon time three?

Édipo is the only one to unravel or enigma. In response to what the sphinx was or was human, who engatinha with "four pés" when he is baby, he walks About two when he is an adult and reaches three legs when he grows thick (as two as he runs more to Bengal).

Due to the resolution of the question placed by the sphinx, Édipus is considered a hero and declared or new king of Thebes, marrying himself as his own and concretizing the second part of the prophecy. Together, Édipo and Jocasta chegam a ter quatro filhos (duas filhas e dois filhos).

When he consults an oracle, Édipus realizes that his destiny was realized.

Oh! Ai de mim! Tudo is clear! Oh light, that eu veja you pela derradeira once! Everyone knows: everything was interdicted to me: to be a filho de quem sou, marry-me how to burn me casei and eu matei quem eu noia kill!

Desperate, he starts the orbits of two of his own crimes and affirms that he does not want to be a testament to his own misfortune of two own crimes.

A wife / ma, for the time, Rainha Jocasta, commits suicide.


Uma coisa easy to say, as to ouvir: Jocasta, nossa rainha, já não vive!


Oh! How unhappy! What was it because of his death?


Ela resolved to kill-se ...

Meaning of the name Édipus

Édipo means "or of puffed feet". Or I was not compatible with history, because I had even had my feet pierced to be hung up as a tree. The original idea was that you feras or devoursem.



Or protagonist of history. He is condemned to death após or pai, or rei Laio, ouvir of the oracle of Delphi that or filho would kill or pai and marry me.

Rei Laio

King of Thebes, Laio is married to Jocasta, as a father or father Édipo.

Rainha jocasta

Mãe biológica de Édipo, she loses or contato as filho (who proves to be dead). She is the widow of Laio, who was assassinated by his own filho. She ends up marrying with Édipo and with the four filhos.


Receive the orders of King Laio to leave or go to the forest on your own. He fica with pain for the baby or for going home


King of Corinth, he worships or babies Édipus and or raises as fosse seu filho of him.


Metade mulher, metade leão, a sphinx proposed a challenge that no one can unravel. When Édipo succeeds in equação, he becomes wounded and receives rainha Jocasta as a prize.

History of the breeding of peça

A first appearance of the peça Edipo Rei Foi em Athens, capital of Greece. I know that the text had been prepared for a contest, not so much, for Sophocles' first work I was only in second place, I have been defeated by a drama do, I just know, author Philokles.


Born in Athens, capital of Greece, Sophocles (495 BC. C. - 406 a. C.) was an important intellectual and author of plays. Or writer also atuou as ator. Sophocles saved more than 120 peças, but it is estimated that only seven tenham survived in full.

Provavelmente Edipo Rei é o seu work more conhecido of him, embora also seja gives his authorship of him peças important as Antigone, Ajax and Electra. Sophocles participated in the lifetime of thirty theater peças contests, two won twenty and four. Or author you have, therefore, a carreira as a very celebrated playwright.

Sophocles bust

Complex of Edipus, Freud

Freud used the Greek tragedy to illustrate his newly-raised psychoanalytic theory.

In 1897, a letter that I wrote to Fliess, Freud made clear his intention to use some of his medical studies. Not so much, as I am more uptight, or as a psychoanalyst, I only write a single job, more than twenty years ago. It's about A Dissolução do Complexo de Édipo, published in 1924.

Or work found-met na coletânea O ego e o ID e other works (1923-1925). In a very synthetic way, according to the psycheanalysis, Complex of Édipo is a nomenclature that

It designates the psychological phenomenon resulting from the emotional behavior of the filho-mãe-pai triangle. An interrelation of three constants from their origin to a series of various phenomena that are grouped under a generic name "complex of edipo

Or aveso (a relationship between mães e filhos) is called Complexo de Electra. Find out more about or thinker lendo or artigo Freud e a psychanalise, as principais ideias.

Leia na whole Edipo Rei

Leia a grega tragedy Edipo Rei In full in PDF format and in Portuguese.

Oedipus Re, or film by Pasolini

The film written and directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini was released in Italy on September 7, 1967. O cast conta com Silvana Mangano not the role of Jocasta, Franco Citti not the role of Édipo, Luciano Bartoli not the role of Laio and Ahmed Belhachmi not the role of Polibo.

Or longa-metragem Oedipus Re belongs to the known Mythical Cycle of director Pasolini, which also included films Theorem, Porcile e Medéia e a Feiticeira do Amor.

Oedipus Re

Conheça also

  • Ancient Greek Art
  • TOuto da Barca do Inferno, by Gil Vicente
  • Romeu e Julieta, by William Shakespeare
  • Livro O Crime do Padre Amaro de Eça de Queirós
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