Mãe! (2017): explicação do film
Mãe! (Mother!, not original) is a thriller and psychological horror film, directed by North American Darren Aronofsky and released in September 2017.
O entanglement tells the story of a poet and his wife who inhabits a house that was rebuilt from a fire. Or a calm climate ends suddenly, eaten by an unexpected guest.
Attention: from this point on, you will find spoilers!
Interpretações principais e explicação do film
Mãe! provocou reações quite different not public: one part two spectators were intrigued as mystery, a outra teceu fortes critiques ao longa-metragem.
With an accelerated rhythm, confusing symbols and metaphors that overlap, or a film of several quests not to be, I open space for many dúvidas about what we saw.
Embora Aronofsky has provided several tracks That helps us to accompany the narrative, all of them are easy to understand. Tudo becomes even more complex when we realize that here a reality can be mixed as a dream or a hallucination.
O Poet é Deus e a casa é o Paraíso
A history comes as a house that is burning. Suddenly, next to a home, he places a glass on top of a shelf and everything is restored. This gesture, which is asserted to a miracle, makes it evident from the beginning that we are in some form of supernatural power.
Or dono da casa, designated as or Poet, spends the days tempting to save on how much his wife dedicates to reform every detail of the premises.
Always behaving like a distant husband, he is looking for inspiration and his only goal is raise.
![Poet observes tudo from the top](/f/e6e36e56a73af7a2d5a997b16964cf48.jpg)
A quiet and silent life is altered as the check of a guest and, later, gives his wife and two serious filhos. Or space, which can be identified as or Paradise, receive or your first human being: Adão.
Logo depois chega Eva e os filhos de ella, Abel e Caim. Even after being expelled from Paradise, home will be occupied by more and more people, who affirm themselves as followers or followers of the Poet. Ele, on the other hand, seems to be a metaphorical representation of Deus, that hardly matters how to breed and love two humans.
![Casal e os seus followers](/f/d0dd3598fa0fb90fba706d1462b6319b.jpg)
Na manhã Seguinte à concepção, the protagonist agrees knowing that she is pregnant: or baby that she carrega é Jesus. Going on to represent Virgem Maria, she tries to save or save the end, fleeing from the incontáveis ameaças that arise.
Perant dinners each time more brutal and shocking, which symbolized decline of humanity, at home I will be predated and a woman needs to hide to give birth.
Despite all her efforts, she ended up attending sacrifice do filho, which aims to relieve humans of two serious sins.
![Incêndio no final do film](/f/6ff9534e2b5093948ae168b6a8bc5beb.jpg)
Enraged, I descended into the garage and caused an explosion that destroyed the entire house. Or Poet, no entanto, I have not shaved pelas chamas. Caring for a wife, dying, we braços, it is fala that he will lift-I tied her to or eat
There, the heart starts or the heart of the woman, inside, you will find a crystal. He declares, then, that she needs to "tempt de novo". Placing the glass not the same place as before, everything will be restored. Com isso, we can believe that this Deus lives in prison num cycleof breeding and destruction gives humanity.
Exploration and destruction of Mãe Terra
Além dessa religious leitura, or film also contains an important message about ecology e a conservation of our planet.
In various moments of the narrative, we perceive that there is a special bond between the protagonist and home, as is a fosse to the extension of the other. Isso becomes noticeable whenever she touches the walls, feeling her pulsation.
![Film Mãe: parede](/f/2c716bdef914d84226118d977cffa40a.jpg)
Nessas passagens, and suggested that at home tem a heart beat, is alive, functioning as um symbol for our planet. Initially, or space and organized, beautiful and harmonious. Little years, I am checking more and more people, who begin to invade all the songs.
Poet's wife became gradually more desperate, tempting to stop you from vandalism and shouting that "I am destroying the house." Or space is going to be looted and the population is going to transform our religious cult.
Suddenly, like a "parade of horrors", the protagonist begins to cross with journalists and photographers, macabre rituals, brigades. More to the front, as coisas pioram ainda more: police invasions, shootings, executions, human trafficking.
![Stain of sangue no chão da casa](/f/49658e2c497659bd5330c000fae4af0c.jpg)
In a terrifying way, the viewer will be confronted with what has happened current reality. Depois da first morte that ocorreu not local, or chão ficou with a stain of blood that insisted on reappearing.
As ações daqueles indivídudos, a "ferida" is increasing, as is the local estivesse being bruised with all that violence. A house bleeding would be, then, a way to illustrate in a brutal way how we, human beings, are treated or where we are born.
Also not by chance that it was destroyed by a big explosion: it is a reflection on a climate crisis, or planet burning by consequence two atos of humanity.
The theory was confirmed by Darren Aronofsky in an interview:
A allegoria é: here are those incredible and infinite resources that we are given and we abuse all of them. We do not follow or that we learn na creche about cleaning the bagunça that we face. We are nurturing empathy with Mãe Natureza, feeling her love and her anger.
Themes and symbols present do not film Mãe!
São incontáveis as Biblical references That chamam a atenção e apontam, at all or tempo, for a religious interpretation of the film. However, there are also symbols that use our senses and that we never understand internally.
Na true, perhaps or more interesting aspect of the longa-metragem seja or way as the deixa or spectator thinking, putting together the puzzle pieces. Pelo caminho, we are led to reflect on various questões related to our society and the world in which we live.
Portrait of a selfish um Deus
Presented in the form of a writer, this Deus lives estranged from his wife and from his own home. From or começo, she agrees sozinha not a heavenly place and fica trying or Poet in all you comfortable.
When he returns, he does not give many explanations, claiming only that he was looking for inspiration to get rid of him. I noticed that this breeder only pays attention to or work, I shake in a cold and indifferent way as a parceira.
![The protagonist agrees sozinha at home](/f/ebf4187c601ed8aa665b833fc5f14a64.jpg)
When he narrates his story, or Poet tells that he lost all fire, but found forces to start de novo. Depois disso, he met mulher, who went on to restore the house inteira sozinha, enquanto ele tentava escrever.
Likewise, or husband age as she does not appreciate or what the face or her behavior of her is arrogant and self-centered. It is curious to note that, here, the conduta da divindade is quite human, ou seja, full of faults and defects.
![Deus e a Virgem Maria](/f/6a6ab194137113858fbb0bb1491b809c.jpg)
Delightful for the attention that receives two serious guests, he goes ignoring the appeals of the woman, who nervously fica with the check of the visits. Despite the wife's discomfort, she misses what she can do or what time she wants.
The protagonist panics and sees her being destroyed because the Poet declared that everything was "to partilhar" and "from all over the world." Enquanto isso, or husband to barter hair love gives multidão that, second ele, "never is enough."
Até depois do assassinato do filho nas mãos dos humans, or Poet continues to lose the seus atos, neglecting dor da Mãe, in the name of two beings that he created.
Adão, Eva e o prohibited fruit
It is possible for us to identify the first homem na dinner where we see vomiting no banheiro. It is about Adão: when we see his thoracic caixa arose when Deus retired to his cost it to raise mulher.
Na manhã Seguinte, Eva enters the door, and you two seem extremely happy and dull. Or chaotic and convivial behavior, always asking uncomfortable questions that disturb the apparent peace.
Or unwritten saved glass of the Poet would be, then, or forbidden fruit not which no one can touch. Contudo, despite two notices that she receives, Eva does not respect regra and ends up breaking or object in a thousand pieces.
That is how Adão and Eva woke up to the fury of Deus, who locks or writes com tabuas and orders that both leave their house, ou seja, são expelled from Paradise.
Caim, Abel e o dilúvio
Depois do ato de disobediência, second and narrated not Genesis, Adão e Eva tiveram dois filhos: Caim e Abel. Eles surgem does not film, represented hairs of two visitors, a moment that alters or rhythm of the rest of the narrative.
Suddenly, at the Poet's house and invaded the hairs of two young people, who brigam because of a testament and revealed to compete for the affection of two countries. Numa dinner frenzy, Caim kill or irmão by ciúmes, performing or first assassination of humanity.
![Abel and Caim](/f/bd4380f150c1fcad9ff11d7efb3e9224.jpg)
Or episode deixa uma brand After their lives and a trauma to the protagonist, symbolized by the stain of sangue no chão. From day to day, not to watch, individuals begin to behave in a gradually better way. Or event turns a festa, where people drink, break objects and geram or chaos by where passam.
When a woman insists on sitting down on a bank of cozinha, which ends up going bankrupt, the festival ends suddenly with a flood. This is a reference to Flood caused by Deus, when the perversity of the human being is perceived:
Disse or Senhor: "Farei will disappear from the face of the land or homem that I created, you homens and you are also encouraged, big and small, and as birds of the eye. Arrependo-me de havê-los feito ".
Birth of Jesus Christ
Depois da inundação, o local fica desert e o casal ends up brigade, enquanto o Poet justifies that the guests were “celebrating life”. Na mesma noite, they face peace and wrap themselves up. Na manhã Seguinte, like the sun beating na janela, she declares: “I am pregnant”.
Nesta part, or film is altered: the people are happy, everything becomes calm and light. As you houvesse um jump no tempo, the belly of the wife is still big and or Poet finished or seu livro.
Logo, she despairs, realizing that she is going to lose her husband. Home and invaded de novo, by a multidão that does not stop increasing. Gravid, she precise run away and hide To give birth to Jesus, I don't give up all the confusion.
Or Poeta ends up sweeping a doorway and barely observes when Mãe is placed or filho no mundo, totally sozinha. She begs for irem embora dali, but the invaders are leaving present for him and insisting on knowing him.
Despite two efforts of her, Mãe não manages to protect her filho da multidão, who either faces as or savior who will bring redemption two serious sins.
Assim, she is obliged to assist the death of the filho, which is devoured, as well as Maria viu or Calvário de Jesus. No end of tudo, Deus ainda finishes faking that she need to perdoar to barbarie.
Or what was it or did I love it?
Everyone was curious about this strange remedy that the protagonist always took whenever she had symptoms of anxiety and panic.
For the viewer, it is evident that she suffers from some disturbance in her mental health, but we cannot perceive that she is shaved. When she discovers that she is pregnant, she suspends or uses medication, or that she may deteriorate or her mental condition.
![Remédio amarelo](/f/4e605fa6ad2afe03aea457439c3b1027.jpg)
Not so much, or the bottle that contained the substance did not have a label, or that leads us to conclude that it is not a medical prescription. It is possible, therefore, that this be a natural product, made from plants or roots.
Some theories apontam that it is about Kava-kava, a folha that is used to fight or stress. However, it could also be something capable of altering your perception of reality. In this way, what we attend becomes even less reliable, since it depends on the protagonist.
O sofrimento da Mãe
Outra hypothesize that or remedy will love it to be a reference to or counted Or Parede Amarelo's Paper (1892), by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
A narrative, considered a precursor work of feminist literature, lies about a woman who enlouches blocked number quarto, for being downtrodden hair husband. Na verdade, we think bem, we see the protagonist always walking home, but he is the only one who is not local.
Embora made it clear that she did not want to receive you guests, so her words about her are ignored and her words about her have no meaning whatsoever. Always lonely and despised, she continues in silence: packing, cozinhando and serving everyone.
![Mãe during or delivery](/f/5bed37ed43d0eccd8c6ed3c2e5731019.jpg)
You must attend a violent crime, all part of the hospital and the plea not to go back. Likewise, her requests do not serve any purpose, as it remains not local and clean or sangue do chão.
I know her husband is "or Poet", this woman, for the time, has no title. She is just "home", something she listens to in her last moments of life. Assim, or film também is configured as a grotesque and allegorical portrait of patriarchal society.
As a woman, my wife and mother, he is the one who takes care of everyone, but her efforts seem to be invisible and never appreciated.
No final speech, she expresses her feelings about a unilateral relationship that emanates all of her energies:
You never loved me. Você só amava or quanto eu amava você. Eu dei tudo e você jogou fora.
When I die and my heart is transformed into a crystal, this mulher becomes an object, literally. Thanks to your love, care and emotional work for the power, once again, be upright.
I do not laugh at the Poet, there is no great remorse. Na next dinner, we see another young man remembering her bed. Isso leads us to conclude that it is a cyclical behavior, not qual as mulheres são explored bound to or limit e replaced em followed.
Film technical data sheet
Qualification | Mãe! (No brazil) |
Year of production | 2017 |
Directed by | Darren aronofsky |
Launching | September 13, 2017 (World) September 21, 2017 (not Brazil) |
Duration | 121 minutes |
Classification | Not recommended for children under 16 years of age |
Gender | Drama |
Countries of origin | United States of America |
Main cast | Jennifer Lawrence Javier Bardem Ed harris Michelle pfeiffer |
Take the opportunity to also confer:
- Melhores suspense films
- Black Swan Film
- Melhores horror films
- Filme Hereditário: explanation
- Midsommar: explanation and analysis of the film
- Nós (Us): explanation and analysis of the film
- Coringa: analysis and explanation of the film
- American Psychopath Film
- Parasita film
- Film O Poço