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Funny Mind: summary, analysis and lições do film

Launched in 2015, a animação Funny Mind (not genuine Inside out) I had as the protagonist Menina Riley, who is forced to move from city to country.

We accompany or her process of adaptation of her to new life and we assist as five emotions (Alegria, Sadness, Medo, Raiva and Nojinho) regem or her behavior of her. Through playful personagens we observe Riley's brain function and how she behaves socially.

Funny Mind It deals with a complex subject (a machine of our thought) from a singela and didactic approach. Not by chance, or longa-metragem received the most important prêmios de melhor filme de animação (Oscar, BAFTA and Globo de Ouro).

Riley's thought command room.

[beware, or text below with spoilers]

I summarize

Riley discovers that she will move from Minnesota to São Francisco because of her work. I am 11 years old when she realizes that she will go through this complicated transition.

Riley will face both changes: an external (city) and internal (or the infant phase for entering adolescence).

A long year of the film we accompany or develop the menina from the moment that the sai da belly gives me. Assim that a small baby is safe, we do not see the birth of her first feeling, Alegria.

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Logo to follow, precisely 33 seconds after, appears or Medo e a Tristeza, other sentiments that accompany you during or after your course. Later she will join Raiva and Nojinho, another two affections that will dispute or control the command room.

Riley's thinking command room with Alegria, Sadness, Medo, or Raiva and or Nojinho.
Riley's thinking command room with Alegria, Sadness, Medo, or Raiva and or Nojinho.

We attend not only that it happens not day-to-day from Garota as well as in what way these feelings are being processed. Riley is obliged to leave for after or after hockey time (the Feras do Gelo), the friends at home that she both gostava. Your day-to-day goes through a substantial change.

It is not a question here of demonizing or attaining a specific feeling, all of which are important for the maintenance of mental health for men. We quickly perceive as or Medo, for example, it is essential to guarantee the security of children.

Each memory base is organized to shape a Riley personality look. Na menina várias ilhas coexistem: a Ilha da bobeira, da amizade, da honestidade, da family ...

Riley like this.
Riley like this.

Through animation, in a metaphorical way, we understand how we give or our internal functioning: or trem do thought, or memory deposit, as complementary emotions that are reversed over the course of several phases of lifetime.

We attend to Riley a little bit of what goes on inside every one of us, or we will observe little Garotinha, let us perceive how we also regress the challenging situations that we go through. daily.

Relembre the melhores moments of the film:

Funny Mind - Melhores Moments


Or two person format

Each essential emotion of Funny Mind Possibly a specific desire that is directly related to the feeling it represents.

Alegria, for example, has a body shape that makes us feel like a star. O Medo, for the time being, fear the contours of a nervo e e roxo. Nojinho and inteiramente verde e reminds us of a broccolis (food that Riley does not appreciate). A Raiva is like a tijolo: rectangular, vermelho and heavy. Sadness has a drop outline, like a tear, and is blue.

Each emotion has a specific format.
Each emotion has a specific format.

Lições do film

We will attend animation we notice how no sentiments bons e ruins exist, all the feelings are necessary for our development psychic.

All the feelings are important

Contrary to the fact that we created a contemporary society, sadness is essential to our lives.

O nojo também é important, because in a certain way it protects us. O medo also should not be despised because we keep us safe.

To the importance of memories

We learn from Riley's brain observation how external events impact us internally and how our personality is intrinsically related to our memories.

We are what we live e as memories are going to be filled with feelings.

A memory and a metaphor of spheres.
A memory and a metaphor of spheres.

A memory has been extinguished for a few years and the metaphor of the spheres that is disappearing and needs to be portrayed or that passes through our minds.

We are not able to frame everything here we live, by isso as reminders are gradually being turned off.

Move is precise

The film addresses how to move is an imperative of life: how to pass the tempo we need to change and we are frequently placed in prova.

Many times you are accommodated in our comfort zone, we like to oil the moves that impose us on life, more to It is true that we are constantly pushed for new situations as we do not know initially how lidar.

Funny mind she teaches us that adapt to new realities and preciseIt still seems a difficult move in the beginning.

As crises are important for growth

Riley has long since gone through a series of crises and difficult moments where her feelings are tested.

Frustração, raiva, injustiça - as crises represent a turbulence of affections as we do not know how to deal with. In fact, these moments are essential for the growth of the protagonist - and also for our individual growth.

Crises are opportunities to face the world in another way e to rediscover ourselves.

A film for adults and children

Despite at first it seems like a film directed for children, Funny Mind Fala both for adults and for children because it is built from multiple layers of interpretation.

O longa-metragem allows the brain to be understood or functioning in everyday situations. Through illustrative examples we can see how we deal with day-to-day circumstances and how external events are processed internally.

O roteiro do film was built with supervision of psychologists and neurologists We will try to adapt the complex explanations on brain function for the most common years.

Regardless of knowing how we function inside

Either film helps us understand or our brain function and face how we are capable of lidar melhor as nossos sentimentos.

A Alegria e a Tristeza assistem together a memory.
A Alegria e a Tristeza assistem together a memory.

Funny Mind Call your attention to analyze the situations in a different way and we will be more alert for the connections that we face. It is not rare for us to attend or to reflect on what will be in the command room and what will be the feelings involved in the interactions that we have.

Ao we are aware of how the body process or what was lived, we understand how our emotional conflicts are We respect our internal limitations and the same time that we can escort challenge the.

The film also teaches us the importance of oiling negative experiences because they are essential for the formation of our character.

Personagens principais



Riley is the protagonist of the film, we accompany or see her growth since the day of her birth I attached to her pre-adolescence. A garota is like any North American girl: she felt sad, anguish, insecure and anxious. She is learning to cope as her own body and who is at her turn.

We assist or function of Riley's brain and from which we manage to understand or function of the five basic emotions: a Joy, a Sadness, or Medo, a Raiva and or Nojinho.



Assim that Riley opens or once again the belly of his mother appears to Alegria, one of the main emotions of the command center of the brain of men. Ao ouvir a voz do pai and face expressão da mãe, Alegria - which tem or corpo as a star format - appears immediately faze Riley sorrir.

Alegria is present in all the happy moments of life of garota and its central role is not to be of her.



A Sadness is an essential feeling for Riley and fundamental to the maturity of men. Ao faced with unexpected situations - like a sudden change of city - Riley felt depressed, sozinha, and sadness ganha forced. Physically or bodily personagem item or outline of a blue drop.

Um two teachings of Funny Mind It is precisely due to sadness, which is usually left aside whenever possible in a contemporary society.



O Medo is responsible for many reactions of rejection from Riley, when he enters a minor issue or impulse to escape from the situation in which he finds himself or more quickly possible.

Although we tend to belittle and diminish the maximum or average, it ends up being proven as an essential sentiment for the protection of the individual.



Baixinho, vermelho, with many teeth and engraved, that is the representation of Raiva de Riley. When things do not happen according to or expected, Raiva enters the room and dominates the thinking command room.

In various key situations, we see menina being rendered in a raiva, or feeling begins to ficate especially powerful when Riley grows up and enters pre-adolescent.



As situations in which Nojinho most appears envelop in reference, especially when there is no broccoli (Nojinho, aliás, is conceived as a cor e or format of a broccoli).

Ao less alert than Nojinho, Riley immediately takes to the edge of a circumstance that provokes him rejection.

Technical sheet e trailer

Director Pete Docter (director) and Ronnie Del Carmen (co-director)
Roteirists Pete Docter, Meg LeFauve and Josh Cooley
Launching Jun 8, 2015
Duration 1h 35min

Oscar de Melhor Filme de Animação 2016

BAFTA of Melhor Filme de Animação 2016

Globe of Ouro de Melhor Filme de Animação 2016

Funny Mind Official Trailer Dublado

Ouça a trilha sonora de Funny Mind no Spotify

Funny Mind - trilha sonora

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