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Lupicínio Rodrigues: music and biography

Lupicínio Rodrigues (1914-1974) was a great Brazilian singer, singer and composer. His romantic songs dedicated to poorly resolved loves are voiced by those who suffer from betrayals and abandonments.

Lupicínio sofreu as bitterness two rejeitales and criou sentimental lyrics sung not only by him as also by great performers such as Elis Regina, Elza Soares, Marisa Monte, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa and Paulinho da Viola.

Biography of Lupicínio Rodrigues

Lupicínio Rodrigues was born on September 16, 1914, on the Bairro da Ilhota, in Porto Alegre. O menino was filho do casal Francisco Rodrigues (civil servant of the Escola de Comércio) and Abigail. A dupla teve dezoito filhos.

Or rapacious became a reference of Brazilian popular music not the beginning of the 20th century and two major names of samba-song. Despite having started singing, the logo became a composer.


During school life, Lupicínio frequentou or Colégio São Sebastião da Congregação dos Irmãos Maristas. So he came to contact me with music.

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Because he came from a humble family, he needed to start working and was enrolled as an apprentice for twelve years at Companhia Carris Portoalegrense (administrator of bondes).

A bohemian life of Lupicínio Rodrigues

Boêmio, huddled by night life, or frequent raptor or bar of seu Berlamino, in his region, and, later in the afternoon, he became the home of a series of bars and restaurants in his native city.

Or pai de Lupicínio, concerned as he looks artistic and boêmia do filho, or enrolled in Army and 16 years old or rapacious virou soldier of 7º Batalhão de Caçadores de Porto Alegre.

Two years later he turned out having been transferred to another city (Santa Maria). Lupicínio lived in military life in 1935 when he got a job as a janitor at the Direito faculty.

Or descolar da carreira

O singer ganhou fama maior quando compôs, as Alcides Gonçalves, um samba chamado Sad story, on the occasion of the centenary of the Farroupilha revolution (in 1935). A music event occurs and wins the contest of Rádio Farroupilha.

With the visibility reached, Lupicínio continued to bring up the birth of a series of music among them. I know by chance you chegasse (1938), Quem ha de dizer (1948), Cadeira vazia (1950) e Punishment (1953).

His music from him falavam de disagreements between lovers, cases of betrayal and abandonment, solidão and vingança. Or romantic sentimentality that he portrayed as an inspiration to his own life: Lupicínio foi apaixonado For Iná, a young man from whom he fled noivo, more than in 1939 he broke up as a rapacious due to his incurred life boemia.

Or love futebol hair

Gremista doente and beaten by futebol, Lupicínio was the author of the official Grêmio.

To the importance of carnival

Not only a composer of romantic music, or a breeder who was also the author of a series of carnival marches. Lupicínio deu os seus first steps no mundo da music including composing songs for the carnival blocos da sua região.

In 1935 he escreveu uma marchinha chamada Carnival for the carnival cordão Prediletos and win a local contest.

Lupicínio colunista de jornal

For two years (1963 and 1964), apart from composing and singing, Lupicínio saved every week a column for the Last Hour day.

Moving to Rio de Janeiro

In 1939, Lupicínio decided to move to Rio de Janeiro, where he lived in the bars of Lapa.

Vivendo no berço da boemia, he met a series of friends who wanted to sing his songs, helping to disseminate his work

Pause na carreira

In 1947 Lupicínio took up residence, for health reasons, in the position he held at the Porto Alegre School of Management.

In the 1950s and 1960s, little was known about the artist, who was not ostracized and remained in the shadows during a period marked especially by bossa nova.

Founder of Sbacem

Poucos know the political facet and beguiled by the artist. Lupicínio was founder of the Brazilian Society of Authors, Composers and Writers of Music (Sbacem), raised on April 9, 1946.

Besides the founder, Lupicínio was also representative of the Institution.

Pessoal life

Lupicínio Rodrigues was married to Juraci, who died. Com ela teve uma filha chamada Tereza.

In 1949 he married a gaúcha Cerenita Quevedo Azevejo, as a woman who was filho (Lupicínio Rodrigues Filho).

To the death of the artist

The singer and composer died on August 27, 1974 in his native city (Porto Alegre).

Main musics of Lupicínio Rodrigues


Adriana Calcanhotto - Vingança (Ao Vivo)

Pray to Lenda that Lupicínio was beaten by a lover named Mercedes. She had been tempted to have a case as a composer official who would have been told all over to the chef. Ciente da situation, Lupicínio finished the relationship.

Um tempo depois, during the carnival, your friends will find Mercedes in a bar and, as we did not know about the break, asked by Lupicínio. A young man, then, he began to choir and, knowing some fate of some tempo depois, or composer criou a song.

I spent so much, so much when you told me
That he will find eating and drinking at a bar table
And what when friends do peito for me perguntaram
Um soluço cutou her voice, no lhe deixou falar

Recorded in 1951 by Linda Batista, Vingança Virou um two major events of the career of the composer, it is clear that at the time a series of suicides chegaram to be committed motivated by therilha sonora dor de cotovelo.

No year after Linda Batista's tax was Lupicínio's own taxing her child. Later, other great names will sing verses like Adriana Calcanhotto, Elza Soares and Jamelão.



A history of Never She is also linked to the namorada Mercedes (known as Carioca).

Dissatisfied by the lost Lupicínio, a moça ainda tentou a series of times reatar a relação. Determined, or criou composer Never e deu um final point not related.

When people lose their illusion
I must bury or heart
As eu sepultei

Em 1952 Lupicínio Rodrigues gravou Never, which later was sung by Dircinha and Linda Batista, Zizi Possi and Fagner.

Esses moços (Poor moços)

Esses Moços (Poor Moços)

There are rumors that the song was written for two great friends of the composer, Hamilton Chaves.

Hamilton was 22 years old when he decided to get married. Lupicínio, for the mild time, achava that either he was very young to get married or married and escreveu Esses moços (Poor moços) in homage to the situation.

It is julgam that there is a beautiful future
Only love in this life led
Saibam that deixam or ceu for being dark
E vão ao inferno à seek light
You also love us, beautiful days
Essa mania e muito custou me
Pois only the magic that I swallow on this day
And these rugas or love left me

In 1948 Francisco Alves launched a song Esses moços (Poor moços), what logo fez successso. A music foi trilha sonora do film A star over (by filmmaker Bruno Barreto).

Music was also sung by Fábio Júnior, by Gilberto Gil (not disco Lupicínio Rodrigues - 100 Years) and by Gal Costa (in 2015 no show Gal Canta Lupicínio).


Felicidade - Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano

Or xote-baião Happiness It is provavelmente or major succession of the career of Lupicínio Rodrigues and or project for the Brazilian interior.

Deeply sentimental, to the letter of a complicated moment in the life of the eu-lyrical that is remembered gives joy of outrora and it is seen not present magician and isolated.

Felicidade foi-se embora
E a saudade no meu peito ainda mora
And that's why I liked the fora
Because I know that a falsity is not vigora

In 1947 or Quarteto Quitandinha gravou pela first time Happiness. A music was eternalized by Caetano Veloso in 1974 no LP Summer season I live in Bahia.

Em 2010 Happiness teve uma nova version recorded by Dominguinhos and Yamandu Costa no disco B side.


  • Roteiro by um boêmio (1956)
  • Dor de cotovelo (1973)
  • Lupicínio Rodrigues (1974)
  • Tribute to Lupicínio Rodrigues (1978)

Ouça Lupicínio Rodrigues no Spotify

Relembre the greatest events of Lupicínio Rodrigues to the list that we prepare not Spotify!

O melhor by Lupicínio Rodrigues

Conheça also

  • Caetano Veloso: music and biography
  • How about discovering Bossa Nova?
  • The great successes of two Novos Baianos
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