Phrase O homem é um political animal
For Aristotle (384 - 322 a. C.), author of the phrase and um two greatest Greek philosophers, or homem and a social subject that, by nature, needs to belong to a community.
We are, therefore, community animais, gregários, sociais e solidários. And, as we fear or dom da linguagem, we are also political beings, capable of thinking and realizing or common.
Or what does "o homem é um political animal" mean?
I do not book IX of work Ethics to Nicômaco, Aristóteles cameça praising a friend of community life.
O philosopher part of the presumption that we all need to live in society and the logo leads to the following conclusion:
no less stranger it would be to do homem happy um solitary, but there is no escort to the world inside on the condition of the nursery, ha what or homeme um be political and is in his nature or living in society. By isso, same or homem bom viverá em companhia de outros, seen as having the same things that are boas by nature (Aristotle, 1973, IX, 9, 1169 b 18/20)
Second or thinker, a social part is essential for human species, and
happiness is intimately linked to convivência as other homens.Sociedade e homem mantém, portanto, relações indissociáveis: o homem precise da company e a sociedade precisi do homem.
A conception of what or homeme a political animal in Aristotle has two acceptances. Na first delas we can interpret that, for the thinker, to say that or homem é um political animal means that we are beings that we need a collective, gives community life, of a partilhada life na cops.
However, other species also depend on their social organization to survive, like this or the case of forms.
A linguagem importance
On the other hand, to affirm that o homeme is a political animal, Aristotle also argues that o human being is or only to be with discursive capacities.
Dono da palavra (logos), or he is capable of, through a complex language, transmitting to other homes what he thinks to achieve common goals.
Second or philosopher:
A reason pela qual o homeme e a political animal in grau higher than as abelhas ou qualquer another animal, e clear: a nature, as dissemos, not face at all in vão, e or homeme or the only animal that has a word (logos); —A voice (phone) expresses a dor e or prazer, and you are also encouraged to do so, because its nature is attached to it— a possibility of feeling dor e or prazer and express them among themselves. A word, porém, is destined to manifest or useful and or harmful and, consequently, or fair and or unfair. This is the characteristic of home with two other animais: - having, only, the sense of being bad, fair and unfair, etc. It is a community of dessas coisas that faces a family and a city. (Aristotle, 1982, I, 2, 1253 a, 7-12).
Or what is politics for Aristotle?
or homeme by nature a political animal (Aristotle, 1982, I, 2, 1253 a 2 and III, 6, 1278 b, 20).
To politics (not grego ta politika) was exercised na cops - an organized society - hairs cidadãos. Those who were considered citizens (politai) tinham we will be direct and deveres, fazendo vigorar or principle does not matter.
Not so much, it is convenient to highlight that we are all who lived na cops They were considered citizens. They were excluded from this group as women, as foreigners, as slaves, as workers and as children, for example.
The workers are excluded because, according to Aristotle, a job occupation prevents them from contemplating a life based on leisure. These duas will be essential conditions to be made available for political exercise.

TO cops e a politics in Aristotle
Aristotle discusses ao long gives his work a lot on a cops, that em grego wanted to dizer city. TO cops Nothing more than that an organized society composes by cities, a political community.
Convém sublinhar that, at the time when Aristotle, being a city was not a transversal concept that could be used to identify all those who live in cities. Mulheres, crianças, estrangeiros e escravos, for example, despite living in cops, They were not considered free cities.
As feras e os deuses: those who do not live in society
Aristotle appoints just two excesses to the upper and lower regra - uma - or to dissert on the need for home to organize in the community.
In agreement as a thinker, the only two groups that achieve life in society são those degraded (as you are encouraged, the lower ones, who are below two homens) and you deuses (the higher ones, who are above two homens).
By pulling these two groups, Aristotle sublimates the necessity of all of us to live in collective life.
Conheça also
- Livro Apologia de Sócrates, by Platão
- Livro O Banquete, from Platão
- Aristotle: life and principal works
- Mito da Caverna, from Platão